Almighty Manor

Chapter 31: : African Reporter

Not far from the foot of Mengshan Mountain, back to the sixth floor of the "Xugang Garden" in the relocation area, Mr. Zhao Min was humming incomprehensible little songs and watering the plants on the balcony.

In the flowerpot, a vine is growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and then slowly climbs up the wall, onto the window, and on the balcony ...

Zhao Min is very happy. In the summer, with the vine absorbing heat and shading, the temperature of the entire room can be lowered by several degrees, and there will be grapes to eat.

的 The soil in this pot was Zhuang not far and Zhao Min dug it out from the vegetable garden of the manor. The water is also the water of the manor. Although it is not as fast as in the manor, it is enough.

After the grapes grew, Zhao Min cut out a few branches, and planned to plant some points in the manor to feed Zhuang not far.

When Xun Zheng was happy, he suddenly heard the sound coming from the TV. A flashing body ran to the front of the TV, staring closely at the picture.

On TV, a female reporter is talking to the camera:

"Dear viewers, I am Zhang Li, a reporter from Virtual City TV Station. Recently, I received complaints from enthusiastic audiences, saying that there are unscrupulous merchants who use false eating methods such as" eat tomatoes to cure all diseases "and" eat tomato long hair. Selling high-priced vegetables. To this end, we interviewed Professor Nong, a professor of botany at Xucheng University. May I ask, do you think it is true to eat tomatoes to cure all diseases? "

Professor Nong, a professor of botany on television, is a middle-aged man in his fifties. His hair is a little gray and gentle, and he looks very graceful. He said with a smile: "In fact, I have already rumored many friends this year. The article in the circle, although I am only a botany expert, but I can tell you very responsibly that there is nothing in the world that can cure all diseases. If you are sick, please go to the hospital. Don't trust any network. article."

"Ah, my teacher is on TV." At this moment, the door of the next room opened, and a young man in his twenties came out of the room. This is Zhao Min's second son Zhao Jikun. He rubbed Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he saw Professor Nong, and suddenly came to a spirit, opened his eyes and listened carefully with his ears raised.

After hearing the interview on TV, the young man sneered, "In this era, there are still people who believe this? It's stupid. This kind of thing still needs to interview my teacher? I can talk to him clearly ..." Sitting side by side with interest, looked.

Soon, the reporter ended his interview with Professor Nong. The camera turned around and came to a stop.

各位 "Dear viewers, now we have come to the stall where the enthusiastic audience reports ... Everyone, please see that there are already many people around."

The camera pointed at the back of the stop sign, swept around, and found that there were indeed many young men and women standing next to the stall and saying something.

There are several of them, all holding a tomato slowly swaying.

Among the four outputs, tomato sales are the best, because tomatoes can be eaten as fruit.

The camera swept over the street vendor and the next sign again, and the output on the street vendor was not much, especially the tomato, which was already empty.

"Now I'm going to interview someone who is eating tomatoes." After the camera shakes, female reporter Zhang Li interviews a young man, saying, "Hello gentleman, are you here to buy tomatoes?"


那么 "Why did you come here to buy tomatoes?"

"Oh, I watched the live broadcast on the Internet, and many people came to buy it, saying that the tomatoes here are amazing, so I bought them."

那么 "So do you feel any change now?"

没有 "No, I ’m not right. I may have to eat more."

"That is to say, the tomato here is not a cure for everything, is it?" The female reporter asked with a little inducement.

"Everything can be cured? No." The young man was a little confused, "I just want to grow my hair."

那么 "Do you think it's worth 50 dollars to buy a tomato?"

"I felt a bit worthless at the beginning ..." The reporter had already finished the interview as soon as the young man wanted to say, "OK, thank you for the interview."

I interviewed a few more people and wondered if the video was cut. The female reporter concluded: "According to our interviews, most people think that the vegetables here are not worth 50 dollars to buy. After eating, It has no effect, let alone a cure for all diseases. Not to mention whether this kind of publicity is reasonable, I do n’t know if the price has been approved by the Price Bureau, or whether the stalls here have passed the Administration for Industry and Commerce, Urban Management With the permission of the Bureau, we hope that the relevant departments will urge us. Next, we also hope to be able to interview the owner of this vendor and see what they say. The owner of the vendor is out! "

"I would like to see who the owner of this street vendor is." Zhao Jikun's eyes widened, and then he saw a familiar figure.

Zhao Min came out of the manor with a basket, hurriedly poured a basket of tomatoes on the stall, then turned and left.

The female reporter behind me yelled, "Uncle, uncle!" Zhao Min didn't hear it at all.

"When was this filmed?" Zhao Min was wondering. During the daytime yesterday, he helped watch the little one come, and he couldn't remember what happened.

Next to him, Zhao Jikun was aggressive. He pointed at the screen and said, "Dad ... that's you? Why ... how? Why do you sell vegetables there?"

"Oh, I recently found a job to help people grow and sell vegetables." Zhao Min didn't say much.

"Looking for work? Dad, I know you can't be idle. Didn't I say that before, if you want to work, go to our botanical garden and help take care of some test fields. There are also one or two thousand dollars a month. Why go to work for others and work for this liar! "

"No bullshit!" Zhao Min heard his younger son say this, and then suddenly froze: "What do you know? The owner is not a liar!"

"Zhuang owner? No wonder I always think you talked weirdly these two days ~ ~ It ’s like Zhongxie, Dad, I know you are unhappy at home, but this kind of person, this liar ... "

On TV, the female reporter did not interview Cheng Zhaomin. She waited for a long time and did not wait for someone to come out. She went to the street vendor and said to the camera, "It seems that the owner of this street vendor does not want to be interviewed, so we will Let's try this so-called sky-high vegetables ... "

I said, she picked up the tomato and said to the camera: "Most agricultural products have pesticide residues. I'll wash them first ..."

Someone beside her gave her a bottle of pure water, and she washed the tomatoes with pure water, then took a bite, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Well, how do you say this vegetable ... No ... it's not bad, but you know, tomato, it's all this taste ..." Speaking against it, the female reporter ate up the tomato three or two, Looking at the remaining tomatoes, I couldn't help but said, "It is said that you need to eat a few more to see the effect. I will try to test it today and try what the price of tomatoes is ..."

Speaking, she ate a few more, the juice ate, and then she said, "I have eaten four tomatoes, and it doesn't seem to be different. Today ’s interview is here. We will take a few other vegetables later. Go back and experiment. Tomorrow we will follow up the report. I don't know if I can see the owner of the vendor. "

民 Zhao Min was stunned, and said, "I said why I received a lot of money yesterday. It must be that this woman did not give money after eating! I ate four tomatoes in vain and I did n’t give money before I left! Why is this reporter doing this!"

I heard the reporter say that he is still here today, Zhao Min quickly turned around and ran: "I have to stare, don't let this reporter steal it again! What a bad reporter!"

"Dad? Dad!" Zhao Jikun followed quickly.

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