American TV series World Rescue

Chapter 121 Unreliable Sheldon



After hearing Sheldon's serious question, everyone shouted excitedly in unison.

"Okay, don't use it. Why are you so loud?"

Sheldon was startled and muttered dissatisfied.

"How dare you say that!"

Leonard looked at Sheldon speechlessly: "Do you really have no idea?"


Sheldon wondered.

"never mind."

Leonard shook his head helplessly and winked at everyone. Everyone understood and changed the topic directly. How dare he continue to talk about the things Sheldon kept secret.

It's not that Sheldon refuses to keep it secret. In fact, as long as Sheldon agrees, there is no one who works harder than Sheldon when it comes to confidentiality!

I remember when Penny and Leonard had their first date. Afterwards, Leonard felt good about himself, but he didn't know that Penny felt weird.

Because the scientific nerd Leonard is not an ordinary person. Even if his emotional intelligence is normal, he still looks very weird because he has too little love experience.

Penny secretly asked Sheldon if Leonard had ever been in love with ordinary girls who were not so smart.

Sheldon replied that Leonard dated a French doctor of literature, and in Sheldon's eyes, in the chain of contempt for science, theoretical physics comes first, and then other natural sciences, such as literature and geology. Science is not really science at all.

Penny was speechless, but she continued to inquire about the possibility of her and Leonard.

Sheldon gave Penny another fatal blow in terms of interests and hobbies, making her realize that she and Leonard had nothing in common. Penny decided to give up and asked Sheldon to keep their conversation a secret.

Sheldon quit immediately. He never liked keeping secrets because it was too difficult. He also had obsessive-compulsive disorder. He gave up a very confidential military contract because he failed in this aspect.

Penny didn't care if these words were known to others. How embarrassing it would be for her to force Sheldon to swear him to secrecy.

Sheldon was very confused. Shouldn't letting others choose to keep secrets in advance? And according to Penny, keeping a friend's secret is a friend's duty.

But since when had he been friends with Penny?

Although Sheldon was unwilling, he couldn't resist Penny's begging, so he could only agree.

The next day, Penny met Leonard and Sheldon in the corridor. Leonard, who felt good about himself, took the initiative to invite him, but Penny repeatedly refused. Leonard then discovered that, as Howard and the others analyzed, he Just a smelly salted fish.

The shocked Leonard casually asked Sheldon why he was like this. Sheldon suddenly became nervous, emphasized in a weird tone that he didn't know anything, and ran away in an exaggerated manner, which immediately attracted Leonard's attention and asked him Again and again.

Sheldon couldn't bear it anymore and chased Penny to ask her to terminate the confidentiality agreement, but Penny was unwilling.

In the end, Sheldon couldn't bear it anymore and chose to flee. After returning, he spoke to Leonard and left the apartment with his emergency backpack.

Howard and Rajesh, who were gloating about their misfortune, suddenly stopped laughing because Sheldon could only stay with them temporarily before finding a new place to live.

Howard reacted very quickly and said 'goodbye' and walked away. Rajesh had no choice but to take Sheldon back to his apartment.

In the evening, the two of them watched TV together. Sheldon reminded Rajesh that this apartment used to be a watch factory and the radiation was excessive, which made Rajesh very unhappy. Then he complained about the Indian female star that Rajesh liked, which completely pissed him off. Jesh.

Rajesh brought Sheldon to Howard's house. After ringing the doorbell, he was worried that Howard wouldn't open the door. He pinched his throat and pretended to be a stripper. Howard fell into the trap and opened the door happily, but Rajesh stuffed Sheldon. Gave it to him.

Howard had no choice but to let Sheldon make the floor in his room. After the two of them lay down, Sheldon sighed that he always slept on the bed, and Howard couldn't get enough of him, so he took the initiative to switch with him.

Sheldon declined for a moment, but when Howard insisted, he agreed. After the two of them changed, what made Howard angry was that Sheldon still didn't sleep well. The angry Howard drank from Sheldon and drank it. After taking sleeping pills, he dragged the dazed Sheldon back to Leonard. After giving Sheldon to Leonard, he ran away.

Except for Leonard, who has been trained since childhood, no one can stand Sheldon!

Leonard enjoyed half the night without Sheldon. Although it was great, the habits he had developed over the years soon made him feel uncomfortable. Therefore, when Howard brought Sheldon over, he felt vaguely relieved. feel.

Sheldon usually doesn't even drink coffee and reacts greatly to various stimulating drugs.

Leonard casually asked Sheldon why he left. A confused Sheldon revealed that he and Penny had a secret. Leonard hurriedly asked what the secret was.

Sheldon told several secrets, including that he was Batman, but despite Leonard's roar, he still said what Penny told him.

Leonard thought he understood, but it turned out that he was too good, so he took the community college admissions brochure and knocked on Penny's door the next day. He first defended Sheldon. If he hadn't been drugged, he would have been beaten to death. Sheldon wouldn't leak the secret, and happily recommended community college to Penny.

It's a pity that Penny has no intention of continuing her studies and is speechless about Leonard's enthusiastic recommendation. Is she too stupid to fall in love with Leonard and must go to college again?

After the door was slammed shut, Leonard realized what stupid thing he had done.

This matter is nothing in Sheldon's secret career. Sheldon is a person who is good at learning!

Soon after, Penny fell in love with singing, but her voice was really beyond praise.

Once, Leonard and Sheldon bought takeout and were about to go back to eat. When they went upstairs, they found Penny singing and going downstairs. They only had time to run to the lobby on the first floor, but she was blocked by Penny.

In desperation, Leonard lied that they were going downstairs to throw away the takeout garbage. Under Penny's gaze and Leonard's winks, Sheldon had no choice but to put all the chicken he just bought into the trash can.

Penny enthusiastically invited them to listen to her musical, but Leonard declined casually and thought of a reason.

Afterwards, Leonard almost forgot about it until Sheldon knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Sheldon couldn't sleep at night about keeping Leonard's lies a secret.

But compared to the last time, he has evolved, and he knows how to use white lies to keep secrets.

He remembered his brother's lying skills when he was a child, read a lot of related books, and understood the principle that "the devil is hidden in the details". He found that Leonard's lies were too perfunctory. Once Petunia thought about it for a moment, they There is a risk of exposure.

So he made up a whole story overnight and set up a fake website to back up his story.

Leonard didn't accept this trick at all and just asked Sheldon to forget about it, but Sheldon couldn't do it. For his rigorous story, he took the initiative to find Penny and exposed Leonard's lies. Use his story instead.

This is a sad story. Leonard didn't mean to deceive Penny, but his cousin had a drug-induced seizure and it was hard to mention it to outsiders.

Penny's brother was the 'chemist' who provided medicinal properties for such a 'cousin'. He felt the same and not only did he not get angry, but he also comforted Leonard, leaving Leonard speechless.

Just when Leonard thought the matter was finally over, Sheldon knocked on his door again in the middle of the night, because after Sheldon delved deeply into the story of his script, he self-detected a bug.

He forgot that in his script, 'Leonard's cousin' was the middle child, and middle children in large families have certain characteristics, but he had ignored this characteristic, and now he was going to revise it!

So when Leonard got up to drink coffee the next morning, he found a thin young man standing at the open kitchen table.

Leonard, who had a headache, asked, and as expected, this young man turned out to be a part-time actor from the physics department who was a graduate student hired by Sheldon, that is, his cousin...

This 'cousin' loves acting very much and is very involved in the drama. He even got into a quarrel with Sheldon, the 'director and screenwriter', regarding the character and behavior of the non-existent cousin.

As expected, Penny found out again and came to visit to understand and comfort Leonard, leaving Leonard speechless. How could a casual lie turn into this? !

What made Leonard even more devastated was that this 'drug-addicted cousin' was lying on the sofa in his apartment, sitting next to the girl he liked, watching his favorite TV together, and resting his head on the girl he wanted to cling to. on the girl's shoulders...

And when he was jealous and asked when Sheldon, this hateful guy, could get out, Sheldon's answer almost made him go crazy!

"He is your cousin and family member. Where would he go if not here?"

After this, Leonard no longer dared to let Sheldon lie or keep secrets.

This is just a painful lesson for Leonard, and others are no exception, because Sheldon has evolved again!

When Howard and Bernadette invited everyone to have a dinner, Sheldon brought takeout directly, which made Bernadette, who specially prepared food for Sheldon, very unhappy. Not only did she not block Howard's proposal, but she also actively ordered Howard to do it.

Sheldon has too many character weaknesses. If everyone didn't pity him for being stupid, ignorant and like a giant baby, it would be too easy to kill him.

The simplest way is to deliberately interrupt Sheldon when he is talking. After a few times, the corners of Sheldon's mouth will twitch and he will have difficulty breathing. Over time, Sheldon's obsessive-compulsive disorder will cause Sheldon's respiratory failure. Damn, this is no joke...

Of course, Howard and Bernadette are not that evil. They just disliked that their utility room was too messy, so they took Sheldon to take a look. The rest was just to let Sheldon's obsessive-compulsive disorder attack.

As expected, after seeing the mess in Howard's utility room, Sheldon gave up eating and devoted himself to tidying up. Even when everyone was about to leave, Sheldon was reluctant to leave because it was not completely finished.

I have to say that Sheldon is really good at organizing things. After all, he labels everything and places it, even the labeling machine must be labeled.

Howard and the others were pleasantly surprised by the new look of the utility room, but then Sheldon made him stop laughing.

Because in order to better organize it, Sheldon read the letters that Howard's father sent when Howard graduated from high school after he abandoned his wife and son. Howard never dared to read them and prevented Sheldon from speaking out.

That night, Howard thought twice and decided to burn the letter directly.

Bernadette mentioned this matter during their bestie night. Bernadette was a little worried about Howard's mood. Penny suggested that as long as she knew the content of the letter, she could prescribe the right medicine. Although the letter was burned, Sherry, who had read it, I have a high-definition image memory for the whole sentence, and even the punctuation marks are correct when I retell it completely!

When the three of them approach Sheldon, it's another matter of confidentiality!

Just when Penny and the others were at their wits' end, the twice-evolved Sheldon subconsciously revealed detailed methods on how to circumvent the moral decryption.

Of course, Penny and the others quoted it directly. When Sheldon praised Penny and the others for even knowing this, they told Penny and the others the contents of the letter.

Then after going back, he met Leonard and asked what he had just done. Sheldon refused for a while, and then when Leonard, who had also evolved, deliberately ignored him, he thought that since Penny and the others knew it, it was no secret. He told Leonard and Rajesh the reason.

So, everyone except Howard knew!

Although everyone comforted Howard in a very warm way in the end, Sheldon's unreliable confidentiality impressed everyone!

Let me ask you, no matter how strong a lock is, what’s the point of having a key stuck in the keyhole and opening it with just a twist?

Asking Sheldon to keep their speculation about whether Mary is Owen Lee's daughter secret, there is only one result, and Mary will soon know about this discussion.

The most reasonable way to deal with it is to ignore Sheldon and change the subject. Sheldon is not interested in this kind of issue. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to ask him to keep it secret, how can he care about this!


Sheldon shrugged, not wanting him to keep it a secret, he was happy to worry about it.

"I'm not worried about Owen, but I am a little worried about Harley."

Bernadette frowned slightly.

"What happened to Harley?"

As a combination of godfather and godmother, Rajesh cares for Harley even more than Howard, who has always been as lazy as a child.

"Well, it's nothing~"

Bernadette thought for a moment and waved her hand.

"Tell me! Is there anything we can't say between us? What happened?"

Rajesh organizes and participates in bestie nights all year round, calling himself Bernadette and the others' besties. It's natural for besties to talk about everything...

"Hallee is 24 years old, and it seems she has never been in a serious relationship."

Bernadette said worriedly: "When we were her age, we had many relationships..."


"Most of us have had multiple relationships!"

When Amy coughed, Bernadette hurriedly corrected her words, because Amy was obviously not most people...

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