Am I A Superman?

Chapter 83, Joe Al

According to the plan, Clark's spacecraft was carried on the C-141 transport aircraft.

Although the military's mission is to fly to the vicinity of the Krypton spacecraft and then throw Clark's spacecraft, considering all factors, the risk factor of this mission is still very high.

Louise also wanted to join in the fun, but Li Ya didn't want to bring such a hindrance, and it would be embarrassing if she did something intimate to protect Louise.

The transport plane took off, escorted by four or five armed fighter jets. Li Ya stood in the cargo compartment, looked at Clark's spaceship, and found a groove on the spaceship.

This is the socket for inserting the key with the emblem of the Al family.

Li Ya took out the spaceship key given to him by Superman, and he aligned the tip of the long key with the groove of the spaceship.

Release your finger, and the spaceship key automatically flew into the spaceship.


Clark's spaceship seemed to be charged all of a sudden, and a lot of blue lights lit up around it. The lights in the cargo compartment of the transport plane suddenly dimmed. When it lit up again, there was suddenly one more person in front of Li Ya.

"Who! Don't move, raise your hand!"

When the accompanying guards saw one more person in the warehouse, they immediately raised their guns. Li Ya waved to them, indicating that they should not be nervous.

The man standing in front of him was dressed in blue, with gray hair and beard, and the 'S' emblem of the Al family was engraved on his chest.

"I think you are Clark's father." Li Ya smiled.

The man nodded and said, "If you're referring to Clark as Carl, yes, I'm his father, Joe El."

The sound came from Clark's spaceship, and the surrounding guards realized that this sudden appearance was just a virtual projection.

In a certain version, the virtual projection of Joe El's will will be erased by Zod, but the Zod of this world is fighting Clark, and maybe a Diana is added, so the virtual projection of Joe El's will been preserved.

"Zord came to this planet, and to stop him, I'm going to ram Zod's ship with Clark's ship."

"This idea is very good. Carl's spaceship also uses a ghost engine. The two collide with each other and will..."

"A black hole will form. We all know that, Mr. Al. Is there a way to take out the key of Clark's spacecraft and keep the spacecraft's engine running?"

"It stands to reason that after the spaceship key is taken out, the spaceship engine will stop immediately, but I can write a command to make the ghost engine run for an additional three minutes... but I don't understand the meaning of this."

"Because I want to keep the key to the spaceship, or... I want to keep you, Mr. Al."

Li Ya's words made Clark's father frown and think for a moment. He shook his head and said, "All my knowledge has been handed over to Carl, and I have nothing else to guide Carl."

If Clark's father knew that Superman hadn't made good use of the knowledge he imparted in his life, he wouldn't know if he would have come alive directly.

Li Ya smiled: "It's not Carl, Mr. Al, you should know about the court of the Three Sages, right?"

"The Tribunal of the Three Sages, the judicial institutions of many high-level intelligent races, is composed of three artificial intelligences proficient in known laws, which can judge any crime absolutely and fairly... I don't know why you bring this up?" Joe El asked .

"Because of certain cultures on Earth that make me sick, I need to find an absolutely fair court to convict criminals. guys have the death penalty!" Li Ya explained his thoughts.

Joe Al shrugged: "Yes, yes, but it is rarely used. We are all used to locking criminals in an absolutely closed environment and letting them die on their own."

What he was talking about was exactly the ghost zone where Krypton was dedicated to detaining prisoners of various galaxies.

According to this logic, Li Ya can strongly suggest that human criminals should be directly exiled into space, without any protection measures.

As for non-human criminals, just kill them directly. Anyway, Superman just doesn't kill humans, and he doesn't kill non-human monsters less.

"Okay, my court of the Three Sages counts you as one, and the artificial intelligence AI Jidian, as for the third... let's talk about the third one!"

Gideon is an artificial intelligence created by Barry in the future world. Now it has been brought to modern times by reverse flash, and it is also used as the shipboard intelligence of the time-space ship in Legends of Tomorrow.

During the speech, the transport plane was already close to the Krypton spacecraft in the center of the metropolis. In the spacecraft, Zod's adjutant Fio Ra saw the transport plane in the sky and said to the Kryptonian soldiers on the side:

"You control the spaceship, and I'll take care of those flies."

The Kryptonian soldier responded immediately: "Yes, sir!"

After confirming that the planetary transformation system was running smoothly, Fio Ra took a small aircraft and flew towards the transport plane.

"Found an enemy unit, request an attack!"

The armed fighters escorting around found a small aircraft separated from the Krypton spacecraft, and the command quickly approved the attack request.

"Missile launch!"

The escorting armed fighter jets aimed at Fio Ra's small aircraft, and several missiles bombed it.

Fio pulled open the hatch of the aircraft, she slowly stood up, used the aircraft as a springboard, and jumped towards the armed fighter with a bang.

Boom! !

The missile exploded, and the sky turned into a sea of ​​fire, but Fio Ra rose into the sky unaffected, flying through a large sea of ​​fire like a cannonball, penetrating an armed fighter jet.

"Raiden 2 was hit hard... ready to parachute, ah ah ah..."

Before the pilot could parachute, Fio La tore open the fighter jet with his bare hands, tore the pilot out of it, and threw it into the sky.

After getting rid of a fighter, Fio La did not stop at all, she jumped several times, all the escorting armed fighters.

She looked up at the transport plane carrying the Clark spacecraft at the rear, and used the wreckage of the fallen fighter jet as a springboard to charge again.

At this time, Li Ya asked Joe Al to set the ghost engine running command, and successfully took out the spacecraft key.

With a 'boom', the wall of the transport plane was smashed through by Fio La, and she appeared in the cargo compartment of the transport plane.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

The moment Fio La appeared, the guards raised their guns without saying a word, but whether a machine gun or a grenade hit Fio La's body, even her most basic black armor could not penetrate.

"Go away!"

Feo La's figure flashed, and she quickly knocked the surrounding guards flying. Her eyes fell on Li Ya again: "What are you doing? Hit us with Carl's spaceship?"

"You're right!" Li Ya flew out suddenly, hitting Fio La and knocking him out.

Without the interference of Fio Ra, the transport plane continued to drive towards the Krypton spacecraft, and it was about to collide with it.

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