Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 751 The people behind

The gossip was all secretly said after Gao Feng left. They didn't have the guts to say it in front of Gao Feng. At this moment, sharp eyes saw a new person coming over. He was a man in black. He thought that he had gone there before. , there’s no way another one will come by such a coincidence, right?

There was a crash, and the people who had missed it came forward again. Before they could start, black mist filled the air, shrouding these unlucky guys. Amidst the screams, a figure squeezed out of the black mist, which was the man in black from before. Only when they were close did someone recognize this person.

"Dark Demon, this is Dark Demon, don't touch anyone, don't touch anyone, he is the real ruthless character, and anyone who offends him will die..."

This news quickly spread among everyone, and some guys with poor eyesight finally saw clearly what kind of black clothes were there. It was obviously covered by a layer of black smoke. Such a guy is not called a devil, he is simply useless. Got the law.

Under the screams of farewell, the Dark Demon followed the peak and disappeared into the dense forest. The black smoke that had been shrouded before slowly dispersed, revealing a group of groaning guys who couldn't get up. There wasn't much problem with these guys, they were just exposed. The skin outside looked like it had been burnt by countless cigarette butts, and there were dense blisters, as if I had measles.

"Look, someone is coming again. Don't move this time, in case it happens again..."

Night Demon's discussion hadn't even started yet. As if they had already agreed, another large group of people came over. The number of these people was close to a hundred, and they were all burly and strong men who were not easy to mess with. Although for Jia Luo, physical strength was only about personal fighting ability. part of it, but at some point, the stronger ones always take advantage.

This group of people couldn't tell anything from a distance. As soon as they walked in, all the Xianfeng Jialuo held their breath and didn't dare to blink. The more than a hundred Jialuo people were all Xianjun, and some of them had... Not to mention scaring them to the point of peeing, the aura of Gao Feng was like a small pistol compared to a cannon. When the bloody smell on his body approached, it was like layers of thick red smoke that filled his body. , How many people do you need to kill to get this?

When these Xianjun Jialuo passed by, one of them, a guy with a smile and gentle eyes, stopped and turned to look at the Xianfeng Jialuo who was watching on the roadside. These Jialuo raised their chests at the same time and were holding their breath. He couldn't help but hold his breath again. Some people's calves were trembling. They were targeted by the Xianjun, and their fate was unknown.

"You guys dare to go to the Infinite Forest? Don't you know that Xian Feng's survival rate in the Infinite Forest is less than one-third?"

This person seemed to have good intentions, and Xianfeng Jialuo had to cooperate with a grimace:

"We just want to wait until there are more people before going in. We don't plan to go deep, so we just look for light wood, divine blessing wood and other cumbersome work around to get some strength..."

The dignified Xianfeng Jialuo said that he had to eat hard, and if he was placed in front of those micro families, his eyes would definitely fall out in surprise. You must know that the leader of a micro family is just a Xianfeng.

"Haha, even if you have to work hard, most of you will die. Now that you have met me, consider yourself lucky and follow us to kill someone. After that, each of you will receive twenty light stones..."

Upon hearing this, Xian Feng's calves here were trembling. Nearly a hundred soldiers were dispatched to kill one person. Could it be that the one they wanted to kill was Split Mountain Garo?

"Let's drive away. That kid just passed by. This is a big deal. Once it's done, there's no need to take risks again in this life..."

Someone was shouting in front. When the Xianfeng Jialuo people heard this, they became even more unwilling to commit such a mindless killing. Let’s not talk about the issue of being silenced after the killing. The key issue is that Xianfeng Jialuo is willing to part with the money. Are they? If they were on their own terms and got a lot of money, it would be better to kill the low-level Gara people with one blow.

"Go or not, give me an answer..."

This man still kept smiling, but all the frontmen felt their calves were cramping. The regret soldier had already been recruited for action. They had all rolled among the dead, so why couldn't they tell?

"I..., I have something to do and I have to leave first..."

Suddenly someone yelled and ran in the direction of Yinyun City. From the wind-like speed, it can be seen that this person is good at speed. Even Xianjun Jialuo can't catch up. Seeing this person's back, no one is envious. , if they had this speed, why would they be in trouble here?


There was a slight beeping sound, and an undetectable pale yellow light emitted from the half-moon-shaped tool in Xianjun Jialuo's hand. The next second, the running man suddenly split from the crotch to the head. Although his legs were still running, a left He ran to both sides, pulling out a large number of internal organs and scattering them, making the Xianfeng's hearts jump at the same time. This killing Xianfeng was like killing a chicken. Is the Xianjun so powerful?

"The supernatural weapon, this is the supernatural weapon, a priceless treasure that can increase Jialuo's strength by fifty percent..."

Suddenly someone shouted loudly, which made the guy who had just committed the murder smile shyly, scratch his head and say in embarrassment:

"It's not that powerful. My handle can increase by up to 30%. Of course, I am the weakest one in the organization. If you are willing to join the organization, not only will you have the methods and resources to be promoted to the regret army, but once you pass the assessment, you will also How about getting the supernatural weapon?"

As soon as this was said, almost 100% of the people agreed. If you disagree, you will die. Can you disagree? What's more, if they want to become the Xianjun, they may have to wait for the next life. After seeing the power of the Xianjun, who doesn't want to take a step further? Even if the chance is slim, it is still an opportunity.

In the end, there was only one split corpse left in the beacon tower. This corpse was quickly pulled to the roadside by the newcomers. No one stopped to mourn. Corpses like him would only become more numerous after entering the forest, not less. We have seen too many Just got used to it.

Gao Feng didn't know that there were nearly a hundred Xianjun Jialuo chasing him behind him. If he knew, he would not be so leisurely. The infinite forest is different from the forest in his previous life, whether it is the plant system or the ecosystem. He has just walked into the forest. The jungle on the edge makes you feel like you have entered a fairy tale world.

A wonderful alternative world appeared in front of him, showing fantastic colors. Countless straight trees were like spears soaring into the sky. The tree bodies did not have the rough bark and stutter of ancient trees, and were as smooth as a mirror. If given an appropriate metaphor, a big umbrella would be the most appropriate metaphor.

The tree body is not green, but a kind of blue-grey. When you knock on it, it will make the sound of gold and stone. Each big tree grows just right, blocking the sky evenly. In the years without sunlight, the ecosystem evolved according to instinct. There is no photosynthesis and no need for chlorophyll to produce nutrients. The branches are full of dandelion-like powdery spores. Once these spores mature, they will turn into trillions of seeds that float in the wind and fall into places where they can take root and sprout.

Perhaps the origin of the infinite forest is the unique way of propagation of trees. The sky is dominated by big trees, and the ground is occupied by countless shrubs of different shapes. Qianjiesi moves along the peak, delicately and meticulously chipping away at the plants blocking the road. Cutting does not damage the root, just like pruning, it only benefits the plant and does no harm. After the peak is passed, there are not many traces left.

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