Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 190: Go back door

Feng Tao sat in the conference room of the Kunyuan Juice Factory and looked at the colleagues around him. He was no longer worried, because he knew that the chance that the Galaxy Hotel he represented would win Xufeng strawberry jam was almost zero.

After Qian Lina contacted him before, Feng Tao also made corresponding mental preparations. He felt that he should be able to impress Qian Lina with the corresponding conditions, but he still miscalculated the popularity of Xufeng strawberry jam.

On Feng Tao's left hand is the manager Liu of the Hampton Hotel: "Isn't this Manager Feng? Your hotel also came to purchase Xufeng strawberry jam?"

"Yes, I didn't expect the Huanpeng Hotel to have the same idea." As colleagues, the managers of the two hotels had contacted before.

"We are a high-end hotel chain. Naturally, we are constantly pursuing new varieties of ingredients, but don't your bank hotels always pay attention to preserving regional culture? This strawberry jam does not seem to be used much in your Chinese hotels, right?"

The meaning of Manager Liu’s words and Feng Tao could not understand. It’s not that he is a local hotel in Copper City. Unlike western-style hotels, Galaxy Hotel, which focuses on local specialties, does not have any dishes that can use strawberry jam. .

Huan Peng Hotel takes the high-end route, and the western restaurant of their hotel is very famous in Copper City. Many tourists choose Huan Peng for a simple reason. They can enjoy pure Western food while staying. It is more convenient. If Galaxy Hotel is the representative of high-end Chinese hotels, then Huan Peng is the representative of high-end modern hotels. In short, Huan Peng's purpose is one word-expensive. As a high-end ingredient, strawberry jam will certainly become Huan Peng's goal.

"I didn't expect to meet Manager Feng and Manager Liu here. I think the two are also here for Xufeng's jam!"

It was Manager Wang of the Wellington Hotel who spoke. He stopped talking when he opened his mouth. After all, it was no problem to run on a small local hotel like Galaxy, and Huan Peng was far behind Wellington.

As a giant in the industry, Wellington has many industry-related industries. If Wellington is willing to help Xufeng open channels, it will not take long for their company's jam to appear in hotels in various parts of the country.

Manager Feng has no hope at this time. Huan Peng is pursuing high pricing. Wellington pays attention to the scale of the chain, and Galaxy Hotel has no advantage over these two.

Forget it, come here today as a cutscene, and go back then as an explanation.

After that, Qian Lina offered the price of Xufeng strawberry jam at the investment conference. There is no small canned jam, only a large bucket of 1 kilogram of jam, and the price is 1,000 yuan a bucket.

This price is still a lot more expensive than Xufeng’s strawberry bread, but this is also the only strawberry jam price directly sold by Xufeng Bakery in China. If you think it’s not appropriate, then you can go to collect Xufeng. The jam in the strawberry bread may be imported from the United States at a high price.

The former is too much energy, and the small package of jam is too low for customers to use. It is said that these jams are deducted from other people's bread.

Although the latter can directly improve the quality and grade of hotel refreshments, the high prices are really thankless.

After the investment meeting was over, the managers of each hotel met with Xufeng’s Qian Lina individually and put forward different conditions for each, and then it was time to announce the results.

"After some negotiation just now, our company decided to hand over the agent of Xufeng strawberry jam in areas outside the copper city in the hotel area to the Wellington Hotel."

After hearing this result, Manager Feng felt relieved. The result finally came out. It is better than working here. It doesn't matter if the agency is given to a big-name hotel like Wellington, it won't be impossible to go back.

"As for the exclusive agency rights in the copper city hotel field, the Galaxy Hotel will be given." Qian Lina's next words surprised Manager Feng herself.

What is going on here? We can actually win the agent of Copper City?

"Manager Feng, I didn't expect that the regional agent of Copper City would be taken down by your Galaxy in the end. Congratulations." Huan Peng's Manager Liu said with a very perfunctory attitude.

"It's really unexpected, I didn't expect it myself." Manager Feng didn't say nonsense, after all, he still doesn't know why.

Manager Liu only thought he was saying something ironic, so he continued to be polite and left.

And Manager Wang from Wellington also came to Manager Feng at this time: "Mr. Feng, Copper City is the place of your Galaxy Hotel in the end. Outsiders like us still can't compete with you!"

What Manager Wang said made Feng Tao inexplicable, and he couldn't show it, so he just greeted him: "Manager Wang, you are really too polite."

Xufeng's staff led Feng Tao into the office to sign the contract. At this time, he saw a familiar person.

"Little Feng, you are here."

"Aunt Zhu, why are you here?" Manager Feng was very surprised, how could the boss's mother Zhu Yuling appear in Kun Yuan's office.

"Today, people in our community came to the juice factory to buy It happened to meet what meeting you were having. I saw you Xiaofeng at a glance. Then I asked the money girl to know that you were here to buy that. For strawberry jam, I will ask her if she can open a back door for you."

Before Manager Feng had time to digest Zhu Yuling’s words, he heard Aunt Zhu say: "Xiao Feng, have you brought our hotel’s meal vouchers? Get one out quickly. In order to open a back door for you, I promised to not Less good."

Manager Feng took out the hotel’s free meal coupons mechanically, and the old lady looked at the thick book of coupons and said with satisfaction: “Money girl, take this meal coupon, turn around and take people to our hotel’s cafeteria to eat No money."

"Auntie, you are so polite, how can we all be our own."

"You take it, and wait for your jam to be brought to us to make a delicious snack. Then I will call your aunt and the others to try it together."

Manager Feng didn't expect that Huan Peng's high price and Wellington's chain channel would eventually lose to a stack of free meal coupons.

Afterwards, Galaxy Hotel announced the launch of the same afternoon tea in Beverly Hills. One kilogram of strawberry jam was placed directly on the counter of the self-service afternoon tea. A waiter stood there to help customers spread strawberry jam in unlimited quantities.

Whether you are eating cakes, tarts, bread or even strawberry jam, as long as you can eat it, this strawberry jam will be in unlimited supply.

In the first three days of the trial operation, only the resident customers of Yinhe can make an appointment, and the price is 399.

It is said that the Galaxy Hotel's occupancy rate champion was set on the same day it opened.

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