American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 80 What is Application

"Very popular with girls, huh? I saw three girls surrounding you and asking non-stop, but in comparison, it's not as popular as your roommate at the Spanish restaurant. He said you work part-time here." Eric pressed his arm on the On the table, he greeted Tommy who was typing on the keyboard inside.

After finishing the form, Tommy raised his head and responded with a smile: "Jason? Of course, that guy really knows how to release his charm."

"It can be seen that the guy was tightly surrounded by seven or eight boys, asking him why he couldn't achieve equality between men and women in terms of food portions. For the same money, the food on the dinner plate of the ugly girl and the boy was not even half of that of the beautiful woman. "Eric couldn't help laughing when he thought of the picture he saw in the Spanish restaurant.

Tommy looked at Eric speechlessly: "Maybe I can monopolize the dormitory tonight, and he will go to the medical center to release his charm?"

Eric stared at Tommy for a moment, then turned his gaze to the hall in the distance: "My brother didn't trust my choice enough, and then I kept asking myself in my heart whether the previous decision to invite you to the meeting later Kind of sloppy, so finally I show up here, come on, I buy you a coffee? See if you increase my confidence in you, or do I take that invitation back?"

"I still have five minutes to call it a day." Tommy first looked at the clock in the library, and then said to Eric.

Eric nodded: "Very well, then I will arrange work for you for five minutes. Please find me a copy of Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover."

"No problem, but let me remind you that in the twenty copies of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" collected by this library, almost all the exciting pages have been ripped off and lost. I don't know which ones even adult magazines are reluctant to buy. The bastard did such a thing." Tommy said to Eric while operating the computer.

Tommy Hawke would never have believed that someone would do such a thing if he hadn't experienced it personally, but the facts were presented before his eyes. Needless to say, Lawrence's classic novels are Dante's "Divine Comedy", Homer's "Homer" Some explicit poems in Horse Epic will be collected by the students forcibly. The problem that can be solved by buying an adult magazine, but he has to come to tear the pages of the book, increasing his workload.

According to Eric's request, Tommy allocated a book with no missing pages on the surface to the other party. Eric just fiddled with the pages of the book casually like an old bird, and then raised his middle finger at Tommy.

After Tommy finished the last few minutes of part-time work, he accompanied him to the coffee shop next to the library, ordered coffee and sat down.

"SSD plans to enroll 11 new students this year. Guess why I appear in front of you?" Eric waited for the waiter to serve coffee and leave, then turned to Tommy Hawke and said.

Tommy Hawk lowered his head, looked at the cup of coffee in front of him, and said after a moment of silence: "I guess you are coming to see me now, which means you are going to give me your A-level attention? But the rest of the fraternity obviously Feel a little wasteful?"

Getting A-level attention means that as long as the freshman is not interested in the fraternity and refuses to join, it is basically equivalent to getting an invitation to join and passing the wonderful assessment period to become an official member of the fraternity.

All college freshmen are proud to receive a fraternity attention of A and above, which means that the fraternity appreciates you as a newcomer and is very interested in you.

"I feel that your party organization skills should be good. You can be an excellent social event manager for fraternities, but this is not enough. Is there anything else I can know about you?" Eric took a sip of coffee and looked at Tommy asked in a relaxed tone: "You can talk to me, because after the A-level attention, there will be a closed-door meeting of the fraternity. We will hold an internal meeting to discuss and decide which newcomers to invite to join. I need to add convincing proof In my eyes, you are the first first-generation country college student to get my A-level attention."

"If you need to brag about your connections and background, well, I know a Stanford freshman with a net worth of 600 million? But that guy 100% joins the Order of the Phoenix, because everyone in his family is a member of the Order of the Phoenix." Tommy picked up his coffee and laughed "I have a good personal relationship with the prime minister and governor of a small country, and I also know a Nobel laureate in economics," he said.

"That's all I need, you know fraternity stuff, redneck, keep bragging, don't stop." Eric heard Tommy's words and thought he was talking nonsense.

"That's about it," Tommy said, smiling at Eric.

Eric slowly withdrew his smile: "Like telling jokes is not enough to make the fraternity pay attention to you. Why don't you tell me why you joined the fraternity? Actually, this was originally a question about the recruiting night, but it doesn't matter, let's talk now , if you have no other contacts and backgrounds to talk about."

"My friend, there must always be a few friends who can accompany you in college, then the fraternity's contacts, and finally the fraternity's alumni fund." Tommy didn't pretend to say that he had admired the ancient and mysterious fraternity for a long time, and said directly out of their own reasons for joining.

"Alumni Fund? You received a full scholarship, and the summer camp also made a fortune, so there should be no shortage of money." Eric asked a little puzzled after hearing Tommy's words.

The SSD Alumni Fund is a charitable foundation that provides financial support to undergraduates and graduate students of the association. The original purpose of its establishment was to help those fraternities who did not receive scholarships and were helpless with the high tuition fees, but soon discovered that This is a wrong decision, because those who can join the fraternity and pay the dues basically don't have a headache about tuition.

Therefore, the purpose was changed again, from the initial provision of educational financial support to the provision of educational financial support and entrepreneurial financial support.

If a member of a fraternity needs financial support to start a business, after discussion by the fraternity branch, he or she can apply to the General Assembly, and if the General Assembly approves it, they will be able to obtain a certain amount of financial support.

"According to the plan I made for myself before, I will start a business during college." Tommy looked at Eric: "The alumni fund of the fraternity can provide initial support."

Eric was not surprised by Tommy's words. In fact, this kind of situation is very common in Stanford University. It is likely that students who were focused on class yesterday suddenly decided to suspend school and start a business today. He asked Tommy:

"which field?"

"Software," Tommy replied.

"Give it up, the alumni fund will not support you to develop erotic word games and software that you think are cool but are actually stupid. Your application says that you need money to go to a striptease, and your chances of being approved are higher than writing a software development business. "Hearing Tommy said that he wanted to develop software, Eric's tone definitely shattered Tommy's fantasy of wanting to apply for entrepreneurial support, but he gave another suggestion:

"If your software is really good, you don't need to waste time and effort to apply for alumni funds. This is Silicon Valley. There is no shortage of funds for software development. What is lacking is software that is really worth investing in. I have seen brothers around me try it several times. Develop software to start a business, apply for investment, but the investor treats it as rubbish and dismisses it. I think you can make more money by opening a bar with a lot of tricks near the university than developing software. At least if you open a bar, I am willing to invest .”

These are Eric’s experience. At Stanford University, he has seen countless glasses men who fantasize about developing a software that they think is unique, and then conquer the world. It turns out that most of them are the self-promotion of those guys. After hearing their thoughts, Eric's first reaction was to wash his brain to prevent the infection of mental retardation.

For example, Eric once met a mentally retarded member of his fraternity and tried to develop a bed-calling software, but because the workload was huge and involved work such as sound synthesis, he wanted to find friendship, investment and support within the fraternity. Buy some development equipment.

When looking for everyone's support in the fraternity, the guy explained his philosophy, thinking that this software will be as amazing as "Playboy" and "Penthouse", because the main function of this software is to let users read adult magazines. Open, with the attractive female voice provided by the software, readers can get more vivid enjoyment when reading magazines.

Until Eric asked the idiot a question at the meeting: If I want to make my five-finger movements more enjoyable and vivid, why should I buy this software instead of buying a videotape of an adult movie.

There is also the wonderful work of developing a sleep aid software that counts sheep for insomniacs. The operating principle of the entire software is that a pixel goat and growing numbers flash on the screen every second. The developer believes that it can help insomniacs fall asleep. Facts have proved that during the small-scale friendship test within the fraternity, no one in the fraternity fell asleep because the software helped count sheep. Instead, a brother stared at the screen and watched more than 30,000 sheep, and the computer boiled until it malfunctioned.

So Eric persuaded Tommy to give up software development, to be a normal human being, to use his strengths, such as opening a bar, and not to see some of the alumni around him get rich overnight because of software development, and blindly join the software industry.

"Don't worry, I'm still using other software and found that those software are not enough." Tommy smiled at Eric's teasing, and was about to get up when he saw Stephen Bean and a suit with a leather jacket pinned to his chest. Members of the Phoenix Badge came in from the outside and walked straight towards the two of them.

"They know you?" Eric asked Tommy, looking at the two who were getting closer.

"Remember the guy I said worth 600 million? That's him." Tommy raised a middle finger at Stephen: "Long time no see, rich man."

Eric was stunned for a moment, he always thought that what Tommy said was a joke!

But at this time there was no time for him to continue to ask questions, so he could only get up and take a deep look at Tommy, picked up the book and walked out of the cafe: "I look forward to seeing you on Friday."

Stephen sat down on Eric's vacant seat, looked at Tommy Hawk, and raised two middle fingers: "You actually came to California, and what's even more exaggerated is that if I hadn't heard some Freshman berating a freshman poor man named Tommy Hawk for making money by selling them a half-true fraternity newcomer's handbook, and I didn't know you'd come."

"The chairman of the CSLS committee, Tommy Hawk, is a poor guy who doesn't want to make money all the time, but he is the boss of me or a group of us." Stephen finished cursing Tommy, introduced to the members of the Order of the Phoenix next to him, and said to Tommy said: "Jim Murtaugh, the housing manager of VSA, after you and I pass the newcomer review of VSA, I will ask him to reserve a bedroom for you next door to me."

"But I haven't applied yet?" Tommy shook hands with the boy named Jim, and said to Stephen, "Is the process so simplified?"

"The person in front of you is the family patron of the Stanford Endowment and the most stable donor of the VSA fraternity. All I know is that before I came to report at Stanford, VSA already had my position. Now that you are here, there is also Your position." Stephen pulled up his sleeves, revealing a delicate small tattoo on his left wrist:

"Or you can teach me, what is an application?"

The current situation is that I have recovered, my daughter has passed the high fever period, my daughter-in-law is in the high fever period, and I am taking care of my son who has not yet sheep. This chapter is written with my son in my arms. This kind of irregular update may still be It will take a while, please bear with me, I will try my best to keep updating, this is the first update today, I promise to code the second update, but the time may be in the middle of the night.

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