All-round Athlete

Chapter 568 If an apology is useful, why do you need the police

Chapter 568 If an apology is useful, why do you need the police

Professor Campbell seemed a little embarrassed. He realized that the matter had become serious. Originally, the IAAF was confident, but now it was Zhang Guan who was pressing every step of the way. Especially Zhang Guan asked if it was possible to confirm whether these specimens belonged to the same person. It was even more difficult for Professor Campbell to answer.

Campbell's laboratory is a world-class laboratory, of course he can confirm this, but if he does that, he will solve the scandal of the IAAF by himself, which will offend the IAAF, so Professor Campbell would like to Said that his own laboratory could not do this.

But there are so many reporters here, if Campbell says that his own laboratory can’t do it, it’s tantamount to admitting that his laboratory’s level is low in disguise, and those who do scientific research are compared to their high level, which laboratory’s level is higher, Which laboratory is more likely to get corporate sponsorship and which laboratory can survive. In comparison, survival is more important than offending the IAAF.

However, Professor Campbell is also an old fritter. Almost in the blink of an eye, he came up with a set of arguments that neither party would offend: "Of course my laboratory can tell whether these specimens belong to the same person. There is no problem in terms of technology. Yes. But the process will be more complicated and take some time. We need to extract DNA from the specimen. We know that there are some epidermal cells of the urinary system in the urine of the human body, and there may be some epidermal cells in the urine of men. Sperm is accompanied by the exclusion of prostatic fluid, so the DNA of the human body can be extracted. By comparing the DNA, it is easy to judge whether it is a specimen belonging to the same person. But this is a very complicated operation process, extraction, cultivation, map Analysis requires a process, so we need time."

Sebastian let out a sigh of relief. What he needs most now is time to buffer. He doesn't want to be exposed here in front of many reporters and representatives of various sports organizations. specimen.

"Actually, there is no need to take such trouble to extract DNA, we can directly measure the nitrite." A voice sounded, and it was Professor Zhuang who spoke.

I saw Professor Zhuang come out and said: "When I gave an example just now, I mentioned a bacterial index. The reason why I gave this example is that I think there is a big gap between these numbers in these test reports. The normal value of the bacterial index should be It is 0 to 4000. The test reports of the specimens from the International Tennis Federation and the International Basketball Federation are within the normal value, but in the report provided by the IAAF, this number is much higher than the normal value, so I suspect this specimen of providers have conditions like urinary tract infections."

While speaking, Professor Zhuang presented several reports in front of everyone, and then said: "We know that urinary tract infection is a very common disease, but it takes a long time for this disease to fully recover. It is impossible to recover within a few days with antibiotics, and even longer with conventional treatment. But one thing is for sure, UTIs are impossible with current medical methods Healed within a day or two. So we just need to look up the nitrites so we can tell if the giver of the specimen had something like a urinary tract infection, if one had it and the other didn't, then It can be proved that these are specimens of two people!"

"Well..." Professor Campbell hesitated. He knew that what Professor Zhuang said was true, but he really didn't want to do this test. He still didn't want to offend the IAAF.

But Professor Zhuang took a step forward and said to Professor Campbell: "Professor Campbell, the detection of nitrite is the simplest and most basic test. In my country, many community hospitals can carry out the test of this item." , and the results can be produced within ten minutes, Campbell Laboratory, as the world's top laboratory, can't even do this!"

"Of course it can be done, there is no problem at all!" Campbell replied. In front of so many reporters, if Campbell said that his laboratory could not test nitrite, he would not be expected to I can hold my head up.

Campbell glanced at Sebastian, as if to tell him that he also brought professionals, and I can't help you this time!


"Have you seen it, Zhang Guan obviously came prepared."

"Yeah, he was very calm throughout the whole process. Even when he tested positive for seven consecutive times just now, he didn't appear flustered. It seems that Zhang Guan has prepared several fallbacks."

"No matter what the backhand is, it must be established on the basis that Zhang Guan really did not use doping. After all, it is quite pitiful for an athlete to do it for his sake. He has been framed by others and has to find a way to prove it himself. own innocence,"

"The IAAF has kicked the iron plate this time. You said that if the test results come out in a while, it really belongs to two specimens. How will the IAAF end?"

"Look, the test results are out!"

In front, Professor Campbell looked at the buzzing printer, he reluctantly stepped forward and picked up the test report.

"Professor, isn't the result unexpected?" Zhang Guan said with a smile.

"Yes." Professor Campbell did not directly announce the result this time, but handed the test report to everyone, and said: "These reports are mainly numbers, I think you should read it for yourself."

Professor Zhuang immediately stepped forward, read the result report without hesitation, and then said: "Sure enough, it is the same as what I guessed just now. From the test data of nitrite, the test results of this report are The patient should be suffering from diseases such as urinary tract infection; while the monitored person reported here is healthy. If this is a specimen collected within a short period of time, it is obvious that this is the test report of two people. That is to say , this is a specimen belonging to two individuals."

"You say yes!" Richards retorted softly.

However, the voice of refutation came to Professor Zhuang's ears, and he continued: "If you don't believe it, you can find a doctor to confirm whether you will get the same conclusion. Or let's put these two reports together. Post them all on the Internet so that professionals all over the world can see if they agree with my conclusion. If it doesn’t work, we can spend more time to extract DNA!”

"No, we trust your professional judgment!" Sebastian said while glaring at Richards viciously, thinking in his heart that this guy doesn't think the incident is big enough? Really publish it on the Internet, that is to let more people know about it, it will definitely be worse than it is now.

"Then Mr. Chairman, since you believe in Professor Zhuang's professional judgment, why are there two specimens here?" Zhang Guan immediately asked.

"Our staff must have been negligent, so they took the wrong specimen. On behalf of the IAAF, I apologize to you again!" Sebastian said.

"Really? Taking the wrong specimen? Taking one wrong may be negligent; taking two wrong may also be negligent; even if taking three wrongly, I can understand. But why did you take seven wrongly? If it is not intentional, it is really difficult for me to find other reasons! Besides, the labels of these seven specimens are all intact, unopened, and my name is written on them. These have been confirmed by you before the test. Why? Will my name appear on other people's specimens? Could it be that your IAAF internal personnel deliberately changed the specimens?" Zhang Guan said slightly angrily.

"Although I still don't know why this happened, I can assure you that our IAAF will thoroughly investigate this matter as soon as possible, and we will thoroughly investigate which link has a problem. Here is a Satisfactory answer." Sebastian said coldly, with even more arrogance in his eyes.

"I just don't admit it, let's see what you can do! I am the chairman of the IAAF, with power and power, what can you, an athlete, do to me!" Sebastian thought in his heart, but then continued: "In short, that's all we can do now."

"But there is still a lot I can do now." Zhang Guan suddenly laughed, and continued: "I don't know if Mr. Chairman has heard a sentence. If an apology is useful, then why do we need the police?"

"What?" Sebastian didn't understand what Zhang Guan meant.

At this moment, there was another loud noise at the door.

"Let's go, we are the police! Someone reported that he was framed by others!"

In an instant, the faces of Sebastian and Richards turned pale.

The second chapter is delivered, please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thanks to dzjwywy, Leisurely Sirius, Baby Bear, Luanzai, 9527LZSB, Folded Halberd and Shensha_Feng, He Guangxi Tongchen, Miki Sensenの, fang tail number 1108, Double Happiness Terminal, lonely and boring, throbbing for a moment, Dongdong Chenchen's father, Yunyun a book boy, the soul of steamed pork, Pinlun 27, fylibra, anyhardaway, Wu Jingtao, promise and trustworthiness, happy YUYU, the king sent me to read books, Solo Dance 灬, Sad Fat Paper, Toilet Pose ﹫POSE, Burning Pig, Flying with the Wind, Wind ~ Wind ~ Wind, Fried Dumpling TO, Too many questions, I only love you for a reward in my life!

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