American Big Landlord

Chapter 397: Guest

After chatting casually with Paris and Olivia, Jessie Chou took Nikki Hilton and left here first. They had other guests to receive.

Zhao Jie looked at Nikki who came over. He smiled slightly at him, followed by a few greetings. Immediately entering the working state, she then looked at her watch and said to Zhou Jiexi: "According to the report of the security personnel at the periphery, the first group of guests will arrive in five minutes. You should prepare quickly."

"Well, I got it!" Jessie Chou nodded her head to express her understanding, and then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, revealing an attractive smile. He has practiced this smile in the mirror many times, and now he smiles. It looks like it has a special charm.

The people who came took out the invitation letter and invitation card at the gate. After seeing that there was no problem, Raymond, who guarded the gate, nodded to indicate that he could let him go. And also very politely sent a blessing.

The Chinese who came from this family also felt very good, nodded to Raymond, and slightly led his wife and son in. An environmentally friendly golf cart, which was on standby at any time, also drove over to take them to the meeting place on the farm.

"Son, this is your friend’s Chinese-American Jesse Zhou’s farm. It looks really good! It’s big enough, spacious enough, and grand enough! But if I can, put him in the sky. I can't escape the fate of being divided by the local tyrants!" A potbellied Asian man in his forties said to his son and wife next to him.

However, his wife is a member of the U.S. Emperor, and his son mostly stayed in the United States. Therefore, he could not have personal experience of the passion and helplessness of his time, so he could only hold his husband's hand to express comfort.

"That's all gone, dear!" The wife comforted her husband.

"I usually see you making friends with friends, and you will finally be up for a while, and you know to make some useful friends!"

"Daddy, those are my friends!" The young man said solemnly.

"Well, this is your way. I just give you some advice. As for the decision, you have to slowly understand it yourself!"

After the two said a few words, the car arrived at the meeting place, where Jiexi Zhou, Nikki and Zhao Jie were already there. As the first visitor, he has to be more enthusiastic than that!

"Hey, Jack didn't expect you to come the fastest!" Jessie Chou walked over and hugged the mixed-race young man.

"Unexpectedly, I was the fastest!" Jack said with a little surprise, and looked at Nikki next to Jessie Chou.

"Look at me, I forgot to introduce it. This is my female companion, Nikki Hilton. The person next to me is my indispensable assistant and one of my sisters, Jie Zhao." Zhou Jiexi introduced two People, but it's okay not to know the terms, anyway, some things are not said too clearly.

"This is my friend Jack Qiu."

"Hello Madam!"

"Hello there!"

A few people met, "This is my father, and that is my mother!" Jack also introduced him, so everyone on his side should be familiar with it!

But it was two elders who came, and Zhou Jiexi had to be polite: "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Qiu and Mrs. Qiu!"

Mr. Qiu had observed Zhou Jiexi when he came. With his vision, plus Zhou Jiexi is still a rich man, in this real capital society, he still has a good impression of the person in front of him!

"Mr. Zhou is too polite. I have been fascinated by you for a long time. Now that I see you in person, it seems to be much better than I thought!" Qiu Jieke's father, Qiu Xiangqiang nodded to Zhou Jiexi in Chinese Said.

However, he heard that the accent in his words was relatively heavy, and Zhou Jiexi knew it was from his hometown. "Mr. Qiu passed the award. I didn't expect that Mr. Qiu turned out to be a native of Fushun. It's really fate to meet people from his hometown overseas!"

Jessie Chou also spoke the Chinese dialect this time, and instead of pursuing a standard accent in his words, he spoke in his hometown accent instead.

"Haha... I didn't expect Mr. Qiu to be the same, a native of Fushun, I am so lucky to meet!" Although he is an old immigrant, he has already met a lot of people from his hometown, but after knowing that he is a fellow countryman, it is inevitable that he still Will feel closer.

The two of them chatted immediately, and they forgot Jack, Nikki and the others. But one was my father, and the other didn't mind Jessie Chou's move, and he didn't say anything! But Qiu Xiangqiang knew that he would still be busy.

So after talking a few words, I ended the conversation first, and there was nothing about Titian. Jessie Chou didn't think that this kind of businessman came just for the watermelon. Plus, looking at this person's spirit and face, he recognized it all at once, which was a sign of having used incense.

But since they don't ask now, they are playing a nostalgia card, and Jessie Chou doesn't care, although he doesn't want to ship it on a large scale. But the circulation in a small area was a long time ago.

However, how much each person buys and whoever buys it again is a confidential act. In this way, no one can know from him how many goods his Jessie Chou has produced. Not only does he get preferential tax payments, but he can also keep the market hungry and keep a low profile.

He can still use the least amount of shipments to ensure the highest profit margin for incense. "This guy is very good! Jack, you have to talk to him more, maybe you can get a lot!"

Qiu Xiangqiang didn't say anything about learning from Zhou Jiexi. His own children are not bad, but there are some things that he didn't think about carefully. It can be regarded as a mutual exchange with Zhou Jiexi. What's more, the child is not comfortable listening to this.

"I think so too!" Jack Qiu didn't say anything against his father, but what he said was told to his father, so I don't know if it was a thing! ‘The posture Jesse said last time can indeed increase stamina, but he didn’t mean that there is another movement that makes it possible for a person to do it several times a night. It seems to be communicating with him! I just don’t know if I should tell Dad about this, um, it’s worth considering!’

After the first one walked in, people came back one after another, and Zhou Jiexi also went over to chat with people, some people didn't know him. Everyone also exchanged a few words, which also laid the groundwork for future solidarity. And everyone said the same, so this thing is done smoothly.

Everyone is also a person with status. Those who can appear on this occasion are not bad either. They are either directors of listed companies, executives of the company, or barristers, etc. The most important thing is this activity. The arrival of politicians is absolutely indispensable.

At least the two California senators that Jessie Chou knew, as well as a few state legislators, etc., are also here! There are also many Democrats who have also come here. The Democrats still have a good impression of Jessie Zhou, who has joined the Apple board of directors.

Because Jessie Chou is obviously also pro-Democratic, this also makes many Democrats think about Jessie Chou. This new rich man can't let go of the opportunity to make friends. He is young, rich, and pro-Democratic. Especially in the circle of Chinese descent, he still has a good relationship.

Looking at the people who will come here, many of them are of Chinese descent who were born and raised in California. Either the family came, or the sons or daughters came. I also had a good chat with Jessie Chou, the relationship seems to be very harmonious!

However, the proportion of Chinese Americans in California is increasing. For those Chinese who have votes, there is a large number of people who do not vote to express their political opinions. This is really a waste for these politicians! Of course it is also a good opportunity. Everyone wants to open up wasteland, and although it is hard work, it is not the one that can get the most.

And Zhou Jiexi has connections in the Chinese circle and has money. He has his support. He is helping to influence some Chinese rich people. This is a fertile land. As long as it is developed, it will benefit. Endless things!

Jessie Chou also enjoyed chatting with a few government officials. For those who lacked attention in previous lives, the feeling of being regarded as the center of the world is really good. Of course others don't know, at least Jessie Chou really enjoys it.

After a few more greetings with a few guests, Zhao Jie reminded him that Apple’s Jobs family had also come, and they had already entered in a golf cart.

Jessie Chou knew which was more important, and apologized to a few people. In their ‘okay, okay’ voice, Jessie Chou took Nikki to meet the Steve Jobs family!

"Steve, you are welcome." Jessie Chou gave a hug. Although the skeleton was still huge, Jobs did not have much muscle. Then there was one of him, Helen, who came to a veneer: "Helen, you are really beautiful today."

"Thank you, Jesse!" Helen smiled. "This is my son Reid Jobs!" Helen touched the back of the young man next to him, and said to Jesse Chou.

Jessie Chou looked at this young man. In his previous life, it seemed that after Steve's death, this young man was inspired to learn medicine and be an excellent oncologist. "Hello buddy!"

"Hello Zhou, I have always wanted to see you, so this meeting specifically asked my father to bring me too." Reid said to Jesse Zhou.

"Oh? Why?" Jessie Chou asked questioningly.

"I want to personally thank you, as a man of the Jobs family, and father's son. Thank you for making my father's body more comfortable. Now he is much better than before. I... ..." Reid said a little excited, as if touching something on his mind, but he could see that he loved her father Steve Jobs very much.

"Okay buddy, Steve is also my friend, I just did what I can do!" Jessie Chou patted his shoulder comfortingly!

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