As the light in the passage became brighter, the car gradually drew closer to the huge transport plane.

"Steve, send me up!" Gary stood on the car, ready to jump.

"Steady." Steve left the driver's seat, stuck on the edge of the car door, then put his hand against the shield, looked at Gary and said, "Come on!"

Looking at this scene, Carter raised her heart. She knew very well that if Gary couldn't jump up, the end would be absolutely terrible.

Gary didn't hesitate, and directly stepped on the round shield, taking advantage of Steve's thrust and the bouncing power of his legs, and jumped up with a bang.


Gary grabbed the edge of the warehouse opening at the tail of the transport plane without any risk, and then he turned his whole body into it with a strong arm.

"Beautiful!" Carter praised.

At this time, the transport plane had rushed to the entrance of the passage and was about to take off.

And the car also came under the transport plane.

"Wait." Steve was about to jump, but Carter stopped him.

Steve turned his head and pounced on him with a sweet kiss.

"Go and kill him!" Carter said seriously.

Steve nodded and glanced at Colonel Phillips who was driving.

"What are you still doing, I won't kiss you!" Colonel Phillips shouted.

Steve jumped onto the landing gear of the transport plane.


Seeing this, Phillips hurriedly turned the steering wheel and braked.

The transport plane with wings as long as 20 to 30 meters rushed out of the runway at this moment and began to take off.

Gary entered the tail warehouse, and soon saw a hatch. After opening, he saw several bombers placed on both sides of the landing gear.

After getting to the middle, Steve just got in here through the undercarriage.


"Shh, someone is coming." Gary whispered with his finger on his mouth.

Soon, four Hydera pilots quickly walked over from inside.

Gary pointed to the first two, meaning they were handed over to me.

Steve nods.

bang bang.

As the four pilots passed in front of them, Gary rushed out instantly, kicked one flying, and then knocked the other pilot out with a straight punch.

Steve also tacitly used the shield to overturn the two pilots behind, but one of them landed on the bomber, struggling to open the cockpit.

Seeing that the latter was about to enter the bomber to take off, Steve hurried to the controller in the middle and opened the exit below the bomber.

The bomber immediately fell, and the pilot holding on to the top quickly lost his hold and was sucked down by the air pressure outside.

Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, we should meet old friends." Gary laughed.

"I'm looking forward to it." Steve shrugged and followed.

The two passed through the cabin and arrived in the front cab in a short while.

"Where are the Schmidts?" Seeing that there was no one in the driver's seat, Steve frowned.

"It should be hidden..." Gary's eyes couldn't help moving to the middle of the cab as soon as he finished speaking.

There is a square blue power block in there.

Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

Gary's breathing became slightly tighter. This is a super artifact in Marvel, a space gem, one of the six infinite gems.

"This rich spatial fluctuation is like the ocean!" Gary is very sensitive to this unique spatial fluctuation because his consciousness travels back and forth between the two worlds.

"Gary, be careful!" Steve heard the sound of footsteps behind him, quickly raised his shield, and blocked Gary.


The dazzling blue light hit the shield, and a large number of air waves were rolled up like a storm.

"You guys just refuse to give up, right?" Schmidt shouted holding the energy weapon.

"Of course not!" Steve replied, and rushed to Schmidt.

Boom, boom.

Schmidt fired two shots, but Steve blocked them with his shield.


With a charge, Steve knocked away the energy weapon in Schmidt's hand, and then punched Schmidt's skull.

And Gary also broke free from the immersion of space fluctuations. He turned around and rolled over, picking up the energy weapon that Schmidt had left aside, but at this time Steve and Schmidt were already wrestling together. If you shoot, it is easy to accidentally injure.

bang bang.

The two punched each other with punches, and soon they fought to the driving position and hit the steering column.

The transport plane immediately drove downwards.

Gary quickly grabbed the iron net on the ground with his hands to stabilize his figure.

Both Steve and Schmidt hit the top and quickly fell back into the driving position.

Schmidt kicked Steve away, then turned around and flicked the button with his fingers, allowing the transport plane to resume normal flight.

As soon as the transport plane recovered, Gary pulled the trigger and blasted towards Schmidt.

Schmidt also reacted quickly, leaping to the left, dodging Gary's sudden blow, but the energy bombarded the button panel, blasting a huge gap.

"Captain America, you have the power to become a god!" Schmidt took out the energy pistol on his body and quickly fired a shot at Gary.

Gary rolled quickly, dodging the shot.

"Do you think you can fight for your country with a five-star pattern on your chest? I have seen the future, and the future will not have a national flag!" Schmidt roared and fired two shots at Gary again.

Gary dodged one shot, but he couldn't dodge the other, he could only block it with the energy weapon in his hand.


The energy weapon suddenly became dust.

"This is not my future!" Steve jumped down from the side, picked up the shield on the ground, and smashed it hard at Schmidt.


The shield knocked Schmidt into the air and hit the mechanical device that placed the Rubik's Cube.

Immediately, the machine stopped, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was ejected.

Schmidt struggled to stand up, looked at the Rubik's Cube, and said in a daze, "What have you done!"

As he spoke, he picked up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but soon he felt a huge energy spread throughout his body.

Immediately afterwards, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube released waves of blue energy, and a vast starry sky appeared around it.

"No!" Schmidt yelled, and his whole body was transformed into a mass of energy and sent out.

Looking at this scene, Gary couldn't help sighing. He didn't expect Schmidt to be sent to a barren planet by the space gem, guarding the soul gem for more than 70 years.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube fell on the iron net, burning a hole, and continued to fall.

Seeing this, Gary couldn't stop it.

"Gary, Schmidt, he..." Steve was stunned.

"Schmidt is dead!" Gary took a deep breath and said slowly.

Hearing this, Steve came back to his senses.

"Oops, this plane..." As if thinking of something, Gary and Steve rushed to the pilot's seat.

"The destination is New York!" Gary said in a deep voice, scanning the radar pattern displayed on it.

Steve sat in the driver's seat, looking at the operating instruments in front of him, he pushed a few buttons, but soon his expression became ugly.

"What's wrong?" Gary's heart sank. Although he knew the plot, he still expected a miracle to happen, but now...

"Gary, the situation is a bit bad. The autopilot can't be disengaged, and as you can see, this thing has been blasted into a hole just now, and there is no way to manually operate it. It can't cancel the destination at all!" Steve said, taking a deep breath The tone seemed to have made a certain choice, and he looked at Gary and said solemnly: "There is a parachute behind the cabin, Gary, hurry up and parachute behind!"

Gary said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"The only way now is to drive the plane into the sea!"

"There must be other ways. Isn't there a communicator on it? Let's contact Carter and let her inform Stark that he is the best pilot!" Gary said anxiously.

Steve shook his head, "No time."

"Someone has to sacrifice, don't forget, I am Captain America!"

Gary couldn't help being silent, he heard the firmness in Steve's words.

"Gary, hurry up, it's too late!" Steve yelled, "Remember, take care of Carter for me, I owe her a date!"

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