All nations are destroyed.

The sea shook again.

It may be a fluke if the Four Emperors are destroyed once, but if both the Four Emperors are destroyed, then this matter will be terrible.


This means that the balance of this world is broken!

Navy Headquarters.

Night Breeze had quietly returned here.

He is negotiating with Warring States with three beautiful girls.

"Warring States."

"Do you understand what the three of them said?"

"Whitebeard and Shanks have reached an agreement with me."

"Although Long is still hesitating, as long as your navy declares a break with the world government/government, the revolutionary army will join our team."

"When the time comes when we have money, power and talent, why not bring real peace to the whole world?"

Night Breeze patiently persuaded Warring States.

Now the general trend of the world has basically been determined.

As long as the navy is dealt with without bloodshed.


Peace is just around the corner.

"Night Breeze...I understand what the three of them really makes sense...but where did you find them?" Old Zhan Guo looked at the three cute girls standing behind Night Breeze Sister, it's hard to believe that there are such talents in this world.

"You mean them. Don't inquire about their origins. All in all, the three of them are talents who can govern the country and the world. They are the key to the peace we bring to the world this time."

Night Breeze smiled faintly.

These three girls were Night Breeze's reward for signing in with the aunt last time.

In fact.

They are not humans of this world.

They were all creatures that Night Breeze summoned from a very strange world through three character summoning cards.

One is Zhuge Kongming, one is Zhou Yu, and the other is Guo Jia.

Although these three are all girls.

But they are extremely intelligent, and they are very familiar with the world of the second dimension. After reading the strategy of governing the country produced by the same system, it took only a few days to research a set of strategies suitable for the world of One Piece.


Under their guidance, Night Breeze first went to Whitebeard and Shanks.

Zhuge Kongming convinced the two of them with her three-inch tongue.

As long as Night Breeze overthrew Tianlongren.

They are willing to give up their identities as pirates and become adventurers on the sea. Of course, Night Breeze will provide them with enough wages so that they can live a worry-free life and live a truly free life.


Two of the Four Emperors were wiped out by Night Breeze, and the other two also surrendered to Night Breeze and changed their careers.

Do the other little pirates dare to continue to make trouble?

Coupled with the talents of the three of them, it is enough to bring peace and tranquility to the world.

At that time, the country will be rich and the people strong.

The people live and work in peace and contentment.

Who would be a serious person to be a pirate?

At that time, all people with lofty ideals will denounce unscrupulous pirates.

Pirates will become rats crossing the street and everyone shouts and beats them.

As for the Revolutionary Army.

Their decision was hesitant.

to be honest.

The Revolutionary Army is not the same as Shanks the Beard.

The idea of ​​people making pictures of pirates is to be free and unrestrained.

It doesn't matter if you change careers.

Anyway, follow the trend.

But the Revolutionary Army was different.

Long led that busy old brother to work hard for more than ten years, and finally felt that he was about to make some achievements, but he was recruited?

This made many revolutionary troops unacceptable.


Long's final decision is still decided to look at the situation first.

But anyway.

Long was shocked by Night Breeze's strength and the direction of his layout.

The big picture is settled.

Long's heart was actually expecting Night Breeze to do what he wanted.

"Warring States, I think Night Breeze is very reliable. If you don't listen to him, when the world war starts, everyone will be unlucky in the end. Tianlong people will not care about the lives of civilians."

Garp didn't pick his nostrils for a rare time, but simply chewed the senbei, and put forward his opinions to Sengoku in a serious manner.

"That's right, Warring States, just like what Feng Xiao said, as long as the navy, pirates, and revolutionary army can unite, the countries that joined the Celestial Dragons will definitely not dare to go to Mary Gioia for support. Wouldn't this reduce the flames of war? Has it reached the minimum? The speed of post-war recovery is also the fastest!"

Staff Crane also made suggestions to Warring States.

She felt that the three newly recruited girls by Night Breeze were very reliable, much more reliable than Namida Siqi Weiwei. It seemed that they had never pretended to be serious in their little heads.


to be honest.

Warring States also began to hesitate.

Although he was also very inclined to accept Night Breeze's proposal, this decision was so important that he had to think twice.

"Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, the three of you are the highest strength of the Navy Headquarters, so I still have to ask for your opinions on this matter." Warring States looked at the three people in front of him and said.

"I have no objection." Aokiji was the first to stand up, lightly

Dan said: "To tell you the truth, I actually wanted to retire a long time ago. If it wasn't for Night Breeze, I would probably join a pirate group after I retire."

Warring States: "..."

"Oh, I never thought that Kuzan, who has been working together for so many years, would have such a terrible ambition." At this time, Kizan also stood up, with a smile of Kizan's version on his face, and said: "Speaking of it, In fact, I have already joined the Revolutionary Army, but if the Navy agrees to Brother Night Breeze's request, the Revolutionary Army will be merged into the Navy, so I don't seem to have betrayed anyone."

Warring States: "..."


"You two are really scum in our navy!"

Akaken stood up with a cigar in his mouth, and looked at Aokiji and Kizaru angrily.

"Akainu, then, what do you think about this matter?" Old Sengoku narrowed his eyes.


Two of the three admirals of the navy were willing to accept Night Breeze's offer.

Warring States has basically made a decision.

If Akainu disagrees.

There is nothing to say about the Warring States Period.

Just do it.

Anyway, he had known for a long time that Akainu had been getting very close to Wu Laoxing recently, and it was very likely that he was plotting to do something.


Thinking of this, Warring States suddenly felt that he, the admiral of the navy, had failed very much.

The three generals under his command.

One wants to be a pirate, one joins the revolutionary army, and the other doesn't know what he's planning.

This kind of life is simply too foggy.

Akainu felt the murderous aura around him one after another, and the aura on his face remained undiminished. Although the cigar in his mouth was burning brightly, he chewed and swallowed it lightly.

"Hmph! Although I am very dissatisfied with this Night Breeze! However, if he can really make the world a world without thieves! Bring the purest justice to this world! I, Sakaski, can support him once!"

Do not ask.

Asking is for justice.

Anyway, if he is popular, someone will never admit that he was cowardly!

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