Am I God

Chapter 310: disuse

Opened the cat food to try and looked at it, Zhao Yao's eyes had automatically revealed the level of cat food.

"Excellent cat food? That's about the same level as several famous brand cat food."

Opened the cat food and put it in front of the matcha. The matcha, which was used to the legendary cat rice, didn't care at all. After tasting it, it spit out on the ground.

On the other hand, the fish **** and thick noodles on the side were happy to eat, but they were dragged away by the light rain after a few bites.

Xiaoyu said: "What to eat! Where will it be pulled later? I didn't bring a garbage bag. Are you going to be the owner that I let my pets defecate without cleaning up?"

One cat and one dog bowed their heads in grievance. Seeing them like this, Xiaoyu comforted again: "It's alright, please eat steak and salmon when the game is over."

A cat and a dog immediately became excited when they heard the words, and they walked around Xiao Yu.

Next, the group waited on the top of the boat and looked into the distance. However, the sea in winter was still relatively cold, and the group could not stand it after taking it for more than half an hour.

After the passenger ship sailed for three hours, a loud noise came from the bottom of the passenger ship. The whole passenger ship continued to vibrate violently, and even water began to leak from the bottom of the ship, so the whole ship began to slowly tilt and descend. Shen.

Amidst the panic-stricken shouts of countless apostles, the voice of the North Elvis came out from the broadcast: "Hello everyone, a little test before the official start of the game is here, this ship will be completely disintegrated within ten minutes. It sank, but fortunately, the island where we are competing is 3,000 meters ahead, as long as everyone finds a way to swim over and land, even if they can participate in the real competition.”

When everyone looked out the window, they could see a faint shadow of an island appearing in the north, and there were searchlights turned on above, as if everyone marked the direction.

"Also, don't forget to take a life jacket. There is a life jacket under every seat on the passenger ship!"

Hearing these remarks on the North Elvis broadcast, the contestants present immediately became violent, and all kinds of scolding and screaming were heard incessantly.

"How can this be! Do you want to kill us!"

"Bastards! You are murdering!"

"It's so irresponsible, how can there be such a game!"

The voice on the broadcast ignored everyone's objections, but continued: "By the way, remind everyone that you don't have to look for the speedboats and lifeboats on board, because we have taken them all away, meow hahahaha."

"This lunatic!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

"what should we do?"

Countless people panicked, and the entire cabin was full of crowds and cats.

However, there are also some apostles or super cats whose abilities are just right for the scene in front of them, or turning into murlocs, or walking on water, and even a few people and cats flew out directly to the distant island.

With the sound of a bang, a figure rose into the sky, accompanied by constant explosions under his feet, and flew towards the island at a speed far exceeding everyone's.

It was the inch-haired young man with a Siamese cat who called Meng Hao get out.

However, the apostles and super cats whose superpowers can be used in this scene are a small number after all, and most of them still fled out of the boat in a panic. Some people climbed onto the roof of the boat, and some people jumped into the water directly wearing life jackets.

Looking at the increasingly chaotic and crowded scene in front of him, Zhao Yao, who was stuck inside, frowned deeply, so he started Time Stop, and then in a still world, he took two life jackets, and then He dragged Liu Yun, Serval, Xiao Yu, Husky and Yu Wan to the deck.

Time resumed its flow again, and Liu Yun and Xiaoyu were shocked when they saw the spatial changes in front of them.

Zhao Yao, on the other hand, looked towards the north of the ship, and several huge searchlight beams pierced the sky, and he could vaguely see the appearance of an island.

Zhao Yao said with a serious face: "This is my ability. I will explain it later. The boat is about to sink. Can you swim?"

Seeing that both of them nodded, Zhao Yao breathed a sigh of relief temporarily and put the life jackets in front of the two of them: "You wear this first, jump down when you are close to the water, pay attention to the direction of the island after going down. Swim and don't get caught in the sinking vortex of the hull."

Zhao Yao turned around and left, Xiaoyu grabbed his palm and said, "What do you want?"

"Save people." Zhao Yao said with a serious expression.

It was the first time Xiaoyu saw Zhao Yao show such a serious expression, but she looked at the dense crowd in the distance, and at the same time, a loud noise came from the bottom of the ship, and the whole passenger ship actually broke from the middle.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyu immediately shook her head and said, "Are you crazy? With so many people, who can you save? You might even put yourself in there."

"Just save me, don't worry, I won't do anything beyond my ability, you just wait for me here." Saying that, Zhao Yao shook off Xiaoyu's palm and walked towards the cabin step by step. Secretly said: 'Hoo, how much can be saved, hehe, maybe you can still complete some tasks, you have experience. ’

At this moment, the serval on the side suddenly blinked and said, "Maybe you don't have to save them."

The serval rolled his eyes and shared the vision of the fish and said, "I saw through the fish's vision that many people and cats who fell into the water and couldn't save themselves have been rescued, and they seemed to be dragged to the small. The other direction of the island."

In the field of vision shared by Serval, a contestant who fell into the water but could not save himself was directly framed by transparent bubbles, and then slowly floated towards the distant island.

"Ah? Really?" Zhao Yao asked, "Rescue by what?"

"I don't know, it's a very strange thing, it doesn't seem like a living thing."

Zhao Yao's eyes lit up slightly: 'Yes, since there is an official shadow behind this game, how could it be possible to kill so many people casually, so is it intentionally scary? Before the official start of the competition, those with poor physique, willpower, and adaptability were eliminated... and in this process, the nature of each contestant could be seen. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Yao instantly relaxed, but seeing the golden exclamation marks on the heads of the apostles in the distance, his eyes immediately lit up.

At this moment, he knew that the situation was no longer critical, and he lost the seriousness he had before. He looked at the serval and said, "By the way, can you direct the fish to save people?"

Five minutes later, Meng Hao and a dozen of his companions gathered around a large wooden board. All of them put their hands on the wooden board floating on the sea water, while the super cats were all crowded in the center of the board. The location is not dare to go into the water at all.

As Meng Hao stepped on the water and pushed the plank, he said, "Come on everyone! The island is about to arrive, let's do more!"

A little fat man beside him praised: "Brother You are still calm and smart. If you hadn't instructed us to dismantle a piece of wood and swim together, we would all be drowned."

Meng Hao said with a smile: "It all depends on the unity of everyone. This game seems to be very problematic now. We don't know what will happen when we arrive on the island. Only by uniting can we all survive."

At this moment, a large group of fish slapped the sea water, accompanied by white waves, dragging Zhao Yao, Liu Yun, Xiaoyu, fish balls, thick noodles, and matcha on a wooden board on the water. . It's a pity that almost all of the super wild cats brought by the rough noodles were eliminated as soon as they touched the water. They were too afraid of water.

And behind them, there are also players who were rescued by Zhao Yao on a piece of wooden board. There are cats and people, and all of them are supported by the fish with the wooden boards.

Zhao Yao looked at the golden exclamation marks on the heads of Meng Hao and the others who were passing by, and immediately said in a business-like voice, "Isn't this Brother Meng, do you need help?"


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