Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 178: Hand falling

Before the release, Qin Fei made a cream.

In fact, the cream is not complicated to make, stir the egg white, add a small amount of milk, a small amount of oil and sugar, and wait until the egg white is whipped into a creamy sticky shape.

Qin Fei tasted a bite, sweet, very smooth.

"What is this, delicious?" Elena swallowed.

"Cream, the taste is OK." Qin Fei did not know why the other side turned back, simply replied, and went to control the fire.

Elena was too embarrassed to say that she would taste it, hate the back of Qin Fei’s head.

After a while, the cake was almost baked, and the baking tray was taken out of the oven. The cake inside was golden and soft, and the surface was dark brown, giving off a seductive aroma.

After the cake was slightly cooled, Qin Fei cut it into two triangles, respectively, on the plate, smeared with cream, and a cream cake was ready.

Qin Fei picked up a spoon and dug a spoonful. The cake was fluffy and the cream was smooth and perfect.

Elena swallowed and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Although Qin Fei has low emotional sentiment, but also sees the desire of Elena's eyes, she asks: "Do you want to try?"

"Since you invite me sincerely, I will try it for you." Elena didn't look at it with a little bit of it. She immediately sat at the table and took a spoon and took a spoonful.

Elena took a bite and shook her body.

"Miss Ai, what's wrong with you?" Qin Fei stunned.

"Nothing." Elena seemed to have experienced a big battle. It seemed to be restraining what it was. After a long time, I replied.

"Right, there is something suitable for eating with the cake." Qin Fei took out the liquid chocolate and poured a circle on the cake.

"What is this?" Elena frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with Qin Fei's delicate cake made of gray soil.

"Chocolate, the taste is very good." Qin Fei said no more words, and he ate himself.

Elena will be suspicious, pick up a spoon and dig a spoon and send it to the entrance.

Her body was shaking more than before, and the whole table was shaking. After all, Elena couldn't stop it, and she jumped and jumped like a crazy woman: "God, why is it so delicious!"

Qin Fei smiled, this reaction is right, as a chef, he likes to appreciate the reaction of others to taste food.

Elena found Qin Fei’s smile, and immediately her face sank, cold and angry, “What are you laughing at?”

"Oh, there is no meaning to make fun of it, just curious why you always deliberately slap your face, smile very well." Qin Fei said truthfully.

Elena's face was red, she sat down again, screaming at the cake, and did not answer Qin Fei.

"I am rude." Qin Fei got up and was about to leave.

"Qin, I always have a face, is it annoying?" Elena suddenly asked.

"It's not true, just laughing when you are happy, crying when you are sad, is a person's natural emotional performance, deliberate restraint, easy to hurt the body." Qin Fei answered this question with his own understanding.

Elena was silent for a while: "Actually, I was not like this before."

"When I was young, I loved to laugh. When I smiled, there was no end to it. The adults would be laughed at by me. My parents always said that I was a pistachio."

"One winter, family dinner, parents banqueted friends and family, because someone told a joke, I couldn't stop laughing, everyone was infected by me, everyone laughed and laughed."

"But the door suddenly opened, the wind and snow poured in, a Mozu youth came along, his eyes seemed to be scarlet in blood, and the teeth seemed to be sharp and sharp..."

Said Elena, shuddering.

After taking a few deep breaths, she continued to preach: "The Mozu youth said that he hates us so happy, and begins to kill."

"The adults sneaked me under the table and told me not to make a sound, but I couldn't help but cry. The Mozu youth opened the tablecloth and told me that you were so beautiful, then he left."

Qin Fei's brow is locked, is the Mozu youth a pervert?

Elena looked up and saw Qin Fei: "I will not laugh after that, because I think that laughter will bring disaster. I will not cry because I will never be like the Mozu Youth. willing."

Qin Fei thinks that anyone who has experienced such a thing will become like this. He sighs: "I really don't know if you have such an experience. It is my rumor."

Elena shook her head: "Actually, I think you are right."

"So many years have passed, I should not live in the past, people have to look forward?"

Elena is a knowledgeable woman. Her thinking is very mature. When she realizes that this is a problem, she is forced to correct herself.

"Right, there is always a saying that I want to tell you." Elena took a deep breath. "The food you made, super delicious!"

She is laughing, although some deliberate, but she is trying to keep smiling.

"Is it? Thank you." Qin Fei also smiled.

At this time, when the jingle sounded, the cold wind blew the door of the restaurant, the indoor temperature plummeted, and the oil lamp began to drift.

Qin Fei wanted to close the door, and a young man in a black coat and hat came to the door.

Elena’s pupil shrinks: “Qin, run!”

"The person I was staring at couldn't run." The young man looked up, and a pair of scorpions seemed to be scarlet in blood, and the teeth seemed to be sharp.

It turns out that this is the Mozu? Not as terrible as I imagined, and it doesn't look so much.

The Mozu youth did not put Qin Fei in his eyes, staring at Elena: "Elena, you are not jealous, how come you laughed?"

"Like this, as long as you cry like you used to, this time I will not kill."

Elena instinctively wants to resist, but when she thinks about Qin Fei in front of him and the teachers and students in the dormitory, she can only compromise.

"Hey, although I can't understand where your cool is, but cry a Is it too men?" Qin Fei suddenly interrupted.

"I hate the Orientals the most!" The Mozu youth reached out and grabbed Qin Fei's neck. His claws were long, like a sharp spike.

"Don't!" Elena screamed.

Elena thought that Qin Fei would be killed by the Mozu youth like her parents many years ago. Unexpectedly, Qin Fei reached out and did not see how to act. He buckled the wrist of the Mozu youth and pressed it on the table: Your nails are so long, I will help you repair."

A kitchen knife smashed up, not only the nails, the fingers of the Mozu youth were smashed down, the green blood, like a fountain.

"Ah!!!" stunned for a while, the Mozu youth was crying out. He wanted to withdraw the left hand of the broken finger, but found that his left hand was clamped by a steel clamp, and he could not move.

"Looking for death!" The Mozu youths sighed hard, and then used their right hand to scratch Qin Fei. As a result, Qin Fei buckled his right hand again: "Hey, the nails of this hand are not short."

The hands of the Mozu youth are gone.

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