Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 608: Tokisaki Kuang 3's killing intent

"Oh! It's so comfortable," Shixiang jumped on the sofa, squinting and exclaimed.

"Don't you usually learn anything in school? You won't be mature enough," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, turned to look at Shino and Origami, and there was a person standing there, looking sheepishly. Own Yuko Amamiya, "You go choose a room you like, now the world has already cleaned it."

Speaking of Mu Xiaoxiaohan sweating, this wife's attributes are full, but after finishing cleaning up, he and Wuhe Qinli went back.

"what about me?"

"Of course you are the same," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her speechlessly, "Don't you really want to sleep with me?"

"If you want it, it's not impossible for me," Tokisaki Kuangsan blinked.

"Forget it," Although Mu Xiaoxiao was a little moved, she felt chills at the thought of when her muzzle was aimed at her head.

"But speaking of it, you seem to be familiar with that fellow Wuhe Shidao?" Shi Qi Kuangsan glanced tentatively at Mu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"Why are you asking this? You are really familiar with it"

"Little, I'm hungry! Isn't there anything to eat here?" Before Tokazaki could say anything, he was interrupted by Toka who suddenly rushed over, saying that she could really miss eating. Tokisaki Kakuzo was quite depressed, and he couldn't help but shut his mouth.

"Are you hungry?" Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked at Shitono and Yuko Amamiya next to them. "If everyone is hungry, then come to the forehead." Mu Xiaoxiao had a sudden stop and his face became stiff. , Stopped there. Seeing Shixiang and their curious eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao said in embarrassment for a long time, "Who can cook?"



Hearing this, everyone looked at Mu Xiaoxiao blankly, and Shixiang yelled exaggeratedly. "Little, you can't cook?!"

"Damn! I don't know how to cook. Is it necessary to be so surprised?" Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, "Why do I have to cook in your impression?!"

"Hey? But isn't Shidao always good at cooking?" Shixiang looked at Mu Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

"That's just an exception." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help covering his face. "Study has the attributes of a wife. How can I compare with him" said Mu Xiaotan, "That's it. Although it can't reach the dark cuisine." But I can’t eat the dishes I cook.”

As she said, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the girls, "Or, how about eating instant noodles at night?"



"Instant noodles?" Ye Dao Shen Shixiang's face became bitter.

"Yes, it's so late now. It would be very troublesome to order fast food, and it is impossible to cook the food upside down, so there is no way, just use instant noodles to make do with it tonight, isn't it a good idea?" Mu Xiao Xiao raised a finger and said.

"Why do you feel so happy?" Shi Qi Kuangsan stared at Mu Xiaoxiao strangely.

"Hey? Ahahaha. Actually, I still like instant noodles," Mu Xiaoxiao said, scratching his cheeks with his eyes drifting away.



"I have no opinion," Yuanyi Origami was the first to raise his hand in agreement, causing Mu Xiaoxiao to burst into tears. As expected of our good sister, I didn't hurt you in vain. Origami is still loyal at the critical moment. Look at the Shixiang here, you can hang a bottle of soy sauce at the corner of your mouth.

"I don't have any opinion on that," Shitono also said the same, ah, it's really a little Lori, sweet enough.

"You all said that, then I don't have any comments." Tokisaki Kuangsan smiled slightly.

"It's useless if you have opinions," Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her. "You don't have human rights here!"

"Oh? That's really scary, it seems that I have entered a wolf's den."

"It's a sheep's nest, right? I'm the only man here." Mu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Yuko Amamiya. As a new member, Mu Xiaoxiao should also ask her for her opinion on how to say it, although she has been there since the beginning. A bit shy and didn't say anything, "What do you think? Yuko? If you don't want to eat instant noodles, then it can be called fast food."

"It's okay with me," Yuko Amamiya looked at the strange faces around her, still a little scared, whispered.

"It's okay?" Mu Xiaoxiao frowned suddenly, why just now there seemed to be a sense of disharmony, as if there was something very bad about Yuko, which made Mu Xiaoxiao feel weird, and it may be an illusion indifferently. , After all, it was weird enough for Yuko Amamiya to appear in this world.

In the end, I decided to eat instant noodles. Even if Shixiang strongly opposed it, it was of no use. Mu Xiaoxiao and Shixiang and their five girls sat at the table with six bowls of ramen in front of them. The instant noodles in front of me, even though they were elves, hadn't fallen to the point of wandering on the streets in this world, what I should have said was pretty good.

This is the first time she ate this instant noodles. Thinking about it, Tokisaki Kuangsan glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao depressedly. If it were not for Wuhe Shidao, she would not choose such a troublesome method. Originally, she just wanted to rely on it. Approached Mu Xiaoxiao to deal with Wuhe Shidao, but

The situation is completely different now. Except for sleeping, this **** **** kept staring at her. Tokizaki Kuangzo also thought about solving Mu Xiaoxiao's problem, but she also knew that the other party was not simple, and she didn’t know where she came from. Although he couldn't see his own strength, he could clearly know that this guy's strength was very strong from his aura.

More importantly, it is completely meaningless. Although Mu Xiaoxiao can seal the power of the elves, it may be a great threat to him, but he doesn’t look like that kind of messy scum, look. Looking at the few elves here, you know that he is different from those scumbags, so Tokazaki Kuzou didn't want to attack him.

"Well, how about Yuko? It tastes good, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her, "Why didn't you talk after I came here? Actually, Shishino and Shixiang are both very good people, Shishi Nai is about the same age as you, and Shixiang don't think she is so big, but her mind," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, sighed, and looked helpless.

"Hey, what do you mean, Xiaoxiao?" Shixiang was very depressed when he heard Mu Xiaoxiao's words.

"Am I wrong? You are a fool." Mu Xiao narrowed the corner of her mouth and took a sip of ramen. "It's really delicious. Although I don't know how to cook, my instant noodle skills are very good. ."



"Do instant noodles also need technology?"

Sitting next to Mu Xiaoxiao, Yuko Amamiya silently ate the ramen in the bowl, raised her head slightly to look at the people around him, and then buried her head again. She was not as scared of Mu Xiaoxiao and others as before. .

"After eating everyone, go take a bath and rest," Mu Xiaofiction wrote, looking at Yuko Amamiya, "Yuko, are you tired? Go and rest now?"


At night Mu Xiaoxiao sits in the room and plays with the computer in his hand. Now that he doesn't need to sleep at all, he usually plays late at night. Sometimes when he thinks of it, he occasionally sleeps. He who was in the room suddenly changed his expression and raised his head, with a weird light flashing in his eyes, "That is."

He got up and went out, looked at the dark living room around him, squinted his eyes, and walked to a door of the room.

"That guy," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed deeply and shook her head, "acting like this". She slid and jumped out, and in this room, a black-haired Shi Qi was crazy. San lying in the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and then showed a helpless look.

""On the empty street of the night, she has put on the gods and spirits for three times. The black and red gothic costume looks very weird under the night sky. After she walked into a clearing area, there was no sound for a while. Remembered.

"It seems that you came quite early." Under the moonlight, Wuhe Shidao appeared in front of her. Seeing the incoming person, a murderous intent appeared on Tosaki Kuangsan's body frantically. (To be continued)


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