Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 536: Attacker

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"Hey wait! Are you too domineering? Did you take the wrong medicine today? Let go, and I will go by myself," Mu Xiaoxiao broke free of Heixueji's hand before frowning and asked, "What's the matter? "

"Wait a minute," Hei Xueji pulled Mu Xiaoxiao into the exclusive resting place for seniors. Of course, the situation where Mu Xiaoxiao and Hei Xueji were walking together attracted most people's attention. The students watched the two men walk to an empty seat and sit down, then pulled out a straight wire to connect them together, and immediately silly on the spot.

"Hey, it should be Princess Kuroyuki over there, right?"

"Yes, the other one seems to be the harem man who made the harem declaration at the rebirth ceremony?"

"Are you kidding? Are they really together?"

"This is definitely an illusion, Black Snow Princess and Harem or something"

"But don't the rumors always say that they have that relationship? It shouldn't be fake, right?"

"Damn it, the damned harem man, dare to defile my beloved Black Snow Princess."

"Hey, what is a dead harem man? Mu Jun is also very handsome, okay? He has a very outstanding temperament."

※-, w¢ww.⊕et in the crowd, Wakamiya blinked, looked at the two directly connected, smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter what you said. This time, they are connected directly in this place. Ji is really not frank as always. I wanted to say hello. Now it seems that I shouldn't disturb the world of the two of them."

"So, what's the matter? I want you to be so impatient"

"Don't you know?" Hei Xueji raised her eyebrows, "This name?"

"?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, "You were attacked?"

"Sure enough, you did it!" Hei Xueji immediately yelled, "Mu Xiaoxiao! You bastard! We obviously have signed a cooperation agreement, although it is only a verbal agreement, you are."

"Hey. It's enough. I don't know anything," Mu Xiaotan said, "Even if you are attacked, it's not mine."

"You! Even sophistry! If you didn't do it, why would you know that I was attacked?!"

"Of course I guessed it." Mu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and glanced at Hei Xueji, whose face was flushed. "Looking at you like this, it's probably either your aunt came or someone discovered your true identity, but it's up to you. It seems to be only fourteen years old now? I doubt if there is a big aunt. So it is very likely that your true identity has been discovered!"

As Mu Xiaoxiao raised the corner of his mouth, he smiled in Hei Xueji's iron-green face. "How? Am I a detective?"

"You are a famous detective!" Hearing Xueji is no exception to the shame of a girl like aunt in Mu's novel, her face is flushed, of course most of them are angry, she hates He gave Mu Xiaoxiao a hateful look, "But only you know my true identity, your suspicion is the biggest!"

""Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and sighed. "You just said that now we are in a cooperative relationship. Since we are partners in cooperation, we should believe that the other party is. I have no evidence that I and the attacker It doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe me, then I can’t do anything. The cooperation agreement can only end here. It depends on your choice."

""Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao's indifferent expression, Heixueji gritted her teeth for a while, and then slowly said, "In other words, the one who attacked me has nothing to do with you. Someone else discovered my truth. Identity, right?"

"That's it," Mu Xiaoxiao stalled his hands, "Of course it's up to you whether you believe it or not. I can only tell you this way. I have no plan to expose or attack you, and it won't do me any good."

"Well, I won't doubt you in a short time," Heixueji compromised and nodded, "Then do you know who this deep green pile is?"

"I know," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded faintly.

"What?!" Hei Xueji's pupils shrank suddenly. "Who is he? Where is he?" Hei Xueji asked eagerly, "and how else would you know him? Could it be that?"

"I know him, and he doesn't know me," Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged, knowing Hei Xueji had doubts about herself, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care at all, smiled and said, "Like the Six Kings, I know them. , They don’t know me either, so I know who this Deep Green Pile is, but I don’t know some details about him."

"" Hei Xueji was speechless, "Then Mu Xiaoxiao, I hope you can protect my safety," Hei Xueji said suddenly, "We are in a cooperative relationship, right? So there is no problem in protecting my safety as a companion, right? "

"Protect your safety?" Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, "Aren't you asking me to stay with you 24 hours a day? Are you kidding me, I have my own things to do, and"

"Mu Xiaoxiao!" Hei Xueji yelled out of anger, "Who wants you to follow me for twenty-four hours! Even if you think I don't agree, what I want you to do is simple, just help me Solve this deep green pile! Whether it is to find out his true identity or directly fight with him and let him uninstall the bb software, it’s okay, so"

"I reject!"


"Do you think I am your subordinate?" Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at the Black Snow Fairy, "Let you call it and drink it."

"Do you want to regret it?" Hei Xueji's silver teeth squeaked, "I said it before. If you want to cooperate, you must protect my safety!"

"Yes, but now, are you safe?" Mu Xiaoxiao said faintly, "Now your situation is just that your true identity has been discovered, and there is no life-threatening danger. I don't need to be in a sense or reason. Can I help you? Do your own things yourself, haven't the kindergarten teachers taught you?"

"you you"

"And now it's just a person who discovered your identity. Such trivial matters can't be solved by yourself. You are still a king. Besides," Mu Xiaoxiao paused and looked at her faintly, "We The relationship between is just a collaborator. You have to figure it out. I have no obligation to help you. After all, I am not your subordinate. Is it the Black King that you are used to being a king, so you haven't changed it for a while?"

As she said, Mu Xiaoxiao chuckled and said sarcastically, "That's really helpless."

"You" was choked by Mu Xiaoxiao's repeated words. Hei Xueji opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't say anything. Suddenly, a feeling of aggrieved emotions surged in her heart, sourness surged, and her eyes couldn't help but start. It slowly turned red, and it seemed that tears would soon be shed.

"Ah" Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, he didn't expect that he would cry after only a little taunting? This mental quality is too bad, right? Obviously he is still one of the seven kings. Could it be that he cried a lot when he was framed and chased by the six kings? Well, after all, it was just a fourteen-year-old girl, Mu Xiaoxiao, subconsciously ignoring the other's psychological age far beyond fourteen.

"That cough cough," Mu Xiaoxiao was helpless when he saw that the other party was about to cry, and his face was a little embarrassed, "Okay, okay, I will think of a solution about the deep blue pile, and I suggest you don't hold on to hope. For good, cough that cough, so don’t cry, and,” said Mu Xiaoxiao, “I suggest you go find a younger generation to train, otherwise it will be very difficult.”

"That's it, goodbye," Mu Xiaoxiao unplugged the direct xsb cable, and before Hei Xueji had time to say anything, quickly fled from this place.

"Waiting" Seeing that Mu Xiaoxiao's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, Heixueji pouted, but suddenly she was surprised that what happened to her, as an overclocking company who stayed in it for a long time. For the informant, Heixueji’s mental age is not lower than that of an adult, but when facing Mu Xiaoxiao

My emotions are always unable to calm down and fluctuate too much, just like I was always angry before, and even the feeling of aggrieved feeling welled up. I have not experienced this kind of aggrieved emotion for many years. That woman who was framed and left home and wanted by the Six Kings would not be shaken in any way, but now

It's as if I have really returned to the age of fourteen. Why is this?

Hei Xueji suppressed this doubt to the bottom of her heart, and another sentence from Mu Xiaoxiao sounded, "The next generation, huh, now I'm here to pretend to be a good person. If you don't need to remind the next generation or something, you don't need it." Although she said that, This thought has not disappeared, could it be said that this is Tsundere? (A great event for pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Official Account (you can add a friend on WeChat to add an official account to enter), and participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat official account immediately! )


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