American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 75: The plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves (Part 1)

The light sound of the knife and fork hitting the tableware, accompanied by the sound of the wine defoaming, Gordon raised his glass first and said, "Congratulations on your new house!"

Bruce, Harvey, Schiller, and Victor all raised their glasses, and a few people touched the glasses. Schiller took a sip of the wine. After he swallowed the spicy wine, a warm feeling came from his chest. Rising up, the fire from the fireplace shone on the wine glasses like a burning flame.

"It's time for you to buy a house," Harvey said. "I said long ago that no one should live in a teacher's apartment for that long. There isn't even a coffee machine. I just stayed for two nights. In one night, my waist was sore from the bed plank."

"I think it's not bad." Victor said: "The hardware facilities of Gotham University are still good. Of course, it can't compare with this kind of manor. I hope you can save a room for me here."

"Welcome anytime." Schiller raised his glass to him, and while cutting the steak on the plate with a knife, Bruce said, "You should reserve a room for us all, after all, I have a room for you in Wayne Manor? "

"That's enough," Schiller said.

"God bless me to buy a large estate in my lifetime, and I'd be happy to save you a room," Gordon said after eating a piece of sausage. "

"How are you doing? You should be saving enough money, right?" Harvey asked him.

"The income has been down recently, but it's not bad." Gordon took the napkin and wiped his mouth, then continued: "The godfather hasn't done much yet, the rest of the gang is eager to try, and now may be the calm before the storm. "

"When you've saved enough money, be sure to tell me." Schiller said, tapping the knife lightly with his fork.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, but I think I can help you refer to the choice of apartment. After all, I read a lot of materials before buying a house."

"That's right, I'm just wondering which one to buy, what do you think of Pelican Community? Actually, I prefer Molly's End Lane, but considering we might have a child in the future, it's a bit small and there are no babies there. house."

"Have you considered Ninth Avenue? How about coming over and being my neighbor?" Harvey asked him with a smile.

"God, that's too far away, and most of the people living there are bachelors like you, right?"

Schiller, who was picking up the glass to drink, let out a snort. Gordon gave him a puzzled look. Schiller said with a smile, "You've been too busy lately to even know such a big thing."

"What's wrong?" Gordon said, glancing at Harvey. "What did I miss? Isn't he a bachelor now?"

Victor asked: "Have you and Christine officially established a relationship? Then you should avoid it in school. You know, there are almost as many girls who are interested in you as boys who are interested in her."

"Well, it was last week," Harvey said with a shrug.

Bruce looked at him in surprise and said, "Really? God! You won the most **** and beautiful girl in Gotham University so quickly. I thought you were an old school too."

Schiller tapped the edge of the plate again with his fork, and said, "I hope you don't mean it, and you can sit with me at this table to eat because you only have exams in your final exams. 69 points?"

Everyone laughed, the fire of the fireplace was burning brightly, the reflections of many metal dishes on the dining table reflected each other, emitting circles of soft halos, and after the lights overlapped, the whole room seemed to be illuminated. .

After dinner, a few people sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace, and Harvey, a little drunk, said, "What is this? Our bachelor's night? Gordon is getting married, and until he gets married, we can still Such a mess..."

"I'll go first." Victor had put on his coat and hat, and Schiller turned to look at him, and said, "Take that bag by the door, there are two bottles of wine and a pack of cigars. ."

"Oh! Thank you, why are you willing to give me these good Cuban goods?" Victor opened the bag and asked with a smile.

"I remember you mentioned that the first two days should be your and your wife's wedding anniversary..."

"Oh, sorry, we don't know!" Bruce said, "Professor Frith, I'll send the gift to your office tomorrow."

"No, you don't have to, you don't have to be so polite." Victor smiled and said, "Actually, I'm very happy that you can understand me."

Victor is telling the truth. After all, no matter what, freezing his wife in a low-temperature freezer is a bit scary. He didn't expect anyone to understand his crazy behavior before. The best thing for people who hear about this is to persuade others that they will be born, old, sick, and die, and let them look away.

But most of the new friends he met in Gotham expressed a very tolerant view of this, and they did not shy away from bringing it up. In fact, Victor did not like others to take a sympathetic look. Looking at him and then avoiding him every time he brings up the marriage and family situation makes him feel like a bum.

But these friends of his were not like that, it was as if his wife had just got a little ill and was in the hospital, and they wouldn't forget her part when anything happened, which comforted Victor, like His wife, really just hospitalized for a common illness, will get better soon.

After Victor left, Gordon quickly left, and Bruce reclined on the sofa and said, "Look, these are busy people, it's only us, only us, the idle guys, who can still get drunk here. whole night……"

"Actually, it's only you, Mr. Richest Man. I have to revise my thesis later. Harvey also has a complaint to write. It's only you, the rich man who has nothing to do with his head empty..."

Bruce leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes, he waved his hand, and didn't even say a word, obviously a little drunk, Harvey put on his clothes and said, "I'll send him back, don't let him really Drunk here."

"He has a mobile phone in his pocket. You find it and call his housekeeper and ask him to call a helicopter to pick you up. Stop driving."

"What's drunk driving in Gotham? I can even drive 120 miles..." Bruce said vaguely.

"Yeah, yeah, our talented racer..."

After Harvey took Bruce away, Schiller walked to the other side of the living room, picked up the receiver of the phone, and started dialing.

Soon, the lights in the manor gradually went out, and Gotham's night fell into deep darkness again.

The next day, Seldon, the president of Gotham University, was in his office, clasping his arms and saying suspiciously: "You mean, Professor Rodriguez was injured and hospitalized? ... Well, send a colleague representative to take a look. him."

In the afternoon, Schiller, who was lying on the hospital bed, took the flowers from Anna and said, "Oh, thank you, I really appreciate it..."

Just as he was about to continue speaking, Gordon rushed in. Seeing that there were outsiders here, he hesitated for a moment. After Anna went out, Gordon looked down at this place. This is the senior ward of Gotham Central Hospital, a single room. , The decoration is luxurious, Schiller is lying on the hospital bed, covered with a quilt, but there is nothing abnormal on his face.

Gordon walked over and put his hands on his hips and said, "I heard you were attacked last night, damn, I'll just leave later..."

Schiller smiled, as if he didn't take it seriously at all, Gordon said: "You can still laugh, you knew before that the group of people in the Metropolis is likely to come at you, and you still If you don't raise your vigilance and let them succeed, where are you injured? Organs or bones?"

Then, he said angrily: "That Batman doesn't know where he went. If he stayed with you, this kind of thing would never happen!"

"You really have confidence in him, but I don't want him to stay here for the night. If his housekeeper came to the door, he would be more scary than anyone else."

"Seriously..." Gordon looked down at Schiller. "You're really hurt? Why can't I see it at all?"

He stretched out his hand and glanced at his watch and said, "Besides, it was already midnight when we left, and it's only after 7:00 in the morning. Your wound has been healed so quickly? Even if it's just a knife, it will take at least a dozen toss. Hours? Or, is the medical technology of the central hospital already so superb?”

Schiller waved to him, motioning him to take it easy, then lifted the quilt and sat up, stood up directly from the bed, walked to the window and stretched, Gordon's eyes widened, watching him follow him. It's a set of movements that flow like nothing.

"Damn it! You're not hurt at all!" Gordon exclaimed, "I came over in a hurry when I got the news!"

"I'm very touched," Schiller said. "Your old pickup can go from the police station to the hospital in just 20 minutes. Did you put a propeller on it or something?"

"I said, I can get the first driving course in the police school!"

Then Gordon shook his head and said, "Is that the point? Isn't the point why you're feigning illness? Are you finally fed up with the students at Gotham?"

"Of course not... ah, well, there is a point, but that's not the point..."

"Do you know how I got the news? This morning, the police station was screaming and screaming because they heard that the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital was temporarily closed because there was no attending doctor. I have never seen them so sad..."

"Yeah, Arkham Psychiatric Hospital is closed. It's not just the police who are sad."

Gordon frowned. He was not stupid. After thinking for a while, he said, "The gangsters won't stop there. They have tasted the sweetness in this industry."

"Yes, they are probably more anxious than you now. After all, you have almost saved enough money, and your goal is just to buy an apartment. They are different."

"Why are you doing this? What good is it to hang them?"

"I am injured, the mental hospital is closed, and a duck when they reach the mouth is about to fly. Then, why am I injured?"

"Why are want to frame the group of people from the Metropolis?" Gordon finally You have to use these gangsters to eradicate that group of people. Once they find out, you will be arrested by the Metropolis. The group of people attacked, and that group of people is the culprit behind the closure of the mental hospital, so they will definitely try their best to dig out this group of people and kill them. "

Gordon paced the room, saying as he walked: "After running for so long, a lot of people have taken the time and effort to put the industry in a mental hospital, and they won't be happy to give up on it, it's like the end of pizza baking. A process, they won't be happy to stop."

"If you're sick, they will definitely find various ways to find out what's going on. The police all know who did it. Those gang leaders have no reason to know."

"But how can you be sure they're going to have trouble with those guys from Metropolis? Instead of trying to replace you with someone else like before?"

"You're injured, but that doesn't mean the psychiatric hospital has to close. They don't know that this industry is your plan. They might just think, since the doctor in charge is sick, why not just change it?"

"They really don't know, but Falcone knows, and that's enough."

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