All Chat Members Are Me

All the members of the chat group are me Chapter 214

"Your father called last night, and it's you who called today. Why do you two father and son like to look for me so much?"

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he pressed the answer button.


Thanks to [Give me Kangkang~] for the two blades

Chapter 300: Departure, Tom (more updates)

"What's wrong?"

Ling Feng picked up the phone and asked aloud.

"Teacher, Tokiomi and I acted in a play last night."

Kirei's voice came over slowly.

"Performed a play?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng was immediately confused.

Can this Holy Grail War still be staged?

By the way, I have cheated and summoned two heroic spirits now, so it is normal for Kirei and Tokiomi to act.

After Ling Feng thought about it, he took a long breath.

"What drama did you perform last night?"

Ling Feng asked Qili.

Since Kirei became Ling Feng's disciple, it was obvious that Kirei was more inclined towards Ling Feng.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have told Ling Feng about his acting with Tokiomi last night.

"Last night, I asked an Assassin to force his way into the Tosaka house, and then let Assassin be eliminated by Archer, creating the illusion that Assassin had left the scene."

Kirei said slowly.

"This idea probably came from Tokiomi Tosaka."

After listening to Qili's story, Ling Feng spoke directly.

After all, only Tokiomi Tohsaka could do such a thing.

First release the news of Assassin's withdrawal, hide Assassin in the dark, so that other Masters can lower their guard, and then let Assassin in the dark give those Masters a fatal blow.

This plan seemed to be a good one, but now Assassin was killed by Archer openly, which made other Masters have a little doubt about Assassin.

After all, Assassin is an assassin, a heroic spirit hidden in the darkness. But at this time, he was openly exposed. This made other Masters have a trace of doubt, wondering whether Assassin really left the game, and what happened last night? A show by Kirei Kotomine and Tokiomi Tohsaka.


Kotomine Kirei responded.

This shows that the plan last night was proposed by Tokiomi Tosaka.

"Then be careful."

Seeing that Kirei didn't speak any more, Ling Feng hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Mao lay on the bed and asked Ling Feng.

Then Ling Feng told Tokiomi Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei about the drama.

"Is this the Holy Grail War? I love it."

The white cat burst out laughing.

"Forget it, ignore them and let them fight."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he directly put away the three bottles of magic potion on the table.

In the evening, while Ling Feng and others were eating at the dining table, his cell phone rang again.

"Teacher, your phone is ringing."

Before Ling Feng reached out to press it, Xiao Ying spoke directly.

Hearing this, Ling Feng smiled and rubbed Xiao Ying's head, then stood up and answered.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Feng asked directly.

At this time, the only person still calling Ling Feng was Kotomine Kirei.

"Teacher, a servant appeared at the port, it seems to be Lancer."

Kotomine Kirei's voice rang out.

"Lancer? Do you know what his real name is?"

Ling Feng asked.

In the Holy Grail War, as long as you know the true name of the opposing heroic spirit, you can deduce their Noble Phantasm through the legends and job descriptions of those heroic spirits, and thus be prepared.

Therefore, in the Holy Grail War, as long as you are the first to grasp the opponent's true name, you will have the initiative in the battle.

"I don't know. I just know that he is holding a red spear and has a tear mark on his face."

Kotomine Kirei said slowly.

"Then did Tosaka Tokiomi say anything?"

Ling Feng felt that Kirei's call this time was not simply to tell him that Lancer had appeared.

"Tokiomi wants your servants to test Lancer's strength, sensei."

Kotomine Kirei was silent for a while and said slowly.

"Did he really say that?"

Ling Feng asked aloud.


Kotomine Kirei's voice sounded again.

"I see."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Tokiomi told us to fight Lancer and test Lancer's strength."

Ling Feng sat at the dining table, glanced at Xiao Ying, and said slowly.

Upon hearing this, Sakura quickly finished the rice in her bowl, then put down her rice bowl and walked up to the second floor.

"Does he know that you summoned Caster?"

The white cat glanced at Sakura in surprise, and then asked in confusion.

"I must know. Although he was not present when I summoned you, he must have heard the news from Kotomine Rimasa. Tokiomi just wants you to reveal some of your strength so that you can target us in the future."

Ling Feng said aloud.

"Then you take Tom there. He doesn't know who the heroic spirits you summoned are anyway, so it's not a big problem to take Tom there. By the way, you can test the strength of those heroic spirits."

The white cat thought for a moment and said.

"Tom, have you eaten? Are you ready to work?"

The white cat turned his head, looked at Tom who was devouring his food, and said aloud.


Tom said vaguely while devouring the leg of lamb.

"That's it, I'll go see the strength of those heroic spirits."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, his eyes directly transformed into Samsara Eyes.

This is the ability that Lingfeng and Bai Mao tested this afternoon.

When Ling Feng and Bai Mao both have samsara eyes, then Ling Feng and Bai Mao can share their vision.

In other words, Lingfeng could see the field of vision that the white cat saw. What Ling Feng could see, White Cat could also see.

"Well, then be careful. By the way, did Gao Tianyuan use it? I don't want to collect the body for you."

The white cat waved his hand to Ling Feng and said aloud.

"It's not nonsense, it must have been used. By the way, let Sakura come down and continue eating."

Ling Feng said angrily.

"no problem."

After the white cat finished speaking, he walked towards the second floor.

"Let's go, Tom."

Ling Feng glanced at Tom who was still devouring his food, and immediately pulled Tom up.

"I haven't finished eating yet."

Although Tom's waist was grabbed by Ling Feng, his hands were still holding on to the dining table tightly and wouldn't let go.

"I'll cook it for you when we get back."

Ling Feng looked at Tom, whose body was stretched out by him, and said hurriedly.


When Tom heard this, he immediately released his paw.

Then Tom shrank back like a rubber band and returned to his height of 1.5 meters.

"Tom, let me tell you first. When you go out this time, you must obey my command in everything."

Ling Feng said to Tom seriously.

"No problem. My cousin said that if I go out, I will obey you. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west."

Tom puffed up his chest and saluted Ling Feng directly.

"That's good, Tom, you can become Rider."

Ling Feng said aloud.


Tom yelled, and a black steam car suddenly appeared next to Tom.


I still owe you ten chapters

Chapter 301 You will be Lancer from now on

The black steam car slowly formed around Tom.

This steam car is composed of a black rectangular body, four wheels and a steering wheel. It looks very simple.

This made Ling Feng suddenly doubt the practicality of this steam car.

"Lingfeng, get in the car quickly."

Tom immediately jumped on the steam car, moved forward, grabbed the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and said to Ling Feng.

"Tom, can you change the car? I don't think this car is safe."

Ling Feng looked at the steam car that was almost falling apart, swallowed, and said slowly.

"No problem, just come up."

Tom patted the back seat of the steam car and said confidently.

Seeing this, Ling Feng sat on the back seat of the steam car with suspicion and put his arms around Tom's waist.

At this time, Tom's 1.5-meter figure matched Ling Feng's 1.8-meter figure in the back seat.

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