Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 613 Men and Women

People in the wilderness don't have the habit of eating breakfast. There was a lot of noise outside early in the morning. Gao Feng and Cai Feng walked out of the tent. Before they could stretch out their arms and sigh about the day's plan, Ye Kui, who had a face as gloomy as the bottom of a pot, jumped out of there. When he came out, he stared at Gaofeng with ferocious eyes, like a hunting beast.

"Wait a minute, I'm not going to discuss my sister's problem with you. You hurry up and pick up Uncle Cheng and the others. There are changes in the eastern tribe. If something happens, don't blame me for not warning you..."

When Ye Kui heard this, he knew that Gao Feng was right, but when he saw Cai Feng shying away from Jiaona, looking annoyed, ashamed and happy, a wave of bad energy surged into his heart, and he suppressed it. After a lot of scolding, he thought that if he offended Gao Feng, his sister would be the one who would suffer. Besides, Gao Feng was capable, it seemed a bit unrealistic to expect Gao Feng to end from the end, so he said in a rough voice:

"It's enough for a man to have a few women. If there are too many women, he will make trouble. I don't care how many women you have, but you can't be sorry to my sister. Otherwise, I will cut off two ounces of your flesh even if I don't give up my life..." ”

Ye Kui dropped the harsh words, turned around and jumped on the back of the rhino-horned beast, and drove the rhinoceros-horned beast away, leaving Gao Feng still confused.

"Gou Ridi, please tell me clearly who is your sister, whether it's over or not..."

Gao Feng shouted loudly at Ye Kui's back. It seemed that he was the one who was wronged the most. He had no idea what Ye Kui was talking about from beginning to end.

"How many women do you have? Let me tell you, I don't want to share a man with others. If you find another woman, I will go outside to find a man..."

Caifeng stared at Feng Feng angrily and said through gritted teeth, acting like a new-era woman. Feng Feng was immediately speechless. A woman is completely different before going to bed and after going to bed. Yesterday, Caifeng was careful with herself, neither being intimate nor offensive. , maintaining a just right distance, now Cai Feng has begun to regard herself as the hostess, and has begun to have a tendency to be exclusive.

I wanted to explain, but I didn’t know where to start. I felt a surge of rage in my heart and said fiercely:

"Hmph, I will kill whoever you are looking for. Let me see how many you can find..."

When it comes to women, Gao Feng has the selfish mentality of an ordinary man. As long as the woman belongs to him, he doesn't want other men to touch her no matter what. In this regard, Gao Feng will never be merciful.

The seriousness of what Gao Feng said made Cai Feng feel a chill. Although it was just a joke, Cai Feng knew that Gao Feng was serious. His eyes had a dark green luster like a wolf.

"But who is Ye Kui's sister? How come it's all on me?"

Gaofeng warned Caifeng, touched his chin and muttered in his heart, rubbed his eyes and Xueya walked out of the tent, making Caifeng's cheeks red. He looked at Xueya with a guilty conscience, afraid that she would say something like how noisy last night was. Gaofeng glanced at Xueya Seeing the sneaky hunting wolf following the rhino-horned beast further and further away, he immediately yelled angrily:

"Come back here, you beast..."

"What kind of master there is, there is also what kind of savage beast..., hum!"

Caifeng finally caught Gao Feng's little tail, his mouth pursed in sarcasm, Gao Feng's cheeks suddenly stiffened...

In the process of bickering, Caifeng and Gao Feng actually got closer. Caifeng no longer had to be cautious for fear of saying the wrong thing. Caifeng, who is naturally intelligent, did not know how to wash clothes, cook, raise children and take care of the house. Her hobby was Seeking knowledge, all kinds of knowledge, even if it is just a broken piece of paper, as long as words are printed on it, Caifeng can read it with interest.

Although the electronic book Gao Feng gave her yesterday was only about the size of a palm, it contained a lot of content. There was a complete set of basic courses from low-level to intermediate, all of which were regular courses at the underground city youth training camp. As long as you can complete this set of courses and integrate them, , which is equivalent to reaching the standards of the technical college in Gaofeng's previous life.

There is a wide variety of knowledge in the basic courses, involving language, writing, mathematics, mechanics, minerals, plants, chemistry, physics, logical thinking and other subjects. Once you have finished learning these basic subjects, you can choose a subject in which you want to specialize and take the exam. , once they pass the harsh selection criteria, underground talents have the right to accept higher-level studies. Once they complete their studies, they will automatically become the elite class of underground people and may become a member of the managers.

Gao Feng got this set of teaching materials naturally not because he wanted to take the college entrance examination. These things are dispensable to him. The knowledge he masters may not be worse than that of the underground elite. One thing, Gao Feng is better than anyone else in the world. The only thing that makes a person strong is that he knows what true prosperity looks like, and he also knows how high human civilization has reached. This is not something that can be read in books or passed down orally by the older generation, but has been experienced by him.

Only this point determines that Gao Feng's vision is broader than others. Compared with Tianzhao who only cares about whether the elite warriors are strong and whether their weapons are strong and sharp, Gao Feng pays more attention to the knowledge that ordinary people can learn. There are more than 300 underground people. Divided into various places by the peak, they use the knowledge they possess to gradually change the ignorance of the people in the wilderness, allowing the people in the wilderness to slowly change their thinking.

At present, the most effective one is Gunduzi. Gunduzi is a smart man that Gao Feng has never seen before. Regardless of anything, as long as Gunduzi sees it, he will come up with roughly the same thing according to his own understanding. Gunduzi is a real person. He is a genius who takes three months to learn what it takes others ten years to master, and combines what he has learned with practice without sticking to a framework and being flexible. If he were not timid and had a wretched nature, Gao Feng would be right. Gunduzi made a hope.

The second one is Wan Yu. Compared with the wilderness tribes, the wilderness people are more enlightened in knowledge. Unlike tribes and families, which blindly suppress ordinary people's learning of knowledge, Wan Yu quickly learned the knowledge that is consistent with his work content and will The tasks assigned by Gao Feng were completed 200%, and she gradually transformed from a vase to a strong woman.

Compared to Gunduzi and Caifeng, the others were in a mess. Around the peak, they obtained 300 built-in chips. Except for Fang Shiyu and a small number of people from the hidden tribe who cooperated to embed them, the others hid as much as they could. He would mess around while driving, always trying not to make himself smarter. The most representative one was the pole. He heard other people say that embedding the built-in chip would make him dizzy. Every time it was his turn, he would always disappear. After everything calmed down, He appeared out of nowhere again.

The pole took the lead, which led to many people resisting. On the contrary, the former indentured slaves who were not very muscular and could not become warriors performed better. With the rolling calf taking the lead, they were eager to get a chance to change and use 100% With two hundred determination to learn new knowledge, these people are the group of people that Gaofeng most counts on.

But Gaofeng cannot completely count on them. In the hundreds of years of history in the wilderness, the weak are the ones who have been eliminated. The peaks cannot change the minds of ordinary people. One, ten, or even fifty peaks can still protect them. A new class will be formed, and then there will definitely be opposition.

If we want to solve the problem, we have to start from the root and let people develop an atmosphere of learning new knowledge. Therefore, Gaofeng places his hope on underage children, hoping that they can change their minds and become the seeds of hope.

For this reason, Gaofeng allocated Crystal Lake, which has the best environment, to Mo Yuan as the school's residence, in order to provide a better learning environment for those children who carry hope.

But it would take too long for these children to grow up. Gao Feng had a big plan in mind and could only think of a solution internally. Unexpectedly, Caifeng fell from the sky and gave him a surprise.

Needless to say, Cai Feng, from the first time Gao Feng saw her, she was a maverick girl who was curious about everything and had a strong thirst for knowledge. As long as there was knowledge to learn, she didn't even need to eat.

With sufficient knowledge and a desire to learn, Gao Feng came up with some new ideas, which was to let women learn. Men have rigid traditional ideas and believe that only those who are physically strong and dare to kill and fight can get ahead, and they extremely despise knowledge. , On the contrary, women do not have these thoughts. Women in the wilderness spend their whole lives working on their families, and it is rare for them to have a day off. If they are allowed to study, it might not be a kind of rest. As long as someone succeeds in learning, they will not be stingy at the top.

Fen Yue, Mo Yuan, Wan Yu, and other women all have their own careers, and other women have noticed it. As long as they have such desires and ambitions in their minds, Gao Feng does not believe that they will not become talents. .

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