All-round Athlete

Chapter 630 Made money? loss?

Chapter 630 Made money? loss?

Domestic audiences are also paying attention to this game.

The first team from China appeared in the Formula One car, and the first driver from China, of course, it will attract much attention. In addition, it is the afternoon time of the weekend, which is the peak time for viewing, and the audience is more than usual Not a lot.

The number of domestic car fans is still quite large, but compared to the huge population base, it is not that many. But with the appearance of Zhang Guan today, many spectators who didn't understand racing or didn't watch racing on weekdays began to pay attention to today's race.

For some senior car fans, today's race is absolutely exciting. The strategic choices of different cars, the drivers surpassing each other, collisions with accidents, and the appearance of the safety car all show the excitement of the race. And for some people who don't know how to appreciate motor sports at all, this is the repetition of driving a car lap after lap, which seems quite boring.

But today's result is what they want to see. Zhang Guan won the championship, and the China Force team also took the top two.

And when the checkered flag at the finish line started to wave and Zhang Guan crossed the finish line under the guidance of the safety car, the audience in front of countless TVs also became excited.

Although many people don't know what it means for a new team to win the championship and how much change it will bring to the Formula One competition, they can see that Zhang Guan won the first place.

In fact, many sports are like this. As long as the Chinese team can win, the Chinese audience will not care whether they understand or not. They will sit in front of the TV as always and support their country.


Although it was the weekend, President Liu still stayed in his office.

The "996" working mode is popular in many technology industries, but for the managers and decision makers of a large enterprise, the "996" time is obviously not enough, such as Mr. Liu, he has no "rest day" at all This kind of thing, if possible, he would like to work 24 hours a day.

There are folders one after another in front of Mr. Liu, which contain one document after another, waiting for his approval. Although the TV on the wall was not turned on, it was tuned to the sports channel.

Mr. Liu raised his head to take a look from time to time, and when he saw Zhang Guan driving the red racing car, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of shots, especially the shot when we turned the corner just now. Our company's LOGO can be seen very clearly. This publicity fee is worth it, and 10 million US dollars can achieve this effect." Mr. Liu silently nodding.

Zhang Guan has been running in the first position, and of course he will give more shots. However, Mr. Liu, who was busy, obviously didn't pay much attention to this point, and because the TV was in silent mode, Mr. Liu couldn't hear all kinds of exaggerated praise from the commentator.

In this competition, a total of 1 hour and 34 minutes had passed. Before he knew it, Mr. Liu had already reviewed a large part of the documents. When he raised his head again, the screen had already reached the podium.

"The one in the middle is Zhang Guan? He won!" Mr. Liu's eyes widened, but then he immediately found that there was another person wearing the same racing suit as him beside Zhang Guan.

Of course that is Zhang Guan's teammate Barrichello.

Mr. Liu hurriedly found the remote control of the TV from a pile of documents, and turned up the volume.

The excited voice of the commentator sounded on the TV, and it was only then that Mr. Liu knew that the China Force team had won the first two places.

"What? Won the top two? How is this possible? Aren't the champions all owned by Ferrari or McLaren? How could it become a new team? This is not a racing car I know!" surprised.

Although Mr. Liu is not a car fan, he still had some knowledge of Formula One before he decided to sponsor the China Force team. He knew that a new team that had just entered Formula One would definitely be at the bottom of the list, and he Sponsoring the China Force team is entirely based on Zhang Guan's reputation.

But the current result is completely different from what he has learned. Not only is China's power not at the bottom, but it has also won the top two.

Mr. Liu suddenly felt surrounded by unexpected surprises.

"Win the top two! This is the treatment that only a big team like Ferrari has in the past! I didn't expect that 10 million US dollars in advertising fees can produce the effect that Ferrari can! Earn, earn a lot... Hey, wait! I remember that the contract seems to have a bonus clause, how much is it?"

Mr. Liu suddenly thought about the prize money. The sponsorship contract had regulations on how much the champion would be rewarded, how much the runner-up would be rewarded, and so on.

Mr. Liu found a phone number, called his secretary, and asked him to bring over the sponsorship contract. A moment later, the secretary appeared in front of Mr. Liu with the contract.

"The first prize is 2 million U.S. dollars? The runner-up is 1 million U.S. dollars? Isn't that 3 million U.S. dollars? This is only one game, and I have to pay them an extra 3 million U.S. dollars! And it's still in U.S. dollars!" Mr. Liu was already sweating , Just now he was still shouting that the 10 million flowers were really worth it, but he didn't expect to spend another 3 million US dollars in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Liu, it's actually 4 million U.S. dollars..." The secretary reminded in a low voice: "On the second page, there is also a reward for the team performance. The team champion is 1 million U.S. dollars, the team runner-up is 800,000 U.S. dollars, and the team third is 600,000 U.S. dollars. Ten thousand dollars. In this race, China Power also won the team championship..."

"What! 4 million US dollars?" Mr. Liu turned to the second page, and only then did he see the clause. He didn't care about this at all before, but now he was sitting there, almost crying.

Mr. Liu finally remembered the situation when he negotiated the contract before. At that time, he offered 15 million US dollars, but Zhang Guan took the initiative to reduce the price to 10 million US dollars, but added an additional bonus clause. At that time, he still felt that he had saved 5 million US dollars. , and today he has spent 4 million of the 5 million dollars he saved.

And this is only the first game. There are a total of 17 games this season. In the remaining 16 games, if this happens two or three times, Mr. Liu's bonus will exceed the total amount of the sponsorship fee .

Mr. Liu has been struggling in the business field for so many years, and he has never been so angry. Not long ago, he was laughing at Zhang Guan for his simple mind and well-developed limbs, but now it seems that he is the one with the simple mind.

"That's all, that's all!" Mr. Liu waved his hand. Although the prize money he had to pay was really too much, but considering that the championship of the sub-station could bring more advertising effects, Mr. Liu still endured it.

"Just treat it as a large-scale luxury item!"

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