American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 90: bad story (middle)

In Stark Building, a data cable is plugged into the terminal of the equipment, Peter is fiddling with a computer, Jarvis said: "Data transfer completed, 3%, 2%, 1%..."

The computer screen on Peter's side lit up, and Peter said, "I got it! Let me see... God, what is this????"

Countless data and data appeared in front of Peter's eyes, and he said incredulously: "What is this? This seems to be the file of some soldiers... Lawrence, 35 years old, lost both arms, experimenter No. 3022..."

"Someone's experimenting with these retired disabled soldiers... oh my god... wait, what is this?"

"Desperate plan?"

Peter started typing on the keyboard quickly, the light of the screen kept flashing on his face, Peter kept browsing, his face began to get worse and worse, and even became a little pale.

"Mr. Parker, there is a problem with your heart rate monitoring, please stop immediately and take a deep breath..."

Peter put down his hands, he took a few steps back staggeringly, then he swallowed and said dryly, "We may have discovered a big secret..."

Then he shook his head from side to side, looked around, and Peter said, "Jarvis must make sure this device is not connected to the Internet, protect the data here, and I'll be back in a while..."

It could be heard that his voice was a little trembling and he looked very nervous, but he still tried his best to calmly arrange everything, then took his schoolbag and left the building.

When Schiller saw Peter, he had never seen Spider-Man with such a bad complexion. Although Peter used to stay up late at times and looked a little haggard, but now his lips have almost lost the color, and his body is shaking a little, and he looks a little helpless.

Before Schiller could speak, Peter said in a jumbled tone like he was reciting lines, "Listen, doctor, let me finish first! I'm afraid I won't remember it later..."

"Just now, I got all the information about a secret plan from Dr. Connors, but I can't copy them out or write them down with anything, because it's too scary, and once it gets out, the consequences are unimaginable. "

"So now I can only dictate this plan to you. Its name is the 'Desperate Plan'. It is a plan prepared by military Tartuite officers and a series of high-level officers led by General Robert."

Peter was reciting the material as soon as he heard it, but because of his extraordinary memory, he recited it very smoothly, and he continued: "This is a plan to stimulate the human body's super-speed recovery function and create a super soldier. Their plan goal There are: "Wounds heal quickly, severed limbs regenerate, muscle restrictions are lifted, and every soldier becomes a super soldier without pain and emotion. "

"Right now, the program is still in the early stages, but 16 soldiers have been tested, all of whom are veterans who have lost limbs or been seriously injured on the battlefield."

"Three of them are Dr. Connors' comrades-in-arms."

"Dr. Connors has been in contact with the military because of his achievements in biology and bionic technology, but he has concealed his computer training from the military, and therefore, he is cooperating with the military. stole most of the information on this plan..."

"It is because he wants to save these soldiers that Dr. Connors has been researching lizard serum. He has no ability to stop the military from continuing this plan. He just wants to use his research results to turn these soldiers into healthy ones in advance. Normal people, so that they can be exempted from participating in this experiment."

"Judging from the research progress report of this project, Dr. Connors is a step late. This group of disabled soldiers has already received the first injection. Dr. Connors will be eager to complete the serum. This is also the reason, but it is because He was in a hurry and didn't go through the final safety test, which turned him into a lizard monster..."

After Peter finished talking so much in one breath, Schiller saw that his standing was a little unsteady. He first helped Peter to the sofa and poured him a glass of water. Peter took a few sips of water, and then he was a little relieved. Schiller pulled out a heart-rate-monitoring bracelet and put it on him.

Schiller found that Peter's heart rate was indeed wrong, which could make a spider mutant superhero nervous to arrhythmia. Schiller could already imagine what Peter had seen in those materials.

Peter seems to have been greatly impacted. Those materials are not all boring experimental data. Many of the pictures in there are human experiments. In short, they are some extremely anti-human content.

After drinking the water, Peter couldn't help retching. Those pictures were far more terrifying than some of the bleeding injuries he had ever seen. He had never seen anything so terrifying in his life.

Seeing Peter ran to the toilet and vomited, Schiller asked Gray Mist in his mind, "Are you sure a symbiote also ran onto Stark?" About when?

"I don't know, but it must be one of my kind. I can recognize them."

Schiller thought for a while, and he felt that the symbiote that could possess Stark at this time was most likely Venom.

After a while, Peter came back, and his hands were still shaking slightly. Peter said, "Doctor, we have to find a way to stop this experiment. If this continues, they will destroy the whole world..."

"Also, those soldiers are heroes who gave everything for their country, they can't..."

Peter seemed to remember those pictures again, his face became worse and worse, Schiller said: "Don't think about it anymore, I will give you a simple hypnosis later, and then you go upstairs to sleep."

"No, no, I have to figure out a way, I have to figure out a way... I can't let these people succeed..." Peter kept talking, his spirit was a little dazed.

For a 16-year-old high school student, facing such a cruel fact, and suddenly accepting such a big shock, Peter is obviously a little broken.

"Jarvis are you there?" Schiller asked Peter's phone.

"I am here, sir."

"Okay, I know that I may not have permission to access Stark's private information, but I still want to ask you, did the military invite Stark to participate in the negotiations?"

"Sir, in fact, you have. Mr. Stark has opened Level 2 access to you, including the ability to learn all external information."

"Indeed, I have received 7 messages from different communication frequency bands within 5 days. Most of them invited Mr. Stark to a military base for talks."

"And what about Stark's attitude?"

"I can't know, and I can't reveal it."

Schiller said: "Now the military has no chips in their hands, and these invitations are just a test, because they know that even if Stark is called over, they don't have enough chips and still can't get what they want. "

"In this case, we will give the military a bargaining chip..."

Peter was a little dizzy hearing this. He never had a cold for this kind of thing, but he still thought hard and said, "What does this have to do with stopping that plan?"

"Isn't this plan made by the top military officials?"

"Yes, according to Dr. Connors' information, there is a faction called Tartu at the top of the military. They seem to be a political alliance. The leader is a general named Robert. These people and the traditional The old-school officers are different, they think the future war will be a war between super humans, so they always want the military to invest more in the training of super soldiers..."

"That's them. They came up with that terrifying desperate plan, using some disabled soldiers for experiments..."

Peter started to retching as he spoke. It would be fine if the plan was an ordinary surgical operation, but it was a chemical transformation plan, and the disabled soldiers who received injections could become anything. It simply brought an unparalleled impact on Peter's worldview.

He didn't understand, how could there be such a devil in this world to make their compatriots like that.

And they are all soldiers, they should have been comrades in arms.

For the first time, Peter realized that even in the same group, the exploitation of the upper class to the lower class is endless. After all their value has been drained, the remaining corpses will not let go. This world There is such a devil who only cares about his own interests.

"I think, it's the Tartu faction officers who want to acquire the mecha technology, right? After all, the other old generals should prefer to get more missiles or something."

"I want to guide Stark to meet these people. Of course, Stark is definitely not happy to see them, but if the military demands extremely strongly, Stark will be annoyed, and he should be able to deal with it. "..." Schiller said, rubbing his chin.

"It should be like this," said Peter, "but what good is it to have Mr. Stark with them? Mr. Stark can't kill people, right? And now Mr. Stark is drunk. , we can't tell him this plan, and even if we tell him, Mr. Stark can't kill so many people in the military base, right?"

"Indeed, Stark can't do it. Even if he knew about the plan, he wouldn't use violence to directly kill those behind the scenes. He's not such a person."

"But we don't need to care about the process, as long as the result is right."

"What are you going to do?"

"You don't need to know yet, come, close your eyes, take a deep breath, feel every sensory organ of your body from top to bottom..."

Soon, Peter slowly relaxed and fell asleep.

The next day he woke up again, and when he went downstairs, he found Schiller fiddling with a needle. Peter was curious and wanted to get close, but suddenly, his spider sense rang, and Peter took two steps back and said, "You're tinkering with a needle. What? This thing seems dangerous..."

"It's dangerous, but I'll need you to deliver it later."


"Dr. Connors was in the Stark Building lab, and Jarvis told me that people from the military would come to receive the rest of that medical collaboration today, and that would be one of the outcomes."

"Of course, before that, you need to make up a report of the past experiment for it."

"Uh... fabricated? Where's the original experiment report for this thing?"

"Into a mental hospital with his Peter pursed his lips and said, "That is to say, this is actually a three-no product? "

"But it works well, it just works."

"So what's the lab report?"

"You want to describe it as a drug that stimulates a person's nerves, activates brain activity."

"If it doesn't do this, what does it actually do?"

"Actually, this is also done, but the side effects are a bit big, but it doesn't matter, no one will really use it, it only needs to be used to bring some small stimulation to an alien creature..."

Peter can't understand a little, why is there still something about alien creatures? He took Schiller's sentence as a metaphor he didn't understand and skipped it.

But in fact, what Schiller said was the truth, because the syringe contained a highly concentrated fear venom.

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