All-round Athlete

Chapter 884 Victory, I Desire Too! (Arrears 13)

Chapter 884 Victory, I Desire Too! (Arrears 13)

In the editor-in-chief's office of the "Observator", the editor-in-chief Charlie saw the envelope with "Revelation" written on it for the third time.

"Sure enough, it's here again!" Charlie stared at the envelope in his hand, and opened it without hesitation.

This time, there were still two checks and a stack of blank papers inside, the first of which was also a letter, the content of which was the same as the previous two times, and it was hoped that the "Observer" would publish the news.

"Let me take a look, what material did you explode this time!" Charlie stood and looked at the next few sheets of paper, and began to read them carefully.

"Impossible! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible to be true! This should belong to direct manipulation of the game and take it over! If the British Olympic Organizing Committee dares to do this, the entire Olympic Games will be over!" Charlie muttered to himself. Said.

The first two accurate revelations proved to be true afterwards, so Charlie should have no doubts about the third revelation. However, after seeing the content on the paper, Charlie still chose not to believe it, because the content on it was too mysterious.

This time the news pointed out that the British Olympic Organizing Committee was manipulating the game and had already decided the outcome of the game before the game. At the same time, a detailed data is also given, that is, in the upcoming gymnastics men's ring finals, the organizer has given the default scores for all contestants without making mistakes. If there is a mistake, the referee will score according to the default score. If the players make mistakes, the points will be deducted accordingly from the default points.

According to the news, Brazilian star Zanetti had the highest default score of 15.900. The previous champion, Chinese player Chen Dabing, had a default score of 15.800. The Italian star Morandi's default score is also 15.800. According to this default score, the Brazilian Zanetti will win the gold medal in the rings project.

"15.900 points? 15.800 points? Is this writing a novel? It's all down to the specific score! I can't believe it! The referee of ring sports is not one person, but a group of referees. The scores must be calculated comprehensively. Gymnastics has With so many uncertainties, the scores are all based on 0.001. How can there be such an integer score? Even if they don’t make mistakes, the quality of the movements is always high or low, right? The athletes’ movements are also difficult. There must be differences, right? If Chen Dabing and Morandi’s work was of higher quality than Zanetti’s, would the referee give Zanetti a high score against morality? This revelation must be false!”

Charlie shook his head in disdain. He felt that the revelation this time was really too fake. However, when he saw the 10,000 euro deposit, Charlie felt that he should not be stuck with the money.

"Forget it, although it is a fake news that cannot be faked anymore, for the sake of the euro, I will publish it again! No one will believe it anyway." Charlie said to himself.


On the afternoon of August 5th, London time, Wimbledon Stadium, where the tennis final will start. The opponents are Zhang Guan and the host player Murray.

Murray in the London Olympics can be said to be a bug-like existence. In the historical London Olympics, Murray was really unstoppable. He met his old opponent Djokovic in the semi-finals and fell straight sets. He won the game directly, and in the final, Murray faced Federer, the king of Wimbledon. As a result, Murray won three sets in a row with a score of 6-2, 6-1, and 6-4. Federer's golden slam dream.

For Federer, this is an extremely disparate score. It can be said that Federer has not lost so badly in the past ten years, and this also shows Murray's strength in the London Olympics from the side.

In 2012, Murray was hailed as the "All-British Idol". After Murray won the Olympic gold medal, the British media conducted a survey and asked everyone who their favorite British athlete was. According to the survey results, the race car driver Lewis Hamilton ranked fourth, Rooney, a hot football player at the time, only ranked third, the second was "heartbeat" Beckham, and the first was Murray!

Tennis is far less popular than football. I believe that even if you ask Chinese sports fans, there are many more people who like Beckham or Rooney than Murray. However, the British themselves gave an opposite answer, they prefer Murray!

Murray is undoubtedly the king of popularity in the UK, so in the London Olympics, Federer was defeated by Murray. Because what Federer is facing is not just a Murray, but also 64 million British people!

But today, Federer's position was replaced by Zhang Guan, who had to face Murray and 64 million British people. At this moment, Zhang Guan became the British public enemy!


Zhang Guan has experienced countless away games, but today's Wimbledon Stadium gave Zhang Guan a different feeling.

dignified! depressed! nervous! The atmosphere here is no longer like a stadium, but has become the Colosseum of ancient Rome.

There was no booing, no booing to Zhang Guan, the audience was even unusually quiet, they tried their best to maintain tennis watching etiquette, but Zhang Guan could feel the hostility from the surroundings, that kind of hostility, like a cat The prehistoric monster with its mouth open was about to devour Zhang Guan.

The British, the citizens of the former empire on which the sun never sets, and the country with the most heritage in Europe, are using this method to show their aura to Zhang Guan.

Murray looked calm, but his slightly trembling fingers betrayed him. His heart was actually extremely excited, and he raised his hand to serve.

"ACE!" the referee announced.

"Clatter..." There was applause, only applause, a lot of applause, more applause!

All the British fans in the audience became gentlemen at this moment. There was no cheering, shouting, or whistling.

Just simple applause!

In the eyes of the British, this is tennis, and this is truly elegant tennis! What are the red fields of the French? Only in Wimbledon, players wear white jerseys, run on the emerald green grass, and hit wonderful shots again and again. This is the real tennis in the eyes of the British!

Applause, that is a gift for Murray!

There is no cheering, no shouting, no whistle, which is telling the world that this is the background of the birthplace of tennis. In this hometown of tennis, people pay attention not only to tennis skills, but also to manners!

This is an attitude, but also a method, a means of putting pressure on an opponent.

This kind of atmosphere, this kind of feeling made Zhang Guan feel as if he was in the deep sea. He felt that his movements were no longer smooth, he felt as if he was carrying a heavy burden, and even his breathing rhythm became depressed.

"They are eager to win!" Zhang Guan looked around, looking at the quiet British audience, he could feel their hearts, they were eager to win!

"ACE!" The referee shouted again, and Murray's second serve was still an ACE ball!

"Victory, I am also eager!" Zhang Guan muttered to himself.

The next moment, Murray served the ball, and Zhang Guan resolutely fought back, followed by a smash on the net!


Zhang Guan responded with a goal!

The real competition finally kicked off at this moment...

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