American Big Landlord

Chapter 754: auction

"Yes, but its value is not enough. After my new profit plan comes out, it will usher in user growth again. Once these two points are achieved, it is the most suitable time for financing!" Said Zhou Jiexi with a big smile. Confident "It has this potential. The Tom Cat I want will not only have this value. It has greater potential than Twitter. There are also children users that this business likes. This is a market that Twitter can’t match. Potential, we have stronger advertising."

"Jesse, I have to say that you are a smart vampire, no, you should be a vampire hunter. Catch those greedy vampires and **** blood on them!" An Apple shareholder said with emotion while looking at Jesse Zhou.

And this sentence has been approved by many people around. After Jessie Chou's two-handed preparation, the value of Tom Cat will increase a lot at a time. But it will still attract many investors to get together.

"I like this name, vampire hunter, it has a magical feeling!" Jessie Chou said with a smile, very happy to get the nickname of this kind of ridicule, maybe this is what he wants, just to make more money. .

"I finally know why Mark said that you are not the decision maker of Tom Cat. It is the best result and the smartest decision. Even if it was created by you." Jobs moved his eyes off the stage and looked at him." You are more like a businessman, a person who exchanges dreams for money. This is better than both Mark and I have done, and you are more sensible."

"If this is a compliment, I would feel very happy!" Zhou Jiexi said in a humorous tone after thinking about his words.

I also complained to Jobs in my heart. You don't seem to be a good person to help the Lord. Now I'm still talking about dreams and money. Don't say you haven't sold apples before, and you have been driven out, but it can't be a character problem.

Just okay, watching you get sick for Apple, and die for Apple, is indeed a qualified dreamer. Jessie Chou can only use these words as a kind of praise, maybe there is irony too. After all, he doesn't really value the things he designed, so he can decide at will, sell it for money, and buy his favorite ‘toy’.

The people around are not deterred. There are indeed vampires who want to pounce on Jessie Chou's blood, because they believe they will get more from the pigs below, so they will take turns holding the bombs and throw them out at the right time. , Then you will never hurt yourself.

"After a while, I promise, everyone is friends, aren't they? Ha ha...Financing must be given priority to discuss with everyone!" Zhou Jiexi took a moment to make some guarantees to the surrounding shareholders that he did not believe.

Obviously the person who can pay more prices in the future is the choice he wants. If the price was enough for his heart, he wouldn't mind selling Tom Cat directly. Even if someone expands it to a market value of tens of billions in the future, these have nothing to do with him who wants to exchange more cash now.

Jobs photographed an object in this gap. It was a very nice earring, very beautiful. Helen smiled happily next to him, and it seemed that she had told her to give it to her during the filming.

Jessie Chou also took a look to see if there is anything she likes. If it doesn't, take it too. It is a matter of tens of thousands of dollars. This kind of gathering does not require you to spend a few million, and a few hundred thousand is already very early. Most people are still thousands of dollars, and I haven't seen it on such occasions to show off their wealth.

"This is an antique box. Legend has it that it is a private pirate box. But the details are not exquisite..." The auctioneer on the stage introduced the box to everyone. Zhou Jiexi didn't listen carefully, and after only a few sentences, she pulled Zhang Ziyi and said two sentences.

"It starts at five thousand dollars, and the auction starts now!" said the auctioneer.

When Jesse Zhou looked back, everyone had already started to bid. He looked at this box with copper nails and felt okay. As for the pirates in front, who cares about him, buy it back and talk about it. He didn't have anything to start today, so he had to take one or two shots to be interesting.

"Ten thousand dollars!" He raised his hand and said directly. In this case, most people who don't like this box will not bid anymore. He doubled the price, which is already obvious. "

"Ten thousand dollars once, ten thousand dollars twice..."

"Eleven thousand dollars!" A man seemed to be a little bit interesting, and tentatively quoted a price. "

"Twelve thousand U.S. dollars!" Zhou Jiexi only added a little to indicate that she would not give up. He had already given it enough times before, and this time he wanted to take a photo for an explanation. Everyone saw what he meant, and stopped earning it from him.

"Twelve thousand dollars once, 12,000 dollars twice..."

The man looked at the stage a little unwillingly, and it was really not fun when he paid for a fun.

"Ten thousand dollars three times, sold." The auctioneer hammered down the hammer and extended his right hand ceremoniously to congratulate Zhou Jiexi. "Congratulations to this gentleman!"

Jessie Chou also smiled and raised her glass, and people she knew often looked at him or smiled. The auction continued, and the staff packed the box and delivered it to him. He handed them the check that had been written, and the staff thanked him for his contribution to charity.

After the worker left, he just looked at the wrapped box. The packaging was at least not bad. They still have to spend this little money in the province. At a glance, there is no meaning to pay attention, this thing is just a look.

The auction went on, and some of them were listed below, but some were sold, and some were not. The pace of charity auctions is very fast, unlike the kind of formal auctions. The procrastinated rhythm is just to give those people time to think and make the last effort.

After the auction, the auctioneer was donated by the on-site personnel on the spot, and some were in the hope that the auction amount could reach a certain level. Some just want to donate some money, with different goals, but with their own processes.

There was another proposal on the spot, and a forty-year-old uncle handed a box up. The auctioneer polished up according to the lines he gave and said that this was a wedding ring, which was prepared by a man for a woman. He is confident that he wants to take this photo back, just like he is confident that he wants to get married today.

The auction process was very fast, and everyone was very cooperative. The man used a commemorative number to photograph the ring, which cost hundreds of thousands. At this time, he still has to thank his girlfriend who met in January.

If this is November and December, the loss will be great.

After the man took a picture of the ring, he knelt down like a woman proposing marriage. After speaking a touching word, the woman covered her mouth, and two lines of happy tears flowed down. Jessie Chou and the people in the venue applauded and blessed the opposite old and newcomer, and they found each other at this age, who were already forty years old.

Just like that sentence, not meeting you at the best age, but meeting you is the best age for me.

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