Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 180: the fat is in the fire

   After returning from Kunyang Ecological Park that day, the old ladies each carried a basket of strawberries, and they were all smiling. They were all talking about Xiao Zhou and Strawberry Park along the way.

"Xiao Zhou, this child is really good. It's Huang Fang. You didn't just find such a good wholesaler, but now even Xiao Zhou's mother has been brought to our community. It is much easier to do things with acquaintances. Up."

   "I have told you all the tricks. If you have a girl in the family, you can quickly introduce it to Xiao Zhou, and then you will become a relative of your family. Xiao Zhou doesn't have as many fruits as you want." Huang Fang said quite proudly.

"We just discussed this with Teacher Huang in the garden. You said that if we were to contract a vegetable garden like Xiao Zhou and the others, then we would get all the vegetables from this vegetable garden. Wouldn’t it be safe to eat? All vegetables are grown in greenhouses, and pesticides are all problems."

"I just asked the security guard Liu, there is still a lot of land behind their ecological park, or we should discuss with Xiao Zhou and the rich girl, buy a piece of land with them, and plant some vegetables on it. Take the greens, for example, the frost will fall in a few days. The greens that have been frosted are sweeter than those that come out of the greenhouse."

   "The ecological garden of this family has to do business seriously. It is not suitable for us to grow vegetables in this place. However, when we just came along, we saw a lot of wild vegetables. We can come and dig it when the spring starts."

   After hearing what Huang Fang said, the old ladies didn't think it worked, but Huang Fang's attention to digging wild vegetables was good. It seems that they will come again in a few months.

   When the old ladies returned to the community, it was already three or four in the afternoon, so they went back to put down the strawberries, and rushed to the market in twos and threes to get busy for the evening meal. Naturally Huang Fang was no exception.

   It's just that Huang Fang didn't expect that, just after she went to the market, the strawberries she brought back were wiped out.

   Ji Jiayan has been wandering around the oven day and night for his graduation project these days. Just after he was about to take a break, he saw strawberries on Huang Fang's table.

  Copper City is not as commercialized as the United States after all. In the United States, as long as you have money, you can eat strawberries shipped from different places throughout the year. There is almost no trace of strawberries before November in Copper City.

Ji Jiayan, who has spent more than half a month with grapefruits and oranges, saw a basket of strawberries on the table, and suddenly became interested. This strawberry plays a more important role in pastry, whether it is used for decoration or as a filling. They are very common.

   After many ideas in his mind, Ji Jiayan decided to start with the simplest strawberry layer cake. So a basket of strawberries was quickly washed and picked.

   Half of the strawberries were directly cut into pieces by Ji Jiayan and thrown into the pot. After adding sugar, the strawberry jam was boiled over fire. But Ji Jiayan soon discovered that the strawberry jam was too sweet. Did he remember the recipe wrong, or did he add more sugar when he started?

So he divided a part from the remaining strawberries and poured it into the pot. Originally, he was going to make a delicate fruitless jam. Now he can only continue to add some strawberries to neutralize the taste, but the large-grain strawberries added later become When the fire was finally turned off, Ji Jia Yan tasted the taste and found that today’s strawberry jam is very successful. It has a strong fragrance and still has the sweet and sour taste of fresh strawberries. It seems that the strawberries added later are very neutralizing The white sugar before.

  Put the strawberry jam in a glass bottle to cool, Ji Jiayan continued his creation, and soon the soft cake base was baked.

   When he smeared the cake with whipped cream and placed the remaining strawberries on top as decoration, a simple and delicious strawberry cake was completed.

   "Jia Yan, are you busy?"

   Ji Jiayan was a sullen creation during this period, and Huang Fang rarely saw him at home.

   "Grandma, come and try my new strawberry cake."

   "Strawberry cake? Did you go out to buy strawberries today?"

   "No, I saw a basket of strawberries on the table, so I used it directly."

   "Strawberry on the table?" Huang Fang suddenly had a bad feeling.

   "Jia Yan, have you all used up the strawberries on the table?"

   "No, there are three or five more."

   "Three or five!" Huang Fang suddenly felt tight in his chest.

   "Grandma, is there anything special about this strawberry?" Ji Jiayan noticed the abnormality of his grandma.

   "It's nothing."

   Huang Fang's expression was sorrowful, and suddenly his emotions fell. After all, he was his own grandson. Isn't it just a basket of strawberries? He was originally brought to eat.

   But Huang Fang is a little uncomfortable. She didn't want to eat any of them, and now she's ruining it all to her grandson, her strawberries!

   Ji Jia Yan knew that it was broken. This strawberry is definitely not an ordinary strawberry. Is it a new variety that Xiao Zhou bought?

   "Grandma, was this strawberry bought from Brother Zhou?" Ji Jiayan asked tentatively.

   "It's okay. Grandma brought you this strawberry specially. Didn't you make a cake? Let grandma taste it."

   Huang Fang suddenly shifted the topic to the cake in Ji Jiayan's hands, but the more Ji Jiayan was like this, the more panic he became. No, he had to make up the strawberry.

   So he contacted Zhou Kun the first time, but it happened that Zhou Kun was discussing strawberry sales with Qian Lina and they did not receive a call from Ji Jiayan in the silent state.

   "Dad, I got into trouble!"

   "What? I'm going to be a grandfather?" Ji Gaosheng joked I ruined my grandma's baby strawberry, and my grandma always sighed since the beginning. "From the very beginning, Huang Fang has been sitting on the sofa and sighing several times.

   "What! Is it the strawberry that Xiao Zhou bought?"

   "It should be, otherwise grandma wouldn't have such a big reaction."

   "You wait for me to go back and settle the account with you." After hanging up, Ji Gaosheng phoned Kunyang's sales as soon as possible, and found that their company does not currently sell strawberries.

   is broken, maybe the old lady is the first customer to try it here.

   So Ji Gaosheng called Zhou Kun again.

   Zhou Kun was also inexplicable when he received the call. Later, he was a little funny when he heard Huang Fang's twists and turns for a basket of strawberries.

   When he appeared at the door of Huang Fang's house with a basket of strawberries in the evening, Ji Gaosheng's family was relieved.

   "Xiao Zhou, why are you here?" Huang Fang's words revealed surprise.

   "There is still a batch of strawberries left in our company's packaging. My mother asked me to send you here. After all, I have to pay back for eating so many grapefruit tea before!"

   "You child is so polite. Didn't you tell your mother that I picked a basket during the day?" Huang Fang's eyes narrowed into crescents as usual.

   Watching Huang Fang regain his former look, Ji Gaosheng and his son looked at Zhou Kun gratefully, and it turned out that Xiao Zhou could cover it when it was critical.

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