All-round Athlete

Chapter 654 Six Corners (18/20)

Chapter 654 Six Bends (1820)

Because it was a home game, the broadcast footage was shown on Zhang Guan without hesitation.

At this time, Zhang Guan used the first corner to overtake Fisichella, and then caught up with Sutil at the consecutive hairpin turns.

Sutil made a defensive move without hesitation, and Zhang Guan did not immediately choose to overtake, he was putting pressure on Sutil.

This is a typical Schumacher style, biting the opponent, constantly making the opponent feel fear, and when the opponent is exhausted, it is also the most certain moment for him to give the opponent a desperate blow.

Sutil obviously felt the pressure. The fourth gear was lowered to the third gear, and the third gear was lowered to the second gear. He needed to keep reducing the speed of the car so that he would not rush off the track, but he was very worried about himself. Zhang Guan's slowing down will be seized by Zhang Guan behind, so he has to spend his mind to defend and keep his own line.

Finally, Sutil rushed through this continuous hairpin bend, and when he passed the fourth turn, his speed had dropped to 100 kilometers per hour.

Zhang Guan's cornering speed is obviously better. At 100 kilometers per hour, as long as he is slightly faster than 5 kilometers per hour, he can catch up with the car in front. The downforce provided by the double-layer diffuser gave Zhang Guan a 5km/h speed advantage when exiting the corner.

"Beautiful cornering, catch up!" The commentator roared, and Zhang Guan and Sutil were already neck and neck.

There was deafening applause immediately from the spectators at this corner, but the two racers definitely couldn't hear them, they had already accelerated and rushed forward.

There is a straight road ahead, and the speed at the end of the straight road can be close to 300 kilometers. However, the sixth turn at the end of the straight road is one of the two ultra-slow corners on this track. The driver must quickly reduce from sixth gear to second gear. The speed close to 300 kilometers per hour will drop to about 60 to 70 kilometers when entering the corner.

Normally, a big brake can solve this problem, but now Zhang Guan and Sutil are driving side by side, which has become a test of the braking point. If the brakes are too early, the other party will take advantage of the suburban night's braking point to overtake the front and take the lead to enter the corner, but if the brakes are too late, the speed may be too fast tonight and they may rush off the track.

"I will definitely be able to block Zhang Guan!" Sutil peeked at Zhang Guan on the side, but the water mist brought up by the racing car made his vision blurred.

The viciousness in Sutil's heart also rose, he decided to take a relatively late braking point and must rush to the front of Zhang Guan. As a person who dared to stab the boss of Renault with a wine bottle, although he cannot be said to be a desperado, he is also a person who is not afraid of getting hurt when he is ruthless.

Suddenly, the sight on the side became clear, and most of the water mist disappeared. Sutil suddenly became happy, because he knew that Zhang Guan had already braked, and it was because Zhang Guan fell behind him that the water mist would Most of them disappeared.

"Hmph, I won't lose to anyone in the game of courage!" Sutil thought to himself, he also stepped on the brakes, and at the same time turned the steering wheel violently.

The gravitational acceleration generated by the turn made Sutil feel a burst of excitement. He felt that he had left Zhang Guan behind, but the next moment, his sight deviated from the runway.

"Oops, the car slipped!" Sutil slammed the steering wheel in the other direction, hoping to stop the side-slip of the car, but his actions were in vain. The car slid off the track and rushed into the maintenance area.

"This idiot, such a late braking point would be fine if it was normal, but now it's raining and the road is already slippery, and with such a late braking point, it's no wonder that you didn't rush out of the runway when entering the corner! Zhang Guan thought to himself, and then he stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward. In front of him was Paul Dai of Toro Rosso, who was also the next target he wanted to overtake.

Bo Erdai is also a player with a sponsorship. This year is his second season in Formula One. His posture is average. For Zhang Guan, this is obviously a soft persimmon.


In the command room of the Force India team, Omi looked at the broadcast screen, his face was ashen.

"Why? Why is this happening? Why can't Zhang Guan be blocked! And he didn't even block it for a full circle, oh, no! Half a circle! Fisichella and Sutil, are these two idiots?"

In Omi's heart, even if the two Force India drivers will be overtaken by Zhang Guan in the end, they can still stop them for a few laps. In Omi's original plan, let Fisichella block Zhang Guan for four or five laps, and then Sutil can take this opportunity to run faster, and then let the speed block Zhang Guan for seven or eight laps. Half of the race is over. . Imagine that half of the journey was blocked at the end, Zhang Guan's performance at this stop must be very impressive.

However, in reality, Fisichella surrendered at the first corner, which was far from the four or five laps planned by Omi. But Sutil was a little better, at least he held the continuous hairpin corner, but he rushed out of the track in the following corner, and the result dropped to the last place.

The plan to block Zhang Guan's ten laps, when implemented, only blocked Zhang Guan's six corners in the end!


The soft persimmon of Toro Rosso, Bordeaux, faced Zhang Guan with no strength to fight back. He lost his position on the 10th lap. Zhang Guan's next target was Kazu Nakajima, the "road killer" of the Williams team. expensive.

Zhang Guan knew that Japanese drivers were desperate guys. It would be better if they were just desperate, but the key is that their skills are still very bad. It is obvious that accidents are the most prone to accidents due to poor skills. Sometimes you just let him in on purpose, and maybe he will take the initiative to bump into you. Therefore, facing Kazuki Nakajima, Zhang Guan did not use very strong overtaking methods. Instead, they are constantly putting pressure on Kazuki Nakajima.

Kazuki Nakajima obviously would not give up his position. He made a tougher defense, but every time Zhang Guan retreated, this made Kazuki Nakajima feel that his defense was very effective.

"Haha, Zhang Guan is nothing more than that. His car is faster than mine, but he can't overtake me at all! It seems that he will only lead in pole position, but his overtaking skills are very mediocre! And as a A Formula 1 driver, he has absolutely no courage to overtake. As long as my defense is a little tougher, he will immediately retreat! Chinese people are really timid guys, even in their own home court. Look like a coward! Next, I will let you Chinese see the bravery and courage of our Yamato nation! Let you see our fearless warrior spirit!"

Zhang Guan's several retreats made Kazuki Nakajima more complacent and fearless. His defensive moves became more and more extreme, and his defensive routes became more and more extreme. He felt that he was showing the "fearless samurai spirit" to the entire audience.

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