Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 62 Sharing the Blessings

"Xiao Yao, this trick of yours is so awesome, it makes my stomach hurt from laughing."

Xu Xingliang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, but when he thought of the two people's looks, he couldn't help but laugh.

"They deserve it. Whoever told them to be mean would have done well if they didn't beat them up."

"This is much harsher than beating them up. Oops, I forgot to take a photo just now, what a pity."

"That's right~"

Xiao Yao smiled and said: "People in the gossip group should see our masterpiece."

Although it is very satisfying and fun to treat a person, there are still many things that need to be dealt with after finishing the treatment.

First, you need to expel the stinky smell from the tree hole, and take out the smelly blanket to dry.

In addition, there were many dead bees in the tree hole that had been beaten to death or smoked to death. The two had to pick them up one by one and dispose of them.

Secondly, there were two large pools of vomit at the door, which emitted an unpleasant stench. They had no choice but to bury them on the spot. Xiao Yao left this job to Xu Xingliang. His nose was too good and being too close would only increase his workload.

Finally, there is the beehive. After being affected by the stench, the beehive has completely changed its smell. There is no other way but to find a place to throw it away.

Among these tasks, the most time-consuming task was to disperse the odor. After all, the tree hole was not ventilated, so several hours had passed by the time all the odor dissipated.

It was already dark, and Xiao Yao and Xu Xingliang were sitting in front of a tree hole eating dry food. This time they learned their lesson and did not buy too many energy bars, but instead bought dried meat and canned food.

After all, energy bars have a taste, but if you eat too much, you always feel uncomfortable, as if you haven't eaten.

"The first day has passed like this."

Xu Xingliang put his head in his hands and leaned against the tree trunk.

"Yeah, it's quite exciting~"

Xiao Yao sat down and leaned on Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke’s hair is soft, as if he’s leaning against the sofa.

"Suddenly I realized that being a summoner is a very lucky thing."

Xu Xingliang sighed: "If I hadn't become a Summoner, I might just be like other students, reading and doing questions in the classroom every day, boring and boring, without being exposed to so many interesting things."

"Luck is certain, but everything has pros and cons. Although the life of a summoner is wonderful, it is also much more dangerous than ordinary people."

Xiao Yao remembered what his father once said.

Dad has experienced five life-and-death crises from his awakening to now. If he had made one wrong step, he might not be here anymore.

A strong man like Dad cannot avoid danger, let alone a low-level summoner.

"So I still have to become stronger~"

Xu Xingliang said quietly.

"That's right, Liangliang."

Xiao Yao sat up straight and asked, "Where are you going to take the exam in college?"

Xu Xingliang shrugged: "It's hard to say. You can definitely get into Kyoto University, but I'm not sure. Let's see, which one you can get into."

He also checked the admission standards of Kyoto University. It is the most basic for a warrior beast to reach Black Iron level 4, and it must also have full potential and top-notch combat effectiveness.

If you can reach Black Iron Level 5, then it will be relatively safe to go to Kyoto University.

But now Pidan only has Black Iron Level 2, which he achieved with Xiao Yao's help. He can't guarantee whether he will be able to reach Black Iron Level 4 in the second half of the semester.

It’s even more unthinkable to reach Black Iron level 5.

"Set yourself a goal?"

Xiao Yao said: "By the way, before I participated in the trial, my dad told me about this. He said that if we can complete the trial and get the reward, it will be very exciting for you to go to Kyoto University."

"real or fake?"

Xu Xingliang sat up straight and said with a surprised look on his face.

Although Xiao Yao said that Uncle Xiao also believed that rewards were good things, he did not expect that this reward could actually help him go to Kyoto University.

What exactly is this reward?

"How can I lie to you?"

"I'll go. If you say that, I won't be able to sleep at night."

Xu Xingliang looked expectant.

"Hehe, just wait, we will find out in six days."


One night passed

The insulation effect of the tree hole is quite good. The two of them wore thick clothes to sleep without feeling cold at all.

Xiao Ke stayed at the door all night, because he didn't like the small environment of the tree hole, so he simply stood guard outside the tree hole.

He is extremely vigilant, and any disturbance cannot be hidden from his nose and ears, so with Xiao Ke around, Xiao Yao sleeps very peacefully.



The two of them tidied up their bird's nest-like hairstyles, freshened up casually, had some food, and started a new day's journey.

Today they went in a different direction.

"Hey, there are green spirit fruits here too."

Xiao Yao pointed to the fruit on the tree and said.

Qingling fruit is like the apple in the previous life. It is common and delicious, and is deeply loved by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Xiao Ke, pick a few."

It's a blessing to be able to eat fruit during a trial where supplies are in short supply.

Xiao Ke clasped his sharp claws on the tree and quickly climbed up the tree.

Then he cut the branch with his claws, and the Green Spirit Fruit fell down.


Xiao Yao accurately received the Qingling Fruit in his hand.

After simply washing it with water, Xiao Yao took a bite.

This kind of wild Qingling fruit has no pesticides and can be eaten after being washed with water.


"How's it going?"

Before Xiao Yao could chew, Xu Xingliang asked curiously from the side.

Xiao Yao resisted the desire to distort his facial features and nodded pretending to be satisfied:

“Delicious, very sweet!”

"real or fake?"

Xu Xingliang was so familiar with Xiao Yao that when he saw his appearance, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"It's really sweet, do you want to try it?"

Xiao Yao handed over a Green Spirit Fruit, and in order to increase his credibility, he took another bite.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom don't lie to people from the Dragon Kingdom!"

Xu Xingliang took the Qingling Fruit doubtfully.

"Do you like to eat or not~"

Xiao Yao pretended to be impatient and took the Qingling Fruit away.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't. Let me have a taste."

Xu Xingliang took back the Qingling Fruit.

After eating jerky and energy bars for a day, he really wanted to eat some fruit to adjust the taste and supplement vitamins.


Xu Xingliang took a bite.

Xiao Yao stared at Xu Xingliang's expression intently, with a wicked smile on his lips.

Sure enough, Xu Xingliang's facial features quickly tangled together in half a second, his neck shrunk, his mouth widened, and he felt the sour feeling of being out of his body.


Xiao Yao spit out the residue in his mouth and laughed wildly.

"Bah, what the hell is this? It's so sour."

Xu Xingliang spit out the Qingling Fruit, his eyes were so sore that he couldn't even open them.

"I don't know, maybe the wild ones are so sour." Xiao Yao laughed.

"You lied to me again. Damn it, I felt something was wrong from the beginning, but in the end I still fell for you." Xu Xingliang complained.

He was indeed deceived by Xiao Yao's acting skills.

After eating such sour food, Xiao Yao showed no expression at all, which was simply terrifying.

"Originally I couldn't help it, but when I think about it, you haven't tasted such a good thing. In order to share the blessings, I'd better try my best to pretend."

Xiao Yao said seriously.

"You, you just want to drag me into the water!"

"What do you mean by dragging you into the water? This is good stuff and I'm willing to share it."

"If I ever trust you again, I'll be a dog!"

"Haha, don't put up flags randomly."

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