All-round Athlete

Chapter 687: New Enmity

Chapter 687: New Enmity

When Zhang Guan rushed into the station, his driver had already called the police.

Just like in the TV series, the police always arrive after they are done. After Zhang Guan beat all six people to the ground, the police finally arrived at the scene.

No matter where it is, it is definitely wrong to fight, so Zhang Guan, Hermione and the five troublemakers were taken to the police station for questioning and recording.

The reason only five people went to the police station is because one of them was taken directly to the hospital. It was the sixteen-year-old boy named Hughie who was taken to the hospital. When he fell, he smashed a flower pot, and the fragments of the flower pot happened to draw a deep gash on his arm, bleeding on the spot. Not only that, so he was sent to the hospital.

After all, Zhang Guan was a public figure, so of course he would not be treated unfairly in the police station. Instead of detaining him, the police made him a cup of coffee and asked what happened at that time with a pleasant face. Not long after, people from the embassy and the China Force convoy also arrived at the police station.

"I just saw that chick looks good, and I wanted to ask her for a phone number! Unexpectedly, Zhang Guan rushed over and called us up!" The black youth said with an innocent face. Facing the police, he turned himself Said to be a victim, he made a very sincere expression, and then said: "If you don't believe me, I can ask my companion!"

"We will ask. You don't need to teach the police what to do!" said the police officer on the opposite side coldly.

In the monitoring center behind, Sergeant Hanks pouted, looking coldly at the black youth in the monitoring screen.

"Sheriff, the confessions of the other four people have also come out, which is the same as what he said. They all said that they went to strike up a conversation with that lady, and then they were beaten up by Zhang Guan." A young police officer said.

"Ghosts believe it!" The police chief snorted coldly: "Zhang Guan, alone, would take the initiative to provoke villains in six blocks? Ghosts would believe this kind of statement! What did Zhang Guan and that woman say? Do they know each other?"

"Yes, both Zhang Guan and the woman said that they knew each other. The woman's name is Hermione Corfield, she is sixteen years old this year, she is a high school student, and she is also a part-time model." The young policeman said. member asked.

"Taking high school student models, this is what well-known athletes should do." Director Hanks nodded jokingly, and then said: "Then what did they say?

"According to Miss Cofield, she was surrounded by those six people as soon as she entered the train station, and they also snatched her bag and broke her mobile phone. At this time, Zhang Guan came forward to rescue her. She. Regarding this point, we did find a broken mobile phone at the scene, which can confirm that the mobile phone was broken." Young said.

"What about the crown? He didn't say anything, did he? He has to wait for the lawyer to come before he speaks?" Sergeant Hanks asked immediately.

Sergeant Hanks dislikes dealing with prominent public figures the most. No matter whether it is hard or soft, it will not work. There is no other way. And many public figures can hire well-known barristers. Under the British legal system, ordinary policemen are inherently dwarfs when facing barristers.

"Zhang Guan was very cooperative with our inquiry. According to his description, he walked Miss Cofield to the train station and was about to leave when he saw someone robbing Miss Cofield, so he immediately stepped forward to stop it. This is In terms of narrative, it matches what Miss Cofield said about the bag being snatched away." The police officer said.

"That is to say, the five people now have a set of statements. They say that Zhang Guan attacked them on purpose; while Zhang Guan and the female model are another way of saying that those six people robbed her." Sergeant Hanks He took a folder from the side and looked through it. It was the information of those five people.

"Among the five people arrested, except for that Roy Fury, the other four have criminal records, and one of them is an addict... Well, the facts are clear." Sergeant Hanks closed the door He opened the folder, and then said: "Go through the formalities, you can let Zhang Guan and the female model go, as for the five people, lock them up first! Let's hand over the files to the prosecutor later."

"Sheriff, isn't this a bit too hasty? After all, we only listened to the confessions of both of them. If it is handed over to the prosecution, will our evidence be too little?" The young policeman said hesitantly.

"A confession is enough. One side is the most famous sports star in the world, and the other side is six neighborhood gangsters, and four of them have criminal records. Who do you think the judge will believe? Who do you think the jurors will believe?" Han Sergeant Kex thought for a while, and then said: "I remember that another person was sent to the hospital? It seems that he is not yet eighteen years old?"

"Yes. His name is Hughie Fury. He is only sixteen years old this year, so he was punished at most." The young police officer continued, "It's just that his injuries seem to be troublesome. I'm afraid he will leave in a short time. out of the hospital..."

"What's the trouble?" Sergeant Hanks asked.

"His tendon was severed by fragments of a flower pot. I don't know if he is scheduled for surgery now." The policeman said.


In the gym, a young man is sweating profusely on the equipment.

This is a Caucasian young man who looks to be in his early twenties. His height has already exceeded two meters, and his figure is very strong. According to visual inspection, he probably weighs close to two hundred and fifty kilograms.

The phone rang suddenly, and the white young man was slightly taken aback, but he ignored it.

"Tyson, your phone!" a trainer next to him yelled at him. .

"Don't worry about it, it must be telemarketing!" The white young man continued to practice with the equipment.

Ten seconds later, the call stopped, but only two or three seconds later, the ringtone rang again.

"Tyson, go pick it up!" the trainer then shouted.

"Wait a minute, I'm done with this set, and it's almost over soon." The white youth didn't get up from the fitness equipment until he finished this set of movements, and at this time the phone rang for the third time.

"Hey, it's my uncle calling. Is he in a hurry to call me? By the way, I remembered that I helped Hughie get in touch with the boxing training camp. It must be because of this!" the white youth While thinking, he picked up the phone.

"Hello, Uncle, I'm Tyson. What? Hughie was beaten? His tendon was broken!" The white youth suddenly screamed.

For a boxer, a broken tendon is undoubtedly a fatal injury. Boxing requires the explosive power and precision of the arm, and reconnecting the tendon after a broken hand will affect the explosive power, flexibility and precision of the arm. It is greatly affected, and even affects the boxer's antagonism, which is more serious than some stress injuries. It is almost certain that it is difficult for a person who has suffered such an injury to make a difference in boxing, which is tantamount to ruining a person's boxing career.

"Who did it?" The white young man's voice suddenly turned cold. As a boxer, he certainly knew what this injury meant to Hughie. Because of this injury, Hughie is likely to be unable to become a boxer for the rest of his life.

"Zhang Guan? Are you talking about the sports star Zhang Guan? Even cousin Roy was injured by him? By the way, I remembered that there were rumors that he was a boxing expert!" The white youth hung up silently. When he got on the phone, there was hatred in his eyes.

"Zhang Guan! You have ruined a genius of our Fuli family and my cousin! I will not let you go!" The white youth clenched his fists: "You are good at fighting, right? Then let you Taste my fist well, I will break your bones one by one, and let you know how powerful I am Tyson Fury!"

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