All Chat Members Are Me

All the members of the chat group are me Chapter 196

"In addition, the self-confidence brought by my previous victory over those weirdos made me completely relax my vigilance. Then as you can see, I was defeated by the mosquito woman. So I want to become stronger. Please accept it." Let me be your disciple."

Genos said excitedly.

Ling Feng felt that if he were not lying on the operating table unable to move, Genos would definitely bow in front of him.

"Genos, do you still have a physical body in your body?"

Ling Feng did not answer Genos immediately, but asked in reply.

"Yes, even though I am a modified person, I still retain some flesh in my body. What's wrong?"

Genos answered in confusion.

"You see, you are a reformer, right, but I am a human being, which means my way of practice may not be suitable for you."

Lingfeng said aloud while repairing Genos' body.

"Really? I didn't think it through properly."

Genos thought for a moment and said aloud.

Then Lingfeng stopped talking to Genos, and instead concentrated on helping Genos repair it.

"Ding dong."

Just after Ling Feng had repaired most of Genos's parts, Ling Feng's doorbell rang.

"Tatsumaki, go and open the door."

Ling Feng sat on the chair, took out a bottle of happy water from the refrigerator and drank it.

"Why don't you go."

Tatsumaki said immediately.

She was very dissatisfied with Ling Feng's tone of ordering her.

"It's better for me to go, now I can move."

Genos jumped off the operating table and walked directly towards the door.

"Look at others, then look at you."

Ling Feng looked at Genos's leaving figure and said to the tornado.

"Then why don't you go?"

Tatsumaki immediately retorted.

"I just spent too much effort to repair Genos, and now I can't move."

Ling Feng slumped on the chair like a salted fish.

"Tch, I think you're just lazy. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After Tornado left these words to Ling Feng, he jumped out from the balcony and left Ling Feng's house.

Lingfeng watched the tornado leave and sorted out the mechanical knowledge he had just gained through repairing Genos in his mind.

It has to be said that the mechanical knowledge in this world is still very advanced, even comparable to the Cybertronian civilization.

"Hey, when Marvel Ling Feng comes again, let him go directly to Iron Man, and then let him learn Iron Man's skills."

While Ling Feng was thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and uploaded all the mechanical knowledge he had just compiled into the group file.

"Lingfeng, this is Dr. Kusno, and the friend you met before is currently playing games in the living room."

At this time, Genos walked into Ling Feng's maintenance room with an old man.


Ling Feng stood up directly and stretched out his palm.


Dr. Kusno also stretched out his palm and held it with Ling Feng's.

"Dr. Kusno, I actually know a little bit about mechanical skills, so I would like to take this opportunity to discuss it with you."

Ling Feng led Dr. Kusno to the desk, poured him a cup of tea, and said aloud.

"Judging from the repair skills on Genos's body, your mechanical skills are more than just a little bit good."

Dr. Kusno took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

Then the two of them exchanged mechanical skills and began to study with the few materials in Lingfeng's maintenance room.

With the help of Dr. Kunos, Lingfeng organized the mechanical civilization of the dungeon world, the mechanical civilization of the Cybertron world, and the mechanical civilization of the One-Punch Man world.

By the time Ling Feng and Dr. Kusno finished sorting out the mechanical civilizations of the three worlds, it was already a week later.

During this week, Ling Feng and Dr. Kusno studied day and night.

Because Lingfeng was blessed by the Saiyan physique and Hashirama cells, he could completely withstand a week without sleep.

But not Dr. Kusnow.

So while Dr. Kusno was resting, Ling Feng studied alone.

The subject of research is Genos.

That's right, during this week, Genos also stayed at Ling Feng's home to cooperate with Ling Feng and Dr. Kusno's research and upgrades.

"Genos, try."

Dr. Kusno threw a small iron block in front of Genos and said aloud.

"Doctor, what is this?"

Genos immediately grabbed the small iron piece and asked Dr. Kusno doubtfully.

"Something that makes you stronger."

Ling Feng laughed.

"Then what should I do?"

Genos carefully observed the small piece of iron in his hand.

I found that this small iron block was very ordinary. Except for a few cracks on it and being very heavy, the rest of it was exactly the same as an ordinary small iron block.

Will this really make me stronger?

Genos expressed great doubts about this.

"Put that iron block on your chest and click it."

Dr. Kusno said with a smile.


Genos directly followed Dr. Kusno's method and placed the iron block directly on his chest.

Then he clicked on the surface of the small iron block according to Dr. Kusno's instructions.

"Please voice input."

Suddenly, the small iron block flashed and emitted an electronic synthesized sound.

"This is?"

Genos looked at Dr. Kunos and Ling Feng in confusion.

"Say your name."

Ling Feng raised his hand and said with a smile.


Genos looked down at the small piece of iron on his chest and directly said his name.

In just a split second, the small iron block quickly opened up and wrapped Genos' body in one fell swoop.

A set of steel suits appeared on Genos.

"Genos, you will be Steel, Genos, and Iron Man from now on."

Ling Feng looked at Genos and said with a smile.

Chapter 278 Test

"Steel, Genos, Iron Man? What is that?"

Genos listened to Ling Feng's words and turned to look at Ling Feng in confusion.

"Ignore the minutiae, how are you feeling now?"

Ling Feng waved his hand, looked Genos up and down, and asked aloud.

At this time, except for his head, everything else about Genos was covered in armor.

Dr. Kusno also looked at Genos with bright eyes.

During this week, Dr. Kusno and Ling Feng have been brainstorming and academic exchanges.

In just seven days, not only did Ling Feng's mechanical knowledge improve a lot, but Dr. Kusno also gained a lot.

It can be said that the steel suit Genos is wearing at this time is the pinnacle of his and Ling Feng's skills.

"I feel empowered now."

Genos clenched his fist and said loudly.

"Let's go, let's find a place where no one is around to test the firepower."

Ling Feng said aloud.

Now that the steel suit has been manufactured, it is natural to see its power.

Otherwise, when Genos actually fights the monster, the steel suit suddenly pulls his crotch, what should we do?

So in order to avoid that situation from happening, it is always right to test a few more rounds.

"Dr. Kusno, Dr. Ling Feng, there are several auras approaching here."

Suddenly, Genos looked down at the floor and spoke.

Since Genos had been repaired by Ling Feng several times in the past few days, Genos also called Ling Feng Doctor.

It seems that the early warning function is quite strong.

In Ling Feng's perception, there were indeed six different qi approaching here five hundred meters away.

"They are still four hundred meters away from us. Should I kill them?"

Genos directly activated the energy in his body and asked Ling Feng and Dr. Kusno.

"Let's wait until they show up."

Ling Feng kept making hand seals with both hands, and at the same time, he was also circulating the chakra in his body.

Ling Feng set up a barrier in his home to defend himself from the attacks of those weirdos.

After all, there are still a lot of mechanical materials in your home. If any part of your home is damaged, the loss will be huge.

"They're coming."

Genos said directly.

There was a loud bang.

Genos hurriedly looked up towards the balcony.

I saw a mantis monster lying on the balcony with its whole body, as if there was a force preventing the mantis monster from entering the balcony.

Upon seeing this, Ling Feng and Kusnuo walked directly to the balcony and looked at the strange mantis outside the room.

"It seems to have been transformed."

Dr. Kusno looked at the human brain on the mantis monster's head and said hurriedly.

"Genos, put on a good show."

Ling Feng waved his right hand.

A barrier the size of Genos's body appeared on the balcony.

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