Am I God

Chapter 684: agitated

"He's chasing after him!"

"Be careful of that silver light."

"What's up with the weather?"

"No, I can't escape."

"The missile was intercepted again."

"Support, we need support!"

As the last fighter lost contact, the entire command fell into an eerie silence.

The adjutant walked to the commander's side and asked, "Sir, the entire squadron..."

The commander asked, "How far is the nearest fighter? How long will it take to get there."

"It will take at least half an hour, sir." The adjutant said, "And we still have no way to decipher the other party's superpowers, and conventional weapons are ineffective against him."

The commander closed his eyes and exhaled slowly: "I understand. Report to the upper management, we failed. The other side... The other side has the strength to compete head-on with the conventional army."

After the adjutant left, the commander was silent for a while and looked at the screenshot on the big screen. It was a picture of a golden three-headed dragon wearing armor flying in the air, and the blurry figure on the dragon's head.

Then, with the news of the annihilation of 12 supersonic fighter jets, the entire European high-level group was in a turmoil.

"Can superpowers reach this level?"

"This man behind the scenes threatens the security of the whole of Europe."

"It must have been the Americans."

"It's the secret weapon of the Chinese!"

"Check, we must find out who they are!"

"We have to develop and form new forces to fight this super life."

Following Zhao Yao's actions in the past few days, an invisible storm started from Europe and spread towards the entire earth.

Various countries and forces have increased investment and efforts in the development of superpowers, and many of the original dangerous abilities have been brought into the field of vision again and have been used by humans.

One by one, the single-person weapon research plans that were originally too large and narrowly used were also taken out by countries one by one because of this incident.

It can be said that this event has had a huge impact on the historical trend of the entire earth.

However, Zhao Yao, the initiator, still didn't know anything about it. He looked at the 1000 experience points he got after completing the task with satisfaction.

Next, he ordered the cat to land. After Zhao Yao stood on the golden dragon head and landed steadily, he saw Yuanyuan and Ekaterina running over in the distance. The two cats looked ashen and shed their hair again. It was scratched again, but at this moment, his eyes were shining brightly at the golden dragon.

"He's so handsome!" Yuanyuan looked at the giant dragon and Zhao Yao on the dragon's head with anticipation, "It would be great if I could sit on the head of Cat Daxian and roam the sky."

Ekaterina said happily: "Mao Daxian, are you all right?"

Cat Daxian shook his head and said happily, "I'm in a very good state now."

Zhao Yao waved his hand and said, "Come up, just hit him directly."

Yuanyuan and Ekaterina jumped on the dragon's tail, then ran all the way to the dragon's head, and were swallowed by the briquettes.

The golden three-headed dragon looked at the parachutes and pilots who were still slowly descending not far away. Longyan blinked and asked, "Are you going to kill them?"

"No, hurry up and go to the double-headed eagle's nest." Zhao Yao looked at the time and said, "I don't want to waste diamonds."

His burst card is time-limited.

So the next moment, the golden three-headed dragon sprinted into the sky again, and flew towards the headquarters of the two-headed eagle.

In a village deep in the mountains, there are all kinds of outposts inside and outside the village, and criminals with guns are everywhere. This is the base camp of the double-headed eagle.

Thousands of tons of drugs are stored in the village, and it can be said that thousands of tragedies all over Europe originate here every day.

There are more than 50 apostles who eat dragon eagles in the village all year round, and more than 500 armed thugs who are accustomed to murder and arson.

At this moment, in the compound deep in the village, a fat, long-haired old man was lying on a reclining chair with anger on his face.

Only to hear him yell in English: "Where's my son? Where have they gone?"

A few hours ago, Kerim suddenly discovered that he had lost contact with all the forces outside his five sons. The whole person was like a raging lion, and his men around him shivered with fright.

A feminine-looking man walked up to Kerim and comforted him: "Uncle, don't worry, maybe it's just a coincidence. After all, the environment Edron and the others are in is a bit dangerous, and it's very difficult to be in contact temporarily. normal."

The speaker is the strongest apostle among the Dragon Eaters, Charlotte among the seven dragon slayers.

Seeing Charlotte's arrival, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, Kerim's anger also dropped, looking at Charlotte and said, "But this is too coincidental, your five cousins ​​lost at the same time. Contact, I'm worried that someone wants to touch our hand."

"Don't worry, uncle." Charlotte laughed: "I have put the whole village under martial law, and the goods in stock are also being cleaned up. I also gathered the dragon-eating eagles in the village, arranged all the soldiers, and adjusted the defense level to the highest. , even if the government sends troops over, we can retreat calmly."

Kerim patted Charlotte's shoulder with satisfaction and said, "Okay, Charlotte, I can rest assured with you here."

At this moment, a shout came from a distance, two apostles grabbed a young man and walked in, and said to Kerim: "My lord, this guy was secretly making a phone call just now."

The young man who was arrested let out a sigh and sighed inwardly: "Damn it, the idiot high-ranking officials on the government side, why did they suddenly contact me? It's easy for me to sneak in after all."

Looking at the surrounding armed thugs and the apostles of the Dragon-Eating Eagle, the young man was desperate: "Oh, if the superpowers are still there, maybe they can escape. Now this situation is dead."

Because the apostle's ability can only be borrowed for 24 hours at a time, so although he is an apostle, he has not been able to borrow the ability since he infiltrated.

Originally, I was thinking of finding a suitable to expose the qualifications of the apostle and become the dragon-eating eagle of the two-headed eagle. But he didn't expect that the officer suddenly contacted him today, saying that someone was dealing with the two-headed eagle, and Kerim's five sons had been killed, and the other party could attack this side at any time, so he seized the opportunity to collect all the intelligence of the other party.

"Bastard, didn't you say you don't need to contact me if you don't have important things? These are really killing me."

When Kerim heard something from his subordinates, he said coldly, "Satellite phone? Which country's policeman are you from?"

The young man smiled and said, "Is this a satellite phone? I picked it up casually, and I don't know what it is for."

Kerim said coldly, "Break his leg."

Seeing a soldier walking over, the young man said in panic, "It's not my phone, it's really not..." The next moment, his body rushed into the opponent's arms, and with a punch, another One hand had already touched the other's gun pocket.

Pulling out a pistol, the young man pointed at Kerim's position and said, "All hands up! Otherwise I'll shoot!"

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