Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 64: First order

While holding back his smile, Sun Peng declined the other party's invitation.

Of course, he is not interested in going to work in any big advertising company. In fact, Sun Peng is also a little tired as he throws out advertisements from the earth. If Zhao Jinxiang is not the eldest sister's boyfriend, and looking at recent trends, he will probably discuss marriage soon, he would have resigned as early as the day Xiaoao signed.

He has no interest in advertising, so what if he is good at mixing in this business?

Staying at Jinhua Advertising Company now is nothing more than to help the prospective brother-in-law and to pass my time at the same time. Even so, when Xiao Ao Jianghu’s first month's contribution fee was released, it was when he and Zhao Jinxiang had a showdown-even if Sun Peng will still help in the future, but I want him to report to the company every day like now. It's impossible to get to and from get off work on time.

The other party persuaded a few words, seeing that Sun Peng's attitude was very firm, so he stopped saying anything.

The person who was poaching didn't make any harsh words. Sun Peng was also very polite. After the two people chatted in a very harmonious atmosphere, they ended this unsuccessful conversation.

"Tsk tusk, now is my brother an elite in the advertising industry?"

After feeling the stinky chin for a while, Sun Peng was brought back to the real world by the vibration of the phone.

After a glance, it was Lin Lin.

After hesitating for a while, Sun Peng finally answered the phone, and then he heard Lin Lin's loud voice trembling, and his scalp was numb: "Sun Peng, do you care about the second season?"

"Regardless of!"

When it comes to this, Sun Peng simply said: "I said it a long time ago. Apart from writing the script, I don't care about anything else. I just get dividends in the end... Linlin, you and Brother Xiang make up your mind. That’s it, I’m busy working on my own novel now, where can I think about it?"

Sun Peng really didn't want to mix up the following things.

On the one hand, since the script was handed over and controlled by Zhao Jinxiang and Lin Lin, it would be easy to disagree if Sun Peng mixed up. Then who would listen to? Secondly, Sun Peng knows his own weight very well, and copying the script is easy to grasp, but when it comes to how to turn it into an image, or how to maximize its influence, he really knows nothing!

The outsider commands the insider, isn't that two hundred and five?


Hearing what Sun Peng said, Lin Lin fell silent immediately.

She has been paying attention to Sun Peng's novels during the recent period, and naturally she knows that Xiao Ao is on the shelves. In fact, at the moment when Xiao Ao was on the shelves, Lin Lin directly started the subscription with the members that had been established a long time ago, and it was an automatic subscription for the subsequent chapters, which can be regarded as a firewood for her cousin's writing career. And during this time of understanding, she also understood what the authors need to do when the new book just hits the shelves...

...If you know the truth, will Lin Lin jump up?

"Oh, all right."

After a moment of silence, Lin Lin sighed and said: "In this case, we won't look for you anymore for the next thing, but...your novel should have many readers now, right?"

"Of course... uh, what do you want to do?"

After first being proud, Sun Peng suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Hehe, of course I ask you to help promote it!"

The ghost smiled, Lin Lin chuckled and said: "I have read a lot of online novels recently and found that authors always recommend their friends' books at the end of each chapter. If you have so many readers, If Madame Madame recommended several times in the second season...hehe, it's actually not a help, right? Anyway, you are also the writer of Mad Madame, this is to recommend your own work!"


What Lin Lin said makes sense, and Sun Peng was speechless for a while, only rolled his eyes...


When Sun Peng returned home, it was almost noon.

In order to get the publishing contract of the carving sculpture as soon as possible, Sun Peng specially took a day off today to find Sun Ya, so there is no need to go to the company this afternoon. When I got home, I opened the refrigerator and looked at it. There was nothing left except a small packet of lasagna and two handfuls of green vegetables.

Being too lazy to purchase, Sun Peng tilted his head and thought about it, and simply took out the noodles and green vegetables.

Wash the vegetables first, then boil half a pot of water and wait for it to boil. Sun Peng then took out half a head of garlic. When peeling off the garlic coat and hammering them into garlic paste with acid mortar, the water on the stove boils.

Sprinkle the noodles into the pot and start cooking, and then Sun Peng began to make the sauce.

The simplest method was used. Sun Peng put a little salt on the garlic paste and more vinegar. Then after thinking about it, he carefully took out some dried toon leaves that had been stored for an unknown period of time, crushed them and threw them in. Mix up and mix up!

After sprinkling cold water twice in the noodle pot, Sun Peng threw a handful of greens in, and then waited for half a minute to boil the water in the pot and then turned off the heat, took out the noodles and put them in cold water, and topped them with the prepared garlic sauce Juice, a bowl of garlic noodles that is not too fashionable will be out!


Putting the bowl on the table, Sun Peng took a strong breath on the bowl...

Uh, it doesn't taste much!

However, Sun Peng knew that a bowl of plain noodles that seemed to be too light to make one’s appetite. Among the white noodles and green vegetables, there was no scent of garlic. At this time, a special kind of noodles was brewing. Feel-refreshing, spicy, appetizing, delicious!

Can't wait to stir up a chopstick noodle, Sun Peng was about to deliver it into his mouth, suddenly he stopped his chopsticks.

"Ouch, I almost forgot!"

With a slap, Sun Peng got up and went back to the kitchen, then took out two small bottles. One bottle is red hot chili oil, scoop out half a spoon and put it in a bowl, while the other bottle contains ground sesame salt. In fact, sesame seeds are fried in a pan, crushed, and then added with a little salt.

After thoroughly mixing the red oil chili, sesame salt, and garlic-filled noodles, Sun Peng swallowed and spits.

It's a bit like oil-pour noodles, but it's more delicious than oil-pour noodles!

This time, when he picked up a chopstick and sent it to the mouth, a strange scent filled his mouth suddenly, and Sun Peng sighed contentedly.

For refreshing things, you can swallow your stomach the fastest.

In less than two minutes, he grabbed a bowl of noodles, and Sun Peng was still a little bit full, but he was too lazy to go down there, and he lazily threw the bowl on the table and picked up the phone next to him. .

Log in to the backstage of Xiaoao Jianghu and glance at the data of the novel.

After a while, Sun Peng's smile turned into a flower.

The collection has increased a lot again, only a little more than five thousand to four hundred thousand, and the 60th chapter, which has just been released for 24 hours, the subscription data is 56 thousand!

"Hey, it's done!"

With a vigorous slap on the thigh, Sun Peng's heart that was always dangling was finally let go, because he knew that his plan was finally finished!

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