American Big Landlord

Chapter 237: idea

Little demon: "I want to thank everyone for the rewards, thank you! It feels good to be recognized!" No ads

Nicky was a little shocked. According to her thoughts, it is normal for Jessie Chou to have some money. However, in her thoughts, Jessie Chou might have lived with her own family fund. Either there is a rich father who is a rich second-generation child like Huang Darling, or he inherits a lot of money or something.

But listening to what these people said, it seems that Jiexi Zhou has a very good investment vision. The recent investments in network technology companies are all companies that are now promising. Although he did not enter the market at the best time, his time to enter the market was not bad. People on Wall Street now estimate that Apple and Facebook have the possibility of further growth, and their expectations for the future are not low.

"Watermelon Swordsman was developed by your game company?" Nicky asked Jesse Zhou. Others are not suitable for asking now. This game is very suitable for the familiarity of the two. Let's talk about this topic.

"Yeah, this is the game I came up with. Although I don't care much about the company's operations, I still serve as the creative director." Jessie Chou said it with a little trifle, unceremoniously treating plagiarism as According to his thoughts, who knows that he is plagiarizing. Then he asked Nikki knowingly, "Do you play this game?"

"Indeed, this game is very interesting, I really like it! I have two hundred in the ranking!" Ad-free Nicky said to Jesse Zhou with a smile. Saying here is a little bit proud. In addition to being proud of the results, there is also to prove that I really have fun, rather than deliberately want to compliment Jessie Chou.

"Two hundred, oh, Nicky, you are still very good, but now the first place is still mine! Haha..."

"Oumaika, you are the zjx...!

"Yes!" No ads

After the two chatted a few words, a few others came over, and of course Jesse Chou welcomed them. He doesn't like the liveliness of the protagonist in the novel, and he still has a feeling for these social activities. Jessie Chou is a little yearning for the realm of making friends all over the world.

Therefore, he felt that it would be good for him to know more people in this place. Anyway, there are more contacts, which is not a bad thing. Besides, regardless of whether it is black or white, it may be useful in the future. People living in this world must make friends with the three educators.

People who pretend to be noble, often can only live in their own world. Jingcai's life can't be successful in their own world. Of course, Jessie Chou is an exception. His own world is similar to others. Different.

Nicky is also very interested in this. She has been participating in high society parties since she was a child, so she is very decent in dealing with such things. It also helped Zhou Jiexi indirectly. When the two chatted with others, they cooperated perfectly.

Make the people around you feel good about them. Doesn’t Jessie Chou know how to talk about some topics? Nicky knows a little bit. But even so, she can take care of Zhou Jiexi and take care of him very much. This is the first time that Zhou Jiexi has a little opinion about the age of the two.

In the previous life, Jessie Chou was definitely a lot older than Nicky. But in this life, he felt like a young man in his twenties. In the previous life, he was immersed in his own world. People's growth does not mean that people grow up by age or anything, but actually depends on the experience of life, and experience is linked to age, and age is not linked to experience.

Although it's a bit messy, it's easy to talk about it. Rolling in this society more and experiencing life more, only then can people grow up and let people understand what life is. Although Jiexi Chou had been out for a while in his previous life, he was the kind of person who had surplus food in his family, so he didn't panic. If he encounters uncomfortable things, he will be able to quit. When you leave, you can say, ‘I’m not taking care of you! ’

This also has a lot to do with Zhou's mother who spoiled him since he was a child. People of his generation, like the teacher said, are little emperors like the only daughter in the family. But he is even more powerful. He is the only man in the family, and he is not asked to do almost anything. What he used to be a rizi who stretched out his hands for food and opened his mouth.

That is to say, after a few years of mixing outside, it has converged. It's a pity that he can't hold back his face, and he won't be able to stay out for long. If he thinks about the rent at home, he doesn't want to discuss life outside. So he completely became an otaku, just talk a few words in front of the computer, watch movies, even play less games, do sex, the social circle is small and pitiful, plus he is in the parents Under the nose.

It's almost as if he stopped growing, and he's still alive and going back. From now on, the ri sons are almost the same. If he can grow into a mature and stable person, no one believes it. Even if the rebirth in this life gave him a great shock, he also consciously corrected some, but the gap was revealed by the comparison.

Nikki looks like he is not much older, but in fact she is indeed how old Jesse Chou is. Coupled with her family education since she was a child, and her social circle, she has also tempered and grown a lot. Although she used to be the temperament of Missy, she has changed a lot as she has experienced more. Compared to Jessie Chou's words, it is definitely much higher.

The scope of chatting with these people is very wide, such as food, clothing, housing, fashion, investment, and all kinds of things, but they are inseparable from money. Jessie Zhou also came across one or two chats inside. Everyone left contact information for each other, so that when they were free, they could meet to do something together. As for what to do, I'll be talking about it then!

The chatting time passed quickly, and the time for the reception in the living room was almost over. Now it's time to have dinner, which is the purpose of everyone coming this time, to buy some pets that I don't usually see for a long time. Everyone knows that after thinking about it, these things cannot be bought and sold through normal channels. Only special channels can be supplied.

As for the issue of compliance or legality, no one will mention it. As long as they make it clear that they don’t know, they don’t know. Even if something happens later, he is also a victim, and the chance of such a situation is obviously very small. As long as you buy it, the lawyer will help you through various channels to improve the legality of these things.

Whether it's experimental research or injury relief, the group of vampires can definitely make them legal in the United States. This is also after Huang Darling explained, Zhou Jiexi asked the lawyer Harvey again, so that he could come here with peace of mind to buy. As for whether it is an endangered animal, it really doesn't matter to us!

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