All-round Athlete

Chapter 661 Not pitting (25/20)

Chapter 661 Not pitting (2520)

Looking forward to nothing, Vettel's mood has been extremely bad.

"Zhang Guan still didn't make the pit stop! What happened this time? Did he take the wrong tire again? Or did the maintenance man fight again?" Vettel yelled at the radio.

"Uh...not at all. From what I can see, the maintenance technicians of China Force are still standing there holding tires, and they are waiting for Zhang Guan to enter the station." The team replied.

"Waiting for the pit stop? Fart! Zhang Guan is running ahead of me now!" Vettel couldn't help swearing: "It's already the 54th lap, I can't care so much, I want to pass him directly!"

Angry Vettel stepped on the accelerator, he finally decided not to wait for Zhang Guan to pit, he wanted to take the initiative to attack, he wanted to overtake Zhang Guan.

Ross Brown looked at this scene and heaved a deep sigh.

"It seems that Vettel has completely lost his patience! At least half a lap longer, I can only help you here, the last two laps are up to you!" Ross Brown waved: "Let All the maintenance technicians should come back, Vettel has started to overtake Zhang Guan, there is no point for them to stay outside."


"Zhang Guan still didn't make the pit stop, he's still holding on! Unknowingly, there are still two laps left in the race." There was an elusive emotion in the commentator's voice.

"Zhang Guan's tires were worn out a few laps ago, and now his tires must be in worse condition. It is really hard to imagine that he can persist with such a set of tires until now. If it is other drivers, I am afraid it has already I have rushed off the track many times." Another commentator paused, then went on to the clubhouse: "But having said that, it's already 54 laps anyway, if it was me, I might as well not have pitted. Gritting your teeth and persevering, finish the last two laps."

"How is this possible? It is not allowed in the rules. Don't forget that the rules require that the car must use two types of tires." The first narrator spoke immediately.

"In today's race, the other cars have been running with heavy rain tires, right?" the second commentator immediately asked.

"Oh, yes, you didn't say that I almost forgot, there is a rule that two types of tires must be used, except for rain." The first commentator added.

"That means that in the rain race, the driver does not need to use two types of tires? Doesn't this mean that Zhang Guan can run to the end with a full set of rain tires? Does that mean he can not pit?" The commentator suddenly exclaimed.

The next moment, both commentators fell into silence.

It is already common sense that Formula One cars need to pit for refueling and change tires. The rules actually force drivers to pit at least once. Anyone who understands this sport thinks so, so before that , People have subconsciously determined that Zhang Guan will definitely enter the station.

People's thinking is positioned in the framework of common sense, how can it be so easy to jump out! Breaking common sense itself is a difficult thing to do. For example, when someone says that water flows to high places, people's first reaction after hearing it must be the word "wrong", thinking that it is common sense that water flows to low places.

Because of this, the two commentators fell silent at the same time, because their common sense was broken at this moment.

After a long time, one of them finally said, "If Zhang Guan really doesn't stop and runs the whole distance with a set of rain tires, will it be a foul?"

He said the word "if" extremely emphatically, apparently still unwilling to believe that Zhang Guan would adopt the strategy of not entering the station.

"Uh, I'm not very sure, I have to ask the competition. But if Zhang Guan really adopts the strategy of not pitting, I think it should be because he didn't make a foul, or at least it's a loophole." Another person was talking, broadcasting The camera suddenly switched to the maintenance area.

"Look, the maintenance technicians of the China Force team have returned! They returned to the garage with the tires in their arms!"

"Going back? Isn't he going to enter the station? Is Zhang Guan really not going to enter the station?"

"The no-stop strategy, Zhang Guan really wants to use the no-stop strategy! Does he really want to do this? Does he really dare to do it? Can he really do it?"


At this moment, all the car fans watching this game all over the world were shocked by this scene. The strategy of not pitting, something that has never happened in Formula 1, has appeared before everyone's eyes today!

However, after the shock, many car fans even began to look forward to Zhang Guan's success. They saw a wonderful race, an unprecedented strategy, and they hoped to see a miraculous result!

Witnessing the birth of a miracle is probably the most primitive desire in the human heart.

Inside the Red Bull Racing team, they also realized that Zhang Guan chose not to pit the strategy.

"No pit stop? Is this okay? Can the rules allow it?"

"Running all the way to the end, without refueling or changing tires, did Zhang Guan fill up the gas before the race? And can his tires handle it?"

Several engineers were discussing in low voices, while Newey had a bitter expression.

"I was tricked by the old fox Ross Brown again! I took out the tires and fought with the maintenance technicians just now. They are all trying to confuse me! This old and cunning guy only tricks honest people like me!"

Both Ross Brawn and Newey can be called the legends of Formula One. They can be said to be relatively proficient in all aspects of Formula One racing. In comparison, Newey is better at designing racing cars. He can design the most perfect aerodynamics, so he is known as the legendary design master of F1; Not as good as Newey, Ross Brown is best at strategy, so Ross Brown is a recognized F1 strategy master.

Newey certainly cannot be regarded as an honest person. There are no honest people in a sport like Formula One. Sports competitions are not absolutely fair. Dirty, it is normal to use any means to win. Those car kings are not the ones with bad stomachs. Even Schumacher has deliberately crashed the car to kill his opponent.

But Newey is really a good boy compared to the treacherous Ross Brown. A Newey who has "focused on designing racing cars for 30 years" can't compare to a guy who has "focused on cheating people for 30 years" in terms of strategy. Ross Brown?

But now, Newey, or the entire Red Bull team has come to his senses.

The team's voice blared in Vettel's headphones.

"We have confirmed that Zhang Guan will not stop, he will run to the end!"

"No pit stops? Doesn't he change tires? I understand, is it because of the rain? Is this allowed by the rules?" Vettel asked.

"We are still confirming whether this is allowed in the rules. After all, this is the first time something like this has happened. But for you now, don't bother with the rules! All you have to do is go beyond, and you still have The time for the last two laps is urgent!" The team's voice seemed anxious.

"Two laps? That's enough for me! Zhang Guan's tires are almost worn out. With such tires, he won't be able to handle two laps!" Vettel said confidently.

Twenty-five chapters, begging for monthly ticket subscription...

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