All-round Athlete

Chapter 315 Go Home

Chapter 315 Go Home

When Zhang Guan got off the plane, he received a grand welcome. Of course, flowers and banners are indispensable. Director Liu from the tennis center even came to the airport to welcome Zhang Guan in person.

Two hours later, the Tennis Center held a press conference specially for Zhang Guan. The Australian Open trophy was placed in the most conspicuous position alone, which became the biggest highlight of the gratifying conference. Of course it was a replica, the real trophy is still in Melbourne.

The trophies of the four Grand Slams are unique. The real trophies are only used at the awards ceremony. The champions of each session take away 1:1 replicas. However, for these domestic reporters, this copied trophy is also full of attraction, and everyone can't wait to take a 360-degree ring shot around the trophy.

After the press conference, a symposium followed immediately. Zhang Guan has also participated in this kind of symposium after winning the championship many times, but they are all related to track and field. Relevant leaders will attend yesterday's meeting symbolically and encourage the athletes. Afterwards, the person in charge will usually ask for opinions or suggestions from the winners, and if the contestants encounter difficulties or have other needs, they can also raise them on the spot.

For example, the symposium held by the tennis center talks about things related to competition or training, but when it comes to similar symposiums held by the local government, champion players can even put forward some more practical requirements. For example, a certain Olympic champion said in a local symposium that his family lived in a 40-square-meter tube building and hoped that the superiors could solve the housing problem. As a result, the local government immediately rewarded a three-bedroom apartment.

Zhang Guan once promised Sister Na to mention the "Golden Flower Solo Flight", so he raised it to Director Liu on the sidelines in the symposium.

I just heard Zhang Guan say: "Director Liu, I have gained a lot from participating in the Australian Open this time. I found that there is indeed a certain gap between our country's tennis development and that of European and American countries, especially in terms of professionalism. , we can say that it is almost zero, and on this point, not to mention the developed countries in Europe and the United States, even many Asian countries are ahead of us!"

Director Liu nodded seriously: "You are right. We have also been conducting relevant research and demonstrations in the Tennis Center on the professionalization of tennis, and we will carry out a series of reforms in the future. This matter We are also crossing the river by feeling the stones. But the Olympic Games will be held next year, so there will not be too many changes before the Olympic Games. You don’t have to worry, after the Olympic Games, there will definitely be changes.”

Director Liu said here, thought for a while, and then said: "Because next year's Olympic Games is very important, preparing for the Olympic Games can be said to be our most important goal next year. It can be predicted that next year will be relatively sufficient in terms of funds. It is also guaranteed to go abroad to participate in professional tennis events. We also need our main players to participate in as many competitions as possible, which can be regarded as actively preparing for the Olympics.”

Zhang Guan nodded, next year's Olympic Games will be held in the capital, so as long as it is an Olympic event, the training funds must be sufficient, and it is conceivable that next year's athletes will have more opportunities to compete.

If Director Liu can give this answer, Zhang Guan can also explain to Sister Na and the other golden flowers.

Director Liu continued to ask: "The Spring Festival is over, do you have any important arrangements? If not, the center has a campus tennis promotion event, I hope you can participate."

Director Liu said generally, and took out a thick copy plan from the documents beside him, and then said: "Our preliminary plan is to carry out this project in 50 key universities in twelve large and medium-sized cities. If you can participate in this promotional event, I believe our event will definitely attract more attention. However, it may take some time for you to travel to twelve cities in a row, and the itinerary will be tighter and more tired."

"No problem, I'm not afraid of getting tired, I will definitely participate!" Zhang Guan continued: "I also hope that more people can participate in the sport of tennis."


In the past few days in the capital, Zhang Guan has never been idle for a moment. First of all, we have to deal with the interviews of various media. In terms of TV media, CCTV 1 and the sports channel each made an exclusive interview for Zhang Guan. Among them, the sports channel also specially made a documentary about the Australian Open for Zhang Guan; in terms of paper media, Several major sports publications lined up to interview Zhang Guan; the online media became more active, and almost followed Zhang Guan wherever he went.

In addition, almost all of the big sponsors behind Zhang Guan were dispatched, hoping that Zhang Guan could shoot a new version of the commercial or reshoot the clips of the commercial. For example, the original ad showed Zhang Guan running on the track and field track, but now it shows Zhang Guan fighting on the tennis court with a tennis racket.

For more than a whole week, Zhang Guan was busy. As the Spring Festival approached, Zhang Guan had the opportunity to return to his hometown.

During the Spring Festival travel season, train tickets were difficult to buy. Fortunately, the capital city was not too far from the capital, so Zhang Guan returned to the provincial capital in the author's own commercial vehicle.

Unexpectedly, just as the car got off the highway entrance, the provincial team to welcome Zhang Guan appeared.

In the evening, the Provincial Sports Bureau held a special welcome dinner for Zhang Guan. Provincial leaders in charge of sports and several main leaders of the Sports Bureau also attended in person.

After the dinner was over, one of the deputy directors deliberately pulled Zhang Guan aside, as if he had drunk too much, and said that he wanted to ask about tennis knowledge. But in fact, the deputy director had something to say to Zhang Guan alone.

"Zhang Guan, we all know what the Tiantian Management Center did a few days ago, and our province has been paying attention to it. You were not in the country at the time, and there were many things that I couldn't tell you. Now that you are back, so I am too. Let me tell you about our position. You are an athlete trained by our province, so no matter what, we will stand by your side. Although our provincial bureau cannot affect the decision-making of the field management center, but in our own place, The bureau can still decide. The training venue, training equipment, training funds, training personnel, whether it is track and field, tennis, or other sports, as long as you need it, the bureau can help you solve it. So you don't have to worry about the future." The deputy director said very sincerely.

Zhang Guan nodded with some emotion, and expressed his thanks at the same time.

After so many years, Zhang Guan has also realized that the more places he goes, the more serious the protectionism for top athletes. Assuming that the Olympic champion is a giant panda, then at the national level, there may be forty or fifty giant pandas, and only those who are cute and know how to act coquettishly will receive special care; , the giant pandas have become four or five, and the treatment will definitely improve a lot, and each giant panda has to be taken special care of; It takes a few years to get a giant panda, and the treatment has been raised to another level. Even the ugliest, stupidest and worst giant panda will enjoy the top treatment.

Next, Zhang Guan became busy again. There were commendation conferences and symposiums at the provincial level, and commendation conferences and symposiums at the city level.

This kind of life lasted until the eve of the Spring Festival. After Sharapova came back from the Pan Pacific Open, Zhang Guan rejected all the activities and took Sharapova to experience the unique "New Year flavor" in China.

The first chapter was delivered, and it was even later, sorry, the temperature here is cooling down today after passing the customs, I wear less clothes, probably frozen, and dizzy, so I took a nap in the afternoon. In spring, I remind everyone to pay attention to weather changes and beware of colds. In addition, it was said yesterday that there will definitely be more new leaders, but it will be later.

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