All-round Athlete

Chapter 866 Thanks Mr. Sebastian (Payment 7)

Chapter 866 Thanks Mr. Sebastian (Payment 7)

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had already arrived at the scene a few minutes ago. He was going to personally witness Britain's first gold medal in the London Olympics, but he witnessed Zhang Guan crossing the finish line first!

Seeing Zhang Guan raising his arms and cheering, the smile on His Highness the Crown Prince's face had disappeared, but he was very well-mannered after all, even if he was a little unhappy in his heart, he didn't show any expression on his face, but was very calm.

But the attendant next to him could feel that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very dissatisfied with the result.

"This Sebastian, what are you doing? Didn't you say that winning the gold medal in road cycling is a sure thing? How come Zhang Guan will be the first to cross the finish line! If you told us earlier that we are not sure of winning the gold medal, the Crown Prince Your Highness doesn't need to come here in person! This is great, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came to congratulate us in person, but we didn't win the championship. Do we want His Highness the Crown Prince to celebrate the silver medal? If this gets out, the royal family will lose face." The attendant He had already begun to curse Sebastian in his heart.

Ten seconds after Zhang Guan crossed the finish line, two British players, Wiggins and Fromm, also crossed the finish line. At this time, both of them were out of breath. It was obvious that they were sprinting with all their strength during the period just now.

After crossing the finish line, the two looked at Zhang Guan in unison.

"In order to let us catch up with Zhang Guan, Cavendish did not hesitate to help us lead the ride, but even so, I was still more than ten seconds behind!" Wiggins took a big breath, but his face showed a look of great disappointment. expression.

Of course Wiggins knew that if he could win, he would win Britain's first gold medal in the London Olympics, and he would become a hero for the whole of Britain.

But now, he has only won a silver medal. Although it was also the first medal won by Britain in the London Olympics, compared with the gold medal, the meaning is too far behind.

What's more, Zhang Guan and Wiggins are both Tour de France champions, one is last year's Tour de France champion, and the other is this year's Tour de France champion, so this is a contest between Tour de France champions.

But Wiggins has home court advantage, team advantage, and teammates to provide him with protection, while Zhang Guan has only one person, let alone teamwork, he even has to carry a water bottle on his back. Wiggins lost the game with such a big advantage, which is a real defeat!

Wiggins doesn't know yet that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has come to the scene in person. If he knew, he might cry out of grief. Because he only won one silver medal, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince obviously won't come to condolences to the silver medalist.


"Ding Lingling..." The phone rang, and Sebastian reached out and grabbed the receiver.

"Mr. Chairman, the Men's Cycling Road Race is over, we have won two medals!" said the other side of the phone.

"Won the gold and silver medals! It's a little worse than the best situation, but it's not bad, after all, it's our first gold!" Sebastian thought to himself, he thought the British won For the top two, he asked, "Which country won the bronze medal?"

The person on the other side of the phone froze for a second, and said, "The one who won the bronze medal is Fromm from our country."

"It turned out to be one gold and one bronze. I thought it was one gold and one silver!" Thinking of this, Sebastian felt a little lost, and he asked, "Where is the silver medal? Which country snatched it from us?" Silver medal? Is it Belgium?"

"Mr. Chairman, you may have misunderstood. No one robbed us of the silver medal. The silver medal was won by Wiggins." The other party said.

"You mean, our two medals are silver and bronze? We didn't get the gold medal!" Sebastian yelled directly: "Who! Who took our gold medal! Who took our gold medal?" First gold!"

"The champion is Zhang Guan. Chinese athlete Zhang Guan!" On the other side of the phone, Sebastian told a name that he didn't want to hear the most.

"Zhang Guan! Impossible! How could he have that ability? Wiggins is the champion of the Tour de France after beating our competitor!" Sebastian repeated Zhang Guan's name through gritted teeth.

"Uh, Mr. Xi, Zhang Guan also won the Tour de France, just last year..." the other party reminded him in a low voice.

Only then did Sebastian remember that Zhang Guan had won the 2011 Tour de France championship, and he had won all four shirts in an unprecedented way!

"Why didn't I expect that Zhang Guan would participate in cycling!" Sebastian suddenly realized that he had really neglected it. He had focused on Zhang Guan's track and field events before, but ignored the other sports that Zhang Guan would participate in. several items.

The next moment, Sebastian ignored the phone in his hand, he hung up the phone without even saying "goodbye", then turned on the TV in the room, and found the scene from the boulevard .

At this time, the camera is chasing Zhang Guan, and then the post-match interview.

"Zhang Guan, congratulations on winning the bicycle road race. How do you feel now?"

"Ah, very excited, very excited!" Zhang Guan smiled slightly, and then said: "First of all, I thank you, um..."

Zhang Guan paused, then took a breath, as if he hadn't recovered from the fatigue of the game.

At this time, everyone thought that Zhang Guan would say a set of conventional rhetoric, such as thanking the country, thanking the leaders, thanking the parents, thanking the audience and so on.

I only heard Zhang Guan continue to say: "First of all, I would like to thank the chairman of the IAAF and the chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee, Mr. Sebastian."

"Huh? Thank me? What the hell is Zhang Guan doing?" Sebastian's eyes widened in front of the TV. He and Zhang Guan are enemies, and they wished to make each other die. How could there be such a thing? grateful.

The reporters at the scene were also very surprised, and everyone looked at Zhang Guan with puzzled faces.

"As the chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee, Sebastian has indeed made a great contribution to the smooth holding of the British Olympic Games, but you don't need Zhang Guan to thank you, right?"

"Even if the UK hosts the Olympics, if it's another place, why don't you, Zhang Guan, come to participate? Besides, Sebastian has nothing to do with you winning the championship. You should thank Sebastian Is it?"

"Is Zhang Guan overflowing with the spirit of internationalism?"

The reporters had different thoughts, and everyone calmed down and listened to what Zhang Guan said next.

"Actually, I didn't intend to participate in cycling. After all, I am a track and field athlete. I should be on the track and field field. But the IAAF has restricted me from participating in track and field competitions, so I can only participate in cycling. This is also my thanks. The reason for Mr. Sebastian, the president of the IAAF, if he had not restricted me from participating in track and field events, I would not have participated in the cycling competition, and I would not have won this gold medal." Zhang Guan said.

"Oh..." The reporters were in a commotion, and everyone could tell that Zhang Guan was not thanking him at all, but slapping Sebastian in the face. Zhang Guan's subtext is obviously saying: Didn't you restrict me from participating in track and field? I change the project, the same champion!

However, Zhang Guan's words did not end. He continued: "In addition, I also congratulate the two British players who won the silver and bronze medals, especially Wiggins, who deserves to be the champion of this year's Tour de France. His strength is really strong. It is me. One of the best cyclists I've ever seen, and a great opponent. I think if I hadn't played well today, the gold medal would have belonged to him!"

The reporters rolled their eyes when they heard this sentence. What Zhang Guan said was nonsense. You are a gold medal, and others are silver medals. If your gold medal is not here, their silver medals will definitely be upgraded to gold medals!

However, to Sebastian's ears, Zhang Guan's words stabbed him in the heart.

If someone with a heart wants to make a big fuss and connect Zhang Guan's voice, he can come up with such a logic: this bicycle gold medal originally belonged to the United Kingdom, but because Sebastian restricted Zhang Guan from participating in track and field Therefore, Zhang Guan could only run and ride a bicycle, but he snatched the gold medal from the British.

Once this set of logic is achieved, Sebastian will become the chief culprit of Britain's gold loss!

"Damn! Damn!" Sebastian obviously thought of this, and angrily threw the remote control at the TV.

However, at this moment, the phone rang again, Sebastian tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, and answered the phone.

"Mr. Chairman, did you get disconnected just now?" The person who spoke was the person who reported the situation to Sebastian just now.

Just now Sebastian directly hung up the other party's phone without saying "goodbye", so the other party thought that the phone was suddenly dropped in the middle of the conversation.

After all, Sebastian was also the leader, and when he was on the phone with the leader, he suddenly dropped the line. As a subordinate, he must have called back immediately, so the other party called Sebastian again.

"Oh, it's disconnected!" Sebastian also realized that it would be impolite to directly hang up on someone's phone, so he took advantage of the slope and pretended to be disconnected suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Sebastian said, "If there is nothing to do with you, then so be it."

"Mr. Chairman, there is one more thing that I need to report to you." The other party said.

"What is it?" Sebastian asked impatiently.

Sebastian had already learned about the situation at the scene through TV, and he reckoned that there could be nothing else.

"Before the game ended, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came to the scene in person!" The other end of the phone said, "And just left!"

"What!" Sebastian was shocked. Reminiscent of the phone call from Buckingham Palace in the morning, Sebastian immediately guessed why His Royal Highness went to the game site in person.

"It's over! I may be unlucky!"

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