This group of half soldiers and half bandits didn't want to let Mike go, and Mike didn't want to let them go either.

Mike suddenly opened the hatch and walked in. Before the major and the others could react, they were knocked out by Mike.

Then Mike went to other cabins of the gunboat to subdue the remaining people, and then went to the gunboat searchlight to send a signal to the shore.

It has been agreed before that if Mike sneaks into the attack and succeeds, he will use the searchlight to send out a set of light words.

At this time, the people on the shore who were waiting anxiously took a look and immediately jumped for joy, and then directly took the pirate fishing boat to the gunboat to meet Mike.

When I got on the gunboat, the director hugged Mike with excitement, and it was a pity that this was not a movie, and there was no way to follow it, otherwise it would inevitably shock the world.

Many of the program groups have served in the Navy, and they have a clear understanding of the operation of this old gunboat.

This time the show crew's confidence is very sufficient, not only has a lot of guns, but also an armed gunboat, no more pirates!

In order to prevent trouble, Mike and others directly interrogated these soldiers and pirates quickly.

They have to die. These soldiers and pirates are the same group, otherwise the soldiers said they came to drive away the pirates and they were attacked by the show crew, it would be too troublesome to rip off!

The director and Jeong Tae-hsiung are still worried that these people will not tell the truth, but they don’t know that Mike has magical skills and can let the interrogated know that they can talk without saying anything, and there should not be too many cameras in the program group, and the whole interrogation will be done. Recorded as evidence.

But now is not the time to relax.

Although the program team has full evidence, this is after all a scandal of a country's army. If it is not open, it should not be made public.

However, the international status of the cold current country is not so high. If this country wants to cover it, it is not impossible to "disappear" the entire program group.

Therefore, after the program team and Mike have analyzed the layers, they must grasp the initiative, and can no longer stay on this island without asking the world.

The national strength of the government of the cold current country belongs to the kind of swollen face and fat people. It is impossible to dispatch personnel to evacuate overseas Chinese at any time like some superpowers, so Mike can only use his personal relationship.

In fact, in many respects, the relationship owned by the artist Mike, who has only debuted for one year, is even envious of the cold current country.

Mike used a satellite phone to contact a few people, and then he began defensive training.

The content of the training is shooting. The captured gunboat is used as a platform to carry out the strike training of sea targets.

Mike is responsible for the control of the front main gun of the gunboat. It really means where to fight, which leaves many sailors behind.

Fortunately, there are enough ammunition stored in the gunboat. As long as it is not against a large warship, then many threats are easy to deal with.

But Mike could not participate in possible defensive operations, and a seaplane quickly arrived at the island where the program group was located.

The cabin of the plane was filled with aviation fuel. After refilling the fuel, the plane left with Mike and the Queen's regiment and the storage hard drive containing the shooting material this time.

Soon there will be rescue ships to pull the remaining people away. The destination is not in this country, but in a neighboring country.

As for those captives, the government of the cold current country has notified relevant personnel of this country to take over.

After receiving the news, the senior officials in this country did feel a little shocked, and they did think of a way to kill people.

Now that the country has suffered from the disaster of earthquake and tsunami, the domestic order has become a mess, and the scandal of the army is exposed at this moment. Then one of these high-level personnel is counted as one, and all of them have to resign and be held accountable!

However, after a careful understanding, they have already left with evidence. If there is a problem with the remaining people, the consequences will be disastrous.

Now that the other party has released enough goodwill to directly send back all the warships and prisoners, then there is no intention of wanting to take advantage of the fire, so this matter will not end in the end.

As for punishing those criminals, the senior officials in this country have unanimously stated that this is inevitable, because since it is impossible to put a seal on foreigners, then these people are totally fine.

So these pirates and naval officers and soldiers all died overnight. It was claimed that the navy had fought fierce battles with the lawless pirates who wanted to take advantage of the disaster in order to maintain order. Many naval soldiers died honorably, and this list of sacrifices was deliberate. The arrangements are made.

This time, it is a rich man from a neighboring country who is a big businessman in the rubber business. It was also Mike that he met during a tour of Europa.

Through this rich man, Mike and the Queen's group escaped from the danger and returned to the cold current country by private jet. The public learned that Mike appeared in the cold city TV station's survival program.

When some of the details of Mike's filming were released by the Cold City TV, public opinion suddenly exploded.

It turns out that Mike actually experienced the entire disaster!

Of course, the public want to know the details, so the TV station is urged to make the entire program and broadcast it as soon as possible.

Although there were some things encountered in that archipelago, there were still some things to do.

Mike donated a large sum of money to the International Red Cross for disaster relief work in the country. The International Red Cross supervises the country's use of this donation. It is really used for disaster relief, rather than being sacked by someone.

Cold City TV also let the director group of the program group quickly return to edit and produce the film, so that it can be broadcast before the heat has fallen.

In the same way, the sponsorship of this show is a lot. Although it can't compare with the TV series of the national TV station, the income can also make the cold city TV have a fat year.

Soon the video of the first episode of the show was finished. In order to produce the finished product, everyone in the director team didn't know how much hair was boiled off. The director's sparse head is now even more barren.

The first phase of the video is mainly about the pre-movement. Although the feature film of Survival in the Wild has not yet started, the appearance of Mike is enough to attract the audience.

Waiting for the second trailer to be aired at the end of the first episode, the clip where Mike wore the least clothes to dive to catch seafood, play with the killer whale and rescue the killer whale, directly became the hot search topic at the time.

"Unparalleled famous figure!"

"The prince of the sea."

"Communication with nature elves."

Wait, there are even a lot of crooked building topics occupying the top search rankings.

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