Am I God

: Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass in June, by the way, let’s talk about the plot

After the month of May, all the chapters have finally been completed.

I would like to thank you all for your efforts here. I am God’s monthly ticket ranking has improved a lot. In the end, there should be more than 30 people, far more than before. Thank you again.

I don't know what everyone thinks about the plot. I have been trying my best to maintain the balance between the daily life, the main line and the battle. I hope to be relaxed and relaxed, but not too watery, and to keep it relaxed and interesting.

It happens to be the last chapter in May, and the plot will come to a new stage. I feel that every step needs to be careful. I also try to be patient and write bit by bit, because I am afraid that the turning point is too blunt or the plot is illogical. Or which character is not well written.

In the next June, I will try to write more interesting and exciting, and I hope the previous layout can be well caught. By the way, I also ask for a monthly guaranteed monthly pass in June. After all, writing a novel needs to maintain a tense state from the beginning to the end. The monthly ticket list is not only an important way to promote the novel, but also a self-promotion.

Thank you, everyone, and in June, please.

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