American Warehouse Taobao King

Chapter 788: 【My mother, dragon and phoenix Chengxiang】

What appeared in the    was really shocking to Yang Yong, what appeared in the box was not a dragon head made of red copper. The appearance of the dragon head is very realistic and cute, especially the two dragon horns, the dragon whiskers are lifelike, and the two eyes are wide open.

   This thing Yang Yong had seen before copying photos and knew what it was. That was when the Second Opium War burned down the Yuanmingyuan. The heads of the twelve zodiac animals that you have to go to by those **** robbers, the dragon head among them, the dragon is the symbol of China and the totem in the hearts of Chinese people. Therefore, for the Chinese people, the dragon head is a symbol of the spirit and a symbol of the race.

   This is a dragon head. I didn't expect it to fall into the hands of the mentally ill Earl Payne. I didn't expect that the mentally ill kept the red copper dragon head, which was considered a building component by the outside world, so well. That's right, the invaders at that time thought these zodiac animal heads were some architectural components. Although the shape was rather peculiar, it was made of red copper and was not worth much.

   That's why the heads of the twelve zodiac animals are scattered everywhere. If people at the time wanted to know how much they were worth, they would never take them home and store them in the warehouse. I will definitely find a way to gather this set of zodiac animal heads, it is priceless, and a golden mountain cannot be exchanged.

   At this time, James also exclaimed and shouted, "My mother, this is the dragon head in the Chinese zodiac. Sir, why does this dragon head appear here? Is it true?"

Yang Yong then looked at James in tears and said, "You ask me if it's true, then who should I ask? I'm not an expert on the heads of these twelve zodiac animals. I don't know if it's true, but no matter what. You must know the preciousness of the true and false dragon head, hurry up and see what is in the same box."

"If there is a beast head that has already appeared in front of people, then this dragon head is also fake. If it is not one of the twelve animal heads of the zodiac that has appeared in front of people. If you combine this dragon head, you will know that it is real, and it is still true. Two real zodiac animal heads."

The    exclusion method is very simple, and everyone can think of it. James picked up another box and moved it down with excitement. Gently opened it, and after opening the cotton wrap inside, what appeared in front of the two people was actually a chicken head. Then I thought of this dragon head. I don't need to ask, I know that these two must be the two zodiac animal heads that were lost in Yuanmingyuan. .

   One dragon and one chicken. The dragon is the totem of China. The chicken represents the phoenix, but the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. They are all totems in the hearts of the Chinese people. It is more than ten times more precious than those cow heads and horse heads, because these two beast heads are totems, and they are people in their hearts, so it is impossible to talk about the same thing. Oh my God, when the British and French allied forces got the beast head when they robbed them in the Opium War, they just thought it was a component of a building, and the shape was fun and peculiar.

   No one thought he would be worth so much in over a hundred years? And Count Luca was able to protect the dragon and phoenix zodiac animal heads so well hundreds of years ago. If you say he is mentally ill, who believes he is a lunatic? Is it really possible to have such a good vision? Do you know the value of the dragon and chicken heads?

   Said that Earl Payne was mentally ill, Yang Yong was the first to let him go. Is your family mentally ill? Is this something mentally ill can do? All that can be placed on the glass booth are precious treasures. The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. This is a dragon and a phoenix. Its value cannot be measured by money, but a totem in people's hearts.

  Yang Yong got up from the ground excitedly, gently stroked the dragon horn above the dragon head with his hand, and muttered. "After hundreds of years, you have finally returned to the hands of the descendants of the dragon, and I have wronged you. I will let you see the sun again, and I swear I will let you return to your hometown."

   As he said that, Yang Yong's tears flowed down, humiliation, humiliation for hundreds of years, even the strongest gentlemen would have to shed tears when a trick was released. But Yang Yong was afraid of his own sweat or tears, so he could only hide to the side to cry when destroying the dragon head, then gently closed the two wooden boxes in his arms, and took two deep breaths to speak clearly.

   "James, I'm so excited, I'll be here today, I want to go back and have a good rest."

  The boss has spoken, James can only obey, walk out with Yang Yong, and instruct the bodyguards to monitor the safety of the corridor 24 hours a day. After the two returned to their place of residence, Yang Yong took a good bath, and then even plugged in an electric fan extravagantly to cool down his tent. Then, with a new pair of white cotton gloves, he took out the two beasts, Longfeng and Chengxiang, and gently wiped the dust on them with a special cotton swab.

   As I wiped it, my eyes started to glow red, and I couldn't hold back the tears. I kept putting the two heads back in the box, which would be better. All other treasures can be locked in the castle, but Yang Yong never leaves these two boxes in his sight. When he returns to the Crystal Palace to sort out those treasures, he will also bring these two boxes with him.

   Send someone to walk around with two boxes. If these two boxes are out of his sight, Yang Yong is like losing his soul. Very irritable, whoever catches and scolds who, after seeing these two boxes, will calm down and become the smiling boss before.

   In addition, those boxes are also filled with treasures, and the fist-sized ink cartridge on the top is a seal of Tian Huangshi. There are four characters written on it. All Chinese people, when they hear these four characters, seem to know who is the owner of this seal? These four words are.

   "Shiquan Old Man"

  Who is its owner? At a glance, there was only one emperor in the Qing Dynasty who was so arrogant, and that was Emperor Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong proclaimed himself an old man of Shiquan in his later years, which is no longer a historical document. Even ordinary people know that this seal of the old man of Shiquan was a gift from Emperor Jiaqing to his father when Emperor Qianlong was 80 years old.

   Don't look at this small piece of Tian Huangshi as big as a fist, it is inconspicuous, but it carries the feelings between the father and son of the two emperors. This is the only pair of emperors and sons in the Qing Dynasty who peacefully handed over the class when they were alive. Therefore, the historical value behind this stone, the value of the relationship between father and son is infinite, no wonder it is placed at the top.

  Because of its value, in the eyes of Earl Payne, nothing compares, and the value of this field of Yellowstone is high. But he was really wrong. The value of the animal head of Longfeng Chengxiang is much nobler than this useless stone. In addition, the box contains all rare treasures, all of which are from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The existence of a national treasure.

   Finally, after statistics, there are 36 treasures at the national treasure level, that is to say, Tian Huangshi or dragon and phoenix and auspicious beasts. Those antique calligraphy and painting porcelains include a Xuande furnace, and there are 12,000 pieces of treasures of this level in total. This is what Yang Yong got when he excavated the treasures of the Crystal Palace.

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