American Big Landlord

Chapter 645: seen

The meeting with the Deputy Secretary of State is a big deal, but it is not the biggest. Anyway, people in this position may step down if they are unlucky. If there is some negative news at random, they may also face impeachment by the House.

This time Jessie Chou met in a personal name, and the wife of the Deputy Secretary of State is the president of an environmental protection organization. This time he also met in this name. It doesn't matter what name Jessie Chou is, it's good to get a relationship, he has this confidence.

The Oscars will come to him in two years. After all, he is also a good choice for Jessie Chou. The current official secretary of state is the woman Hillary Clinton. When she heard that the White House intern and her husband Clinton were in love, she did it right under her nose.

In the White House office, we have to say that our zippers are really interesting. His wife won the Nobel Prize outside, and he dared to do it with that woman afterwards. Sometimes Jessie Chou really admired him.

Of course, there is also a woman like Hillary Clinton, who hasn't divorced yet, and she is not an ordinary person. It's not cheap to just swallow it, Xiao San. In the end, he got his mistress and walked away in a desperate manner.

The three of them got into the car sent over. When they arrived at the place, they saw the wife of the Deputy Secretary of State and many people standing at the door to pick them up. Gentleman Jiexi Chou walked down and exchanged warm greetings with these people. The two seniors are very used to this, businessmen and politicians are actually not better there.

The rights and benefits that can be exchanged for a momentary smile are nothing. Both types of people pursue results, and those in the middle can be selectively forgotten.

There are six undersecretaries of state in the United States. Their job is the second post in the U.S. State Department after the secretary of state, serving as the chief deputy and chief assistant of the secretary of state. And, assume the duties of acting secretary of state when the secretary of state is absent.

Of course, this is a bright face. In fact, his work also has its own division of labor. O’Hare needs a government that is functioning and controlling, and the Deputy Secretary of State, when he loses the position of Secretary of State and trades it to Hillary Clinton, he has to consider it. Okay!

Jessie Chou asked to go in, which was considered a good family dinner. Deputy Secretary of State Berg, the man whose name means Glory. Wearing a pair of glasses, it looks gentle but refined.

Several people had a good dinner, chatting for a few hours in between, and spent the Deputy Secretary of State's hard holiday into tasting delicious food. Of course, several people also talked about a lot of constituency matters, and Jesse Zhou did not plan to rely on them in this regard.

It is the last word to be hard-headed. Spend some money to persuade the company, and they can help him handle things well. Jessie Zhou also thinks that things that can be done with money, don't care about that little money.

A few people chatted very happily, and Zhou Jiexi was also very happy when she left. The two people in the house are in a very good mood. His wife’s charity organization Jessie Chou promised a valuable check.

The father was also polite and gave a lot of money.

He didn't understand and dismissed such things as protecting water sources or helping those African black brothers dig wells. The old blacks can help, it's better to do good deeds when you go home with that little money.

How many people can digging a well in Africa help? Jessie Chou hadn't calculated it carefully. He would also let his subordinates look at the data that he would send over in the future. The simplest analysis to give him might make him look a lot easier.

The next day, Jessie Zhou gave the check to his wife through normal channels, only as a charitable donation. The accounts were clear and clear, as if she had not benefited much.

But that little money is nothing compared to fame. What she wants is not only to make achievements in this area, but also to make fame. If you go to a government department for election in the future, the starting point will be much higher than that of others. I'm saying that this way, it can also help her husband gain a good influence.

The two seniors also wrote checks and gave them plainly. As for the other small actions behind them, they are about to figure it out. There are talents in this area, but there is no need to worry about it, but you have to be careful.

This time I went back and everyone was very satisfied, especially the middle and young generations of Chinese descent, who are all activists. After seeing Jessie Chou's deeds, he was even more enthusiastic!

Jessie Chou is now in the federation, and his proportion is getting stronger and stronger. Isn't it like when I first came, would so many people think what he said makes sense. They are all superficially good-looking, but in fact they will still say something about him secretly.

After coming back this time, my heart has changed a lot. It's not as free and unrestrained as it is now, and there are people who talk about it. It's good, and he is very satisfied. Seeing that things are almost done here, he should turn his equivalent of going to university during vacation into a vacation during school.

Zhou Jiexi, who is busy, can only make time to go to school. Recently, his old age has caused dissatisfaction with the school. He took advantage of the time to go there quickly, hand in the paper, and deal with the defense, so he can basically go to graduate school.

Of course, the most important thing is to sponsor something to the school, which also seems to be useful as a student. Stanford, as the richest school, is not short of his money.

Just a well-known dropout student, with a well-known outstanding alumnus, the two sides choose, of course, the latter is better. There are two people from Harvard, and they have not finished college, but they all have succeeded.

This is not good news. Jessie Chou is the same now. He goes to school until he graduates, or if he can graduate early, then he will be an excellent alumnus of Stanford. He still liked this reputation a bit. After having this reputation, there would be no shortage of manpower in the network.

In addition, the Brotherhood and the Chinese American Federation have also given a lot of support, and his ability is also purposeful

It is common to see that although there are few classes, it still does not humiliate Stanford's reputation. Therefore, the schools have also given tolerance, but the big schools are also principled, and things that are too excessive are really unavoidable.

Jessie Chou went back to school and gave a reply. If she is lucky, there will be basically no problems. So many people will be sent!

Unless it was an accident, or some other reason?

Jessie Chou had always had good luck. When he returned to the brotherhood’s dormitory, he was taken aback by the accident. He had already prepared the brothers and threw a party that had returned for him.

When he walked in, he looked dark, and the lights came on with a bang. A group of people surrounded him with a piece of cake in their hands.

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