Am I God

Chapter 674: grouping

Edron transferred a total of more than 30 million euros to Zhao Yao, which shocked Zhao Yao and made him more motivated for the next work.

"Damn it, more than 30 million euros, that's more than 200 million in RMB, right?" Zhao Yao was overjoyed: "It's too profitable, it's really too profitable, so much money is enough for me to buy a few more buildings. When I buy all the buildings in my community in the future, the whole community will be mine, and only female tenants will be recruited.

But thinking of this, Zhao Yao shook his head: "No, no, Zhao Yao, you are too inflated. This money is used for operating cat cafes, occupying the catnip market, and earning experience to earn lottery times. It cannot be used indiscriminately."

He stabilized his emotions, looked at Edron again with a blank face and asked, "Only this money? What about the money you have left?"

"It's gone, it's gone." He spat out more than 30 million euros in one breath, and Edron felt blood dripping from his heart, but it wasn't because he didn't want to pretend to be a tough guy, but because the opponent was too cruel, that kind of illusion , he really doesn't want to experience it again.

So looking at Zhao Yao's ruthless face, he kept saying: "The rest are all my fixed assets in the UK and France, which can't be realized in a short time. And most of the money I make is on my father's side, which has already It's all my savings."

"Huh? Really?" Zhao Yao sneered, he didn't believe that such a big criminal involved in drug and human trafficking would not leave a way out for himself, and keep all the money in the bank obediently.

"You're not being honest."

So I saw Zhao Yaoyi pointed out that there were many illusions in front of Edron. In his shocked eyes, more than a hundred butchers were naked, walking around him while shitting, and then hehe smiled and walked away. up.

"Don't come here!" Seeing his limbs being squeezed by the muscular man and his clothes being peeled off piece by piece, Edron screamed: "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

After a while, there was a scream from his mouth, and tears of humiliation flowed from the corners of his eyes: "Stop! Let them stop! I'll give you the money, I'll just give the money!"

Zhao Yao waved his hand, the illusion disappeared, staring at Edron on the ground and said, "Wouldn't it be better to cooperate earlier?"

After another round of forced confession, Zhao Yao squeezed out another round of cash, jewelry, and diamonds from the other party, worth about five million euros.

Of course, the next step is to bring the several super cats hidden in the manor back into the dimensional stomach one by one.

"It should be almost there."

Looking at Edron with a sluggish look on his face, Zhao Yao directly used an illusion to trick the opponent into the dimensional stomach. He had to discuss the next strategy with his super cat.

So Zhao Yao called in the stomach of Dimension, the heads of the six divisions, elite soldiers and strong generals, and explained the situation directly, and then said: "Now the two-headed eagle still has four forces circling overseas, so we are attacking them. Before the old nest, I plan to divide my troops to destroy their overseas forces, and also confiscate their illegal gains."

Hearing Zhao Yao's words, the cats sitting down had different thoughts, and their eyes showed different expressions of excitement, hesitation, tension, worry, etc.

"Copy their home?" Matcha got excited, jumped up and raised his claws and said, "I'm going! I'm going! Zhao Yao, share my way!" Night grass is not fat. How did Zhao Yao become rich? It's a robbery, this time it's finally my turn to make a fortune with matcha. ’

Seeing the positive look on Matcha's face, Zhao Yao said silently: "The other party is an international criminal organization with high strength and many apostles. It needs a very powerful super cat to defeat them."

"Isn't that me?" Matcha continued to raise her paws and said, "I'll go, I'll go, I'll go!"

Zhao Yao was silent for a while, looking at Matcha's innocent and expectant eyes, and secretly said in his heart: 'I can't say it, you are too naive, I can't say it, there is no way. ’

"Okay, matcha, you are with me, this is the first group." Then Zhao Yao didn't give the super cats a chance to make their own decisions, and said directly: "The briquettes and the pharaoh cats are all the way, this is the second group.

Elizabeth, Cheese, Ares all the way, this is 3 groups.

There are also Mao Daxian, Yuanyuan, and Ekaterina all the way. This is 4 groups.

There are four paths in total, and at the same time, they will annihilate the minions of the two-headed eagle, and then squeeze out all their money. "

Zhao Yao looked at the cats seriously and said, "Remember everyone, this is not only for ourselves, but also for the peace of the world, to fight evil, and to liberate the super cat enslaved by the two-headed eagle. Live forever!"

After listening to Zhao Yao's words, the super cats' expressions changed again and again, and each had different ideas.

Matcha: 'Zhao Yao still believes in my ability, and you must take me with you to feel at ease. ’

Yuanyuan: 'Being full of private pockets, plucking hair from wild geese, embezzling stolen goods and perverting the law, harming public and private interests, eating corpses, ill-gotten wealth, corruption... I am so good at writing. ’

Elizabeth: 'Public travel? I have to take more pictures this time. ’

Pharaoh: 'Why don't you put me and Rigo together? Why should Elizabeth, the coquettish bitch, be separated from Rigo? How could Zhao Yao do this? ’

Cheese: 'Can I take my sister to play? ’

Ares: 'Scared me to death, fortunately not in the same group as Pharaoh. Elizabeth? Alas, if it were her mother Ekaterina. Elizabeth was just a little off. ’

Cat Daxian: 'For justice! Also to liberate the super cat in the two-headed eagle! Zhao Yao's consciousness is very high, I really did not follow the wrong person. ’

Ekaterina: 'It's so troublesome, why do I have to go out to work as a puppet cat, I haven't cut my nails today... I don't want to work. ’

Mao Lao: 'It seems that Matcha has been blessed again since she came back from wandering, so it's time to talk to Duke Qiao again. ’

Lucifer: 'Damn, to fight against a very evil organization, to endure the attacks of countless powerhouses and face countless dangers? I really want to help my mate. ’

Rice Cake: 'Is there nothing wrong? So can I go back to playing games? Then I'm leaving? ’

Gaia: 'How did the cats get together? It seems to be very lively, forget it, it seems that I didn't realize that I didn't go there, I'll just let me play games. ’

Fishball: 'Why am I here? what are they talking about? It's nothing to do with me, right? I'm just passing by, is it okay to nod? ’

On the other side Not long after Zhao Yao left Edron's manor, people in black came to the manor, pulled down the fence, checked the traces, and analyzed the body.

In front of the dragon slayer Alpha, a middle-aged blond man with a big nose frowned: "The dragon slayer Alpha of the two-headed eagle? Is he dead too?"

The subordinate on the side said: "Sir, all the apostles and warriors in the entire manor died of suffocation. Edron is nowhere to be seen, but someone has transferred money in one of his accounts just now. We speculate that he should still be alive."

The blond man narrowed his eyes, revealing a cold light, remembering the battle here and the explosion in the city center, and sneered: "To act so recklessly in Paris, do these thugs really think that they can do whatever they want with a little ability?"

He ordered: "Check the surveillance cameras in the entire urban area, airport, and highway in the last three hours... Notify all the apostles... Monitor the airspace of the whole city... Let the hounds dispatch... Give me a holy sword troop on standby at any time..."

With the voice of the blond man, orders were issued one by one, and the whole of Paris gradually turned into a net.

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