Am I A Superman?

Chapter 77, Fio Ra

The arrival of Li Ya and Diana eased the awkward atmosphere a little, and General Swanwick coughed lightly, "Cough, Mr. Avenger, this one should be the one you mentioned... Ms. Wonder Woman, since Everyone is here, let's go to the command room first."

After speaking, she got into the car by herself. Louise pouted in dissatisfaction, and wanted to sneak behind Clark, but Colonel Lane glared at her, "You are not allowed to go, just stay with me!"

Louise gave a reluctant 'oh', and Clark smiled helplessly, saying that he couldn't help.

Everyone came to the conference room, mainly to discuss the details of some actions.

From General Swanwick's tone, Li Ya felt that he still had a glimmer of hope for a peaceful solution. After all, in the face of an extraterrestrial civilization with a technology level far beyond that of humans, Swanwick really had no way to be optimistic.

"If the negotiation fails later, remember to evacuate the people of the Metropolis immediately. I heard that the new CEO of Lex Group is rebuilding the Metropolis. It is estimated that she will have to rebuild it again this time."

Li Ya recalled the plot about Zod in his previous life. Zod, as one of Superman's number one enemies, has different versions of many film and television comics, and Li Ya has no way to refer to it.

However, no matter which version, the fight between Superman and Zod almost always takes place in Metropolis.

That's why Li Ya suggested that General Swanwick do a good job of evacuating the people in advance, otherwise once the battle starts, the unlucky people will still be the innocent people.

General Swanwick touched his chin, "It may not affect the Metropolis, Mr. Avenger. It is best not to let the public know the truth about extraterrestrial civilizations."

It's hard for Li Ya to evaluate whether General Swanwick's idea is right or wrong. Anyway, for the sake of it, if they really don't listen, Li Ya can't force them.

At the end of the discussion, General Swanwick agreed to transport two nuclear bombs to the sky first. For them, the nuclear bombs were considered a psychological comfort.

Diana hasn't mastered the ability to fly yet, so she's on standby for the time being. Li Ya and Clark walked out of the command room side by side, and the others were doing their final preparations.

"If Zod doesn't repent, be sure to kill him, so as to stop the endless war!" Diana held the divine shield and the Vulcan sword, which she entrusted Clark to take along the way.

Clark sighed. In the Fortress of Solitude, he had already learned about Zod. Like his father, Zod was born for Krypton as a product of artificial gene breeding.

So unless Zod is killed, it is impossible to stop the plan to rebuild Krypton.

"I will try my best to convince him." Clark said solemnly, he was unwilling to kill, let alone kill his own kin.

Li Ya left the kryptonite sword to Diana for safekeeping, because when he uses the kryptonite sword, he needs to switch character cards. If the Diana card is placed in the main card slot, can he still survive in the universe?

Li Ya has no idea about this question!

"Come on, Superman, let's meet your fellow!"

The two looked at each other, then reached out and raised their hands above their heads. The sound of 'bang' exploded, and the ground was instantly shattered by an impact.

Li Ya and Clark flew to an altitude of several thousand meters in an instant. Instead of slowing down, their speed became faster and faster.

Accompanied by a burning sensation of air friction, the two passed through the thick atmosphere, the air suddenly disappeared, and a sense of pressure loss suddenly appeared, as if the whole person was about to burst, and there was a feeling of tearing all over the body. .

"Is this what it's like to be in outer space!"

Li Ya faced the sun, and the discomfort quickly subsided. He glanced at Clark, who seemed to have just adapted to the space environment.

Since there is no air in space, Li Ya can only point to the spaceship above his head, Clark understands it, and the two fly over together.

The Krypton spacecraft is still the same as before, hovering above the satellite synchronous orbit, but getting closer, Li Ya can see the inside of the three huge spikes under the oblong 'head' of the spacecraft, exuding a terrifying energy fluctuations.

The people in the spaceship seemed to be aware of the arrival of Li Ya and Clark. The flat-shaped body turned and opened a door facing Li Ya and the two, as if to invite them to enter.

Coming to the spaceship, the internal environment is very similar to that of Clark's Lonely Fortress. The surrounding walls are dark and irregular depressions.

A female warrior in jet-black armor stood not far from the entrance. Seeing the arrival of Li Ya and Clark, she took the initiative to greet them.

"I'm General Zod's deputy commander, Fio Ra, you..."

Fio Ra looked back and forth between Li Ya and Clark, and finally his eyes fell on the 'S' on Clark's chest, "This is the emblem of the El family, you must be Carl El, I represent General Zod to the 'S'. You say hello."

Clark nodded politely in return.

After that, Feo La turned to Li Ya, squinted her beautiful eyes, and said arrogantly: "If I read it correctly, the clothes you are wearing should be the battle uniform of the Zod Legion, you are not from the Zod Legion. , doesn't look like a Kryptonian, where did your clothes come from?"

From her gaze, Li Ya estimated that the other party had roughly guessed the truth.

A few months ago, Zod received a message from Earth. He sent two of his subordinates to check it out. As a result, a long time passed, and the two subordinates lost contact, and found the standard battle of Zod Corps on another person. Clothes.

"I found it from Flora O's spaceship. I have to say, this battle suit is really good!" Li Ya smiled without shy of the other party's gaze.

"Fura O? Where is her person?" Fio Ra's tone gradually turned cold. General Zod had already descended on Earth, but his two loyal soldiers did not appear for the first time, which had already explained the problem.

Those two are dead.

"I killed both of them, why, do you want to avenge them?" Li Ya said, secretly guarding against the other party's sudden attack.

Fio La clenched her fists subconsciously after hearing Li Ya admit that she had killed two Kryptonian warriors. She didn't care much about the lives of the two warriors, but the other party's behavior was obviously disrespectful to General Zod.

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Clark quickly explained: "It was those two people who threatened us. The Avengers are just defending themselves."

Of course, Feo La knew the virtues of Zod's soldiers, and if it was her, she would not speak well, "I don't know who you are, but killing our soldiers must pay a price. Yes, you follow me to see General Zod and wait for his decision!"

(Language rule: The entire universe in Meiman speaks English, and the entire universe of the novels in the starting point speaks Chinese. Just don’t worry about it. By the way, ask for a recommendation ticket!!)

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