All Chat Members Are Me

All the members of the chat group are me Chapter 414

Thanks to [Father Gascoigne] for the two monthly tickets and three blades

Thanks to [Graduate Student of Industrial and Medical College] for two monthly tickets and three blades

Thanks to [Ultimate Dark Dragon] for a monthly pass

Thanks to [Shuke 51664093977] for the three monthly passes

Because the monthly ticket has reached 700, I will add another update and still owe you four chapters.

Chapter 567 Black Light Virus

Feeling the feeling coming from his arm, Virus Lingfeng took a deep breath and slowly pulled up the hood of his clothes, hiding his face under the hood.

Because the sky was dark and Virus Lingfeng's clothes were black, it was difficult for others to see Virus Lingfeng's face clearly after he pulled up his hood.

"I didn't expect that I was infected with the black light virus."

Virus Lingfeng looked at the guards in the distance and thought in his heart.

The black light virus is a highly practical virus that can enhance the body of the infected person, change the body of the infected person, and even absorb other organisms to replenish energy for the infected person.

The biggest function of the black light virus is to enable the infected to complete rapid evolution.

The speed of this evolution is very fast. Of course, this evolution is also accompanied by certain risks.

At the same time, the black light virus can also enter and change every cell, can replicate in large numbers, and can phagocytose and fuse other cells.

Therefore, it can be said that as long as there are living bodies near the black light virus, the black light virus is immortal.

Of course, the black light virus can not only devour other creatures, but also absorb the memories of other creatures, change its own appearance, and become the person it wants to be.

This is most of the capabilities of the Blacklight Virus.

"However, I have only played the first part of the original version of the killing game. I also heard other people tell me about the ending. The ending seems to be that the military used explosives to blow up the city."

Virus Lingfeng was thinking while recalling the plot in the game.

Although the protagonist at the end of the game did not die, Virus Lingfeng did not want to be hit by a missile.

In other words, Virus Lingfeng's main mission now is to escape from Manhattan, or even leave New York City.

"But now Black Watch has begun to blockade Manhattan. I don't know how the protagonist of the game is doing now."

Virus Lingfeng stepped on it and thought carefully.

In Virus Lingfeng's current memory, the number of Black Watchers in Manhattan has only increased a bit, and not too many people have appeared.

This also shows that Black Watch's current control of Manhattan is not very strong, and he has a great chance of breaking out of Manhattan.

And now what Virus Lingfeng has to do is to find an opportunity to directly absorb a lone guard, and then leave Manhattan based on his memory.

Therefore, Virus Lingfeng began to wander around the entire block and began to visit places.

As for rushing to the building and then jumping off to see if you will be killed as shown in the game?

Virus Lingfeng said that he still keeps a low profile and cherishes life.

Therefore, the more ostentatious performance was not considered by Virus Lingfeng.

"I remember that the protagonist in the game seems to be able to slide, but I can't slide now. It seems that I need to practice this virus and fully master it as soon as possible."

Virus Lingfeng put his hands into his pockets and began to think.

"Is it already nine o'clock? We still have to wait for another hour."

Virus Lingfeng took out his mobile phone and looked at the time on it, and said slowly.

After a whole day of observation today, Sword Immortal Lingfeng discovered that these black guards changed shifts every four hours.

In other words, at ten o'clock an hour later, it will be the time for the black guards to change shifts.

Thinking of this, Virus Lingfeng went directly back to the building where he was before.

An hour passed quickly as Virus Lingfeng waited.

At this time, Virus Lingfeng's eyes were staring at the black guards in front of him.

I saw the guards lined up in a pile and walked towards the house in the distance.

Because the virus Lingfeng currently possesses the black light virus, his current vision is very precise.

Even higher than the eyes of a falcon.

So Virus Lingfeng could see a group of black guards walking in his direction in the distance.

And those guys are the guards who came to hand over.

"The handover has been completed, now we are waiting for them to be alone."

Looking at the group of guys, Virus Lingfeng slowly walked forward.

Although Virus Lingfeng is not very proficient in mastering the black light virus.

However, Virus Lingfeng can still kill some ordinary people without extraordinary strength very easily.

But Virus Lingfeng didn't want to do that, he didn't want to attract other people's attention.

After all, Virus Lingfeng had just been infected with the black light virus not long ago, and it was difficult for him to defeat four people with just two fists.

Virus Lingfeng also knew that there were some very powerful infected people in Black Watch.

So if Virus Lingfeng wants to leave here now, he must be very careful in everything.

In addition, he just wants to find a place where no other people will disturb him, so that he can have enough time to learn about the black light virus.

If Lingfeng hadn't known about the virus, the city would have been hit by missiles.

Virus Lingfeng doesn't want to leave here yet.

But for the safety of his own life, Virus Lingfeng decided to leave the city as soon as possible.

So now the virus Lingfeng has targeted one of the guards.

What Virus Lingfeng has to do now is to wait for the opportunity for the guard to be alone, and then take action himself.

And now the virus Lingfeng is like a skilled old hunter, hiding in the dark, quietly waiting for his prey.

As time continues to pass.

Finally, Virus Lingfeng saw one of the guards break away from the team and seemed to be walking towards the house.

And this is Virus Lingfeng's opportunity.

"It's finally time to take action."

Seeing the guard leaving, Virus Lingfeng took a deep breath, hid his entire figure in the darkness, and walked in the direction of the guard.

Because of the black light virus, Virus Lingfeng can easily control all his movements and muscles.

Therefore, under the deliberate control of Virus Lingfeng, he made no sound at all while walking along the way.

So the distance between Virus Lingfeng and the lone guard was getting closer and closer.

Looking at the guard not far away, Virus Lingfeng swallowed and quickened the pace of his confidant.

Because the guards couldn't hear the footsteps, and because Virus Lingfeng's entire figure was hidden in the darkness, no one else noticed Virus Lingfeng.

So Virus Lingfeng has now arrived in front of the guard.


Virus Lingfeng took a deep breath and walked up directly.

Chapter 568: Absorbing Guards

Looking at the guard, Virus Lingfeng stretched out his right arm fiercely and grabbed the guard's head.

Because of the virus Lingfeng was infected with the black light virus.

Now Virus Lingfeng's strength, endurance, and physical fitness have been greatly improved.

So Virus Lingfeng grabbed the guard's entire body in one fell swoop and lifted him into the air.

"Uh huh..."

Feeling that his feet were slowly leaving the ground, and at the same time that his head was experiencing severe pain, the guard was about to scream in pain.

But before his voice could be heard, many black pieces of flesh and threads sprouted from Virus Lingfeng's arms.

Those pieces of meat and silk threads immediately wrapped the guard's mouth and nose, preventing him from making any sound.

Therefore, the guard could only rely on instinct, and kept tearing apart the tentacles and pieces of flesh on his mouth and nose with his hands.

But how could the guard tear off those pieces of flesh and tentacles infected with the black light virus with just his hands?

What he did was just a useless attack.

Looking at the struggling guard on his arm, Virus Lingfeng took a deep breath and exerted force.

The tentacles and pieces of flesh wrapped around the guard's mouth and nose immediately sprouted several spikes, piercing directly into the guard's skin.

The black light viruses also flowed into the guard's body along the spikes.


Virus Lingfeng took a deep breath, grabbed the guard's body and threw it to the ground.

Because this guard was infected with the black light virus, and because the black light virus was controlled by Ling Feng.

Under the violent impact, the guard's body turned into a pile of flesh and blood as soon as it hit the ground.

Before the flesh and blood landed on the ground, they flew towards Virus Lingfeng's body and stuck tightly to Virus Lingfeng's body.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood squirmed twice before being swallowed by the virus Lingfeng.

Now, where Virus Lingfeng was standing, there was no blood or flesh on the ground, and there was no smell of blood in the air.

Because all those things were absorbed by the virus Lingfeng.

"From here, you can cross a bridge and then walk two blocks to..."

Virus Lingfeng was absorbing the guard's memory while planning his next escape route.

While absorbing the guard's memory, Virus Lingfeng also noticed something special.

That is, a corpse woke up from the morgue two days ago, and then the corpse ran away.

And the name of the corpse is Alex Mercer.

When absorbing this memory, Virus Lingfeng reacted immediately.

Alex, Mercer, this name is the name of the protagonist in the original murder.

And if he escaped from the morgue, it means that the time now is the second day of the game.

Thinking of this, Virus Lingfeng accelerated his absorption process.

He knew very well that in the near future, nuclear bombs would be dropped on this city.

Therefore, Virus Lingfeng must leave New York as soon as possible and go to live in other cities.

Thinking of this, Virus Lingfeng clenched the rifle in his hand.

At this time, Virus Lingfeng's entire body shape also began to change.

The flesh and blood continued to reorganize and split in Ling Feng's body.

Soon, Virus Lingfeng's entire appearance changed.

From a young man wearing a hood, he suddenly turned into the killed guard just now.

"All I have to do now is stay in bed. After I develop the black light virus, as long as there are enough creatures, I will be immortal."

Thinking about his next action, Virus Lingfeng clenched the rifle in his hand and walked towards the house in the distance.

Because the virus Lingfeng absorbed the guard's memory.

Therefore, when facing the passwords and passwords of other guards, Virus Lingfeng can answer them very quickly and accurately.

In this way, Virus Lingfeng moved forward, and gradually, Virus Lingfeng came to the border of Manhattan.

Along the way, Virus Lingfeng saw many guards.

When the guards saw Ling Feng, some would stop and question him, while others would not.

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