All-round Athlete

Chapter 614 Only the Champion!

Chapter 614 Only the Champion!

At this moment, facing these reporters and these increasingly unreasonable questions, Zhang Guan couldn't help but think of two years ago, that was also the beginning of the year, also in Australia, and also in Melbourne, and there were also a lot of reporters. The tone is asking:

"Zhang Guan, did you buy your Australian Open wildcard entry?"

"Zhang Guan, some tennis players say that you are not qualified to participate in the Australian Open. What do you think?"

"Zhang Guan..."

At that time, the faces of those reporters involuntarily appeared in Zhang Guan's mind, which was the same as the Australian reporters in front of him, ugly, despicable, and gloating...or in other words, these reporters in front of him are the same as those reporters two years ago same group of people.

Thinking of this, Zhang Guan stretched out his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Every time I come to Australia, every time I come to Melbourne, you will greet me in the same way? Don't you realize that you have asked me the same question?" Zhang Guan smiled, and then put his index finger on the temple Draw a circle to signal everyone to think about it.

However, he did not give the reporters any time to think, but said directly: "Two years ago, at the Australian Open, which was also here, in Melbourne, some people questioned my eligibility. They said my eligibility was bought. Yes, they said they are not qualified to stand on the stage of the Australian Open! Did any of you question it?"

Everyone was stunned. Even if someone questioned it at that time, they are too embarrassed to say it now! Doubt that a Gold Slam winner is ineligible to participate in the Australian Open? Saying it will immediately become the laughing stock of others.

However, Zhang Guan asked himself and answered: "What was the result of questioning me two years ago? I made it all the way to the final, unbeaten in one set, unbeaten in one set! I am here, in Melbourne, and won the Australian Cup. The champion of men's singles! And those who smeared me, didn't even give me an apology, just hid in desperation."

Zhang Guan's voice suddenly increased by three points, he pointed to his feet, and continued: "It's been two years, and I'm back here again, and what I'm facing is the same as it was two years ago! But I think the result is still the same , I once again dominate Melbourne, and those who slander me will once again hide like a coward, not even daring to say an apology!"

The reporters were at a loss for words. At the Australian Open two years ago, they were indeed the ones who made mistakes first and bad-mouthed Zhang Guan all the way. In the end, Zhang Guan took the championship trophy from them. This was indeed a severe slap in the face. Later, those who questioned Zhang Guan's qualifications became the laughing stock of the tennis world.

But of course this group of reporters will not admit defeat. It is their innate tactic to hide the bull's head and not admit the stolen goods, just like Horton, who attacked others personally, has become "the right to express personal opinions" among the Australian population.

A reporter in the crowd shouted: "We have the right to question you! We have the right to express our personal opinions."

"You do have the right to show your ignorance! Just like what happened at the Australian Open two years ago! The person who was questioned and discredited by you finally won the championship!" Zhang Guan said immediately.

Zhang Guan talked about the Australian Open two years ago, tantamount to tearing up the sore spots of these Australian reporters. No matter what the reporter said, Zhang Guan always brought the topic to two years ago, and then the topic became "questioning me is all ignorance."

This method is almost the same as rogues, but facing a group of rogues, Zhang Guan can only use even more rogue methods. And many years of experience have already made Zhang Guan understand that the sports world is a world where the weak eat the strong, and here, the champion is king! As long as you win the championship, it doesn't matter what you say; but the runner-up who is only one step away from the championship, even if he is slandered as a "doping liar", can only protest weakly, make a comment on the current situation, and even have to apologize not!

Sports are so cruel, with a champion, you may not be able to gain respect; but without a champion, there is even less respect!


Friday morning, the eve of the first practice.

"A lot of Chinese journalists came to Albert Park today!"

"Not only Chinese reporters, but also many Chinese audiences!"

"I heard that there is a Chinese team in Formula One, called China Power! And Zhang Guan has become a driver of China Power!"

"Zhang Guan? The world champion? He's a racing driver? That's amazing!"

"Who said it wasn't? Did you see that the driver of the safety car was very nervous today? Maybe there will be many accidents today! A collision with each other on the track and field track will affect the speed at most, but a collision on the racing track will kill people!"

The local residents of Australia were all joking. People in this country were not very friendly to China, and now many people are sourly mocking Zhang Guan.

The Albert Park track in Melbourne, Australia is a street track. The track was rebuilt from Albert Park. There are 16 corners in the whole track. This track is not a high-speed track, nor is it very abnormal. There are curves, so the difficulty of the whole track can only be regarded as average. As a street track, some places are rough and the road surface is wet, which is also one of the characteristics of this track.

Formula 1 races are not races right from the start. Generally, there will be a 90-minute practice session every Friday morning and afternoon, and a 60-minute practice session on Saturday morning. These three practice sessions allow the drivers to get familiar with the track and the car. . Qualifying starts on Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon is the final race.

Although the previous three practice sessions are not included in the results of the main race, they will definitely become the wind vane of the main race, especially the Australian race, which is the first race of this season. All the teams are using new cars, and no one knows about the new cars. No matter how strong the team is, the practice match becomes even more compelling.

At this time, the Albert Park track is not yet ready for practice, but the drivers are on the track one after another. They are walking on foot. They have to observe the situation of each corner closely, and then prepare for the next step. Get ready to hit the road with your racing car.

Standing in front of Zhang Guan, Barrichello was introducing the situation of the track to Zhang Guan: "Ahead is Turn 5, which is a high-speed corner that can be passed at a speed of more than 200 kilometers, followed by Turn 6, which is also a high-speed corner. Turn, but the brakes must be downshifted before Turn 7. Come on, let's go and have a look."

"Hey, look, isn't this the world champion? What? It's not enough to be the fastest man on land, but also to be the fastest driver on land?" A voice sounded from behind Zhang Guan.

Zhang Guan looked back and found that it was the Indian Omi. At this time, Omi was wearing a Force India racing suit and was also standing on the track.

"I didn't want to be the fastest driver on land, but I have the fastest car on land! Oh, I can't help it! I can only be disrespectful!" Zhang Guan showed a reluctant expression.

Omi suddenly became upset, and he went on to say: "Our Indian sages have an old saying: A hundred logs cannot fill the fire pit; a hundred rivers cannot flow the sea! Your racing car may be killed at the next stop." It is forbidden to go on the road!"

"Really?" Zhang Guan smiled slightly: "But maybe in the next stop, everyone will learn from us and use double-layer diffusers? Of course, I think the Force India team can rely on the old sayings of the sages to illuminate the way forward. , should be disdainful to learn from us to use a double-layer diffuser!"

"How could we catch up with others! We don't need a double-layer diffuser!" Omi snorted coldly.

"That would be great! Omi, remember what you said today, the Force India team will not use double-layer diffusers!" Zhang Guan hummed.

PS: Champion, champion, only champion! I believe that Sun Yang will definitely use a champion in the next competition to beat that guy's hateful face!

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