All-round Athlete

Chapter 644 Benefits Of The Home Field (8/20)

Chapter 644 Benefits of Home Court (820)

Formula One is a highly commercialized event, but no matter what the event is, as long as it comes to China, there will be an official background. Therefore, as soon as the staff of the China Force team got off the plane, they ushered in the official reception staff. To be precise, it is some leading comrades of the host city.

Obviously, the locals also know the importance of this game, and they are also willing to see Zhang Guan win here. Holding a successful international competition can greatly increase the popularity of a city, which is equivalent to showing a beautiful business card; and if the domestic players can win the championship at home, it will be more face-saving, which can completely rise To the level of "achievements".

So protection is necessary and sufficient! Of course, this guarantee is only for the China Force team. If other teams want it, they should stand aside first!

The deputy head of the district surnamed Miao was in contact with the convoy. Prior to this, the city-level leaders had also appeared in person, but when it came to specific matters, it was the district head Miao who was in charge.

"If you have any requirements, just ask me. If you can solve it, we will help you solve it right away; if you can't solve it, I will find a way to help you solve it!" Miao District Chief said, patted his chest.

The translator next to him translated this sentence to Ross Brown, and Ross Brown immediately expressed his thanks.

I only heard District Chief Miao continue to say: "Now the track is completely closed, and it will not be open until the start of the race. Of course, you are excepted. You can go to test the car at any time, 24 hours a day."

"Thank you for your kindness, but according to the rules, we cannot drive the car into the field in advance. Our car must be sealed after each race, and it will not be allowed to be unsealed until the next race starts." Ross- Brown spoke.

"Oh, that's right!" District Chief Miao seemed disappointed that he couldn't help.

"Miao District Chief, speaking of which, we really need your help with something." Zhang Guan said from the side.

"Oh? Please tell me!" District Chief Miao regained his spirits.

"Motorsports are greatly affected by the weather, and I hope to have accurate weather forecasts." Zhang Guan continued: "Before we were able to win the championship in Malaysia, the judgment of the weather was also a very important part. The pit stop of the car Strategy is a part of determining victory or defeat, especially when it rains, the more accurate we want to know the better, this will be of great help to our strategic arrangements.”

"No problem, I can ask the leader for instructions, borrow a weather satellite, and then transfer a few professors from the university to set up a special meteorological team to serve you!" Miao District Chief said.

The translator told Ross Brown what he had said, and Ross Brown first showed a surprised expression, and then carefully approached Zhang Guan's ear.

"Zhang, it costs a lot of money to rent a weather satellite, and it also costs money to hire a university professor. We don't have that much budget." Ross Brown said.

"Don't worry, we don't need to pay a penny for these things, they will take care of it for us." Zhang Guan said.

"Uh, are you sure?" Ross Brown obviously wasn't used to the domestic way of doing things.

Ross Brown used to work for Ferrari for a long time. At that time, even when he arrived at Ferrari’s home track, Monza, Italy, the organizers and the local government were very enthusiastic, but they were brothers when it came to money. Clearly, Ferrari can't save a penny, and sometimes Ferrari even spends its own money to give souvenirs to fans.

How can there be a free lunch in the world? Giving you a weather satellite for free, giving you a weather service team for free, Ross Brown even felt like a liar when he heard that.

In a sport that is extremely commercialized like Formula One racing, it can be said that talking about money is everywhere. There is a saying that talking about money hurts feelings, but in this sport, not talking about money really hurts feelings! In the movement of local tyrants, if there is less talk about money, they look down on others.

Ross Brown subconsciously looked at Zhang Guan, and there was obvious suspicion in his eyes. He obviously felt that the head of Miao District was a little unreliable.

However, Zhang Guan never doubted the ability of District Chief Miao, and there must be higher-ranking figures above District Chief Miao.


The hearing on April 14 was held as scheduled, and the whole process was nothing more than gossip and gossip, and the content of the gossip was the same as the previous few times, with nothing new.

The lawyers of both sides are talking about each other, but in the ears of the officials of the International Automobile Federation, all this is so dull. They have heard the ideas of both sides countless times, and even their ears are about to start to grow calluses. And those fierce arguments, to the officials' ears, seem to be meaningless words such as "why did you hit me" and "I didn't want to hit you, I hit you with my fist".

Finally, the full hearing was over, and both sides put on a victorious posture. At this time, the loser does not lose. The final result will not be announced until tomorrow.

For the three teams of China Power, Toyota and Williams, the diffuser can be said to be a matter of life and death for the team this season. Modifying the aerodynamics is equivalent to redesigning and manufacturing a racing car, and the difficulty can be imagined.

The other teams have their own ghosts.

Red Bull would like to see the double diffuser ruled against, as they are currently the fastest car outside of the "diffuser gang". Red Bull is clearly the biggest beneficiary if the diffuser is found to be in violation.

Among the two giants, McLaren is worrying about the "perjury gate", while Ferrari is fanning the flames, but in fact, neither team has stopped developing double-layer diffusers.

In fact, these two giants can actually feel that even without a double-layer diffuser, their own cars are not as powerful as the Red Bull racing cars.

As for the Renault team, as the team's results are not satisfactory, the attitude towards the double-layer diffuser is also blurred. Some inside the team even hope that the double-layer diffuser will be judged as compliant, and then use the double-layer diffuser to fight a comeback .

The rest of the BMW Sauber and Toro Rosso obviously followed behind to play soy sauce, and leaned where the wind was blowing.

Only the brave cannon fodder of Force India, just like a daredevil soldier, rushed forward ignorantly with a pack of explosives...

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