Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 526: Overclocking connection

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"Second grade? Meisato Middle School?" Ayase Erri's mouth twitched, and she glanced at Tojo Nozomi, "We were originally going to enter university after graduating from high school, but now we are going to junior high school." Ayase Erri was helpless. "Think about that scene"

"What's the matter, I've long been used to it," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, watched Eri put up a thumbs up, and smiled, "Moreover, Eri can't tell that she looks like a college student. It's okay to enter middle school. !"

"The short story is good," Honoka lay on the sofa and smiled at Ayase Eri, "and this way, I can have class with everyone, and I can have a class with Eri and Xi, which I never thought of before. I'm excited just thinking about it"

"Is this what you care about?" Nicole couldn't help but complain.

"Our task is to play this called game, right?" Ayase Erri asked strangely, "According to the short story, the players who play this game are all over Tokyo, Japan, so there shouldn't be any need for us to go to this game. Did you go to the township middle school?"

"That said," Xingkong Rin nodded his chin and said with his head up. "It's true and the mission doesn't seem to say that you want to enter 10, w@ww. Meixiang Middle School."

"Eri is right," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, but suddenly smiled. "But the system gave us the transfer file. I don't think it will do this kind of thing for no reason. Another point, about the task," Mu Xiaoxiao said slowly when everyone's eyes were on him. , "The mission said, to form your own forces, and to have the strength to fight against the six kings. However, in fact, this game is not six kings. It is seven kings."

"Hey?" Everyone was taken aback.

"I think the six kings in the system should be blue, red, yellow, green, purple, and white, and the remaining black king is a betrayer, wanted by these six kings"

"Wait, in other words," Tojo Nozomi woke up, "Maybe we can join forces with this black king for this mission? Does that mean?"

"The Black King is in Meixiang Middle School, so we have to enter this middle school and then contact him," Hai Wei murmured.

"This is just my guess," Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to say too badly. "And even if the guess is wrong, it has nothing to do with it, even if I am an enemy of the Black King. I won't have any fear, hehehehe" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile, making the women next to him The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Okay, don't think about it too much. The task this time is not that difficult, and there is almost no danger." Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand, "Everyone will treat it as a trip."

"Playing?" Suinaiguo and the others glanced at each other. Although Mu Xiaoxiao said so, they were not as relaxed as they thought. After all, it is a game that allows them to gain superpowers. Several girls plan to take it seriously. Play, of course, they won’t admit that it is because they are interested in this kind of game that can be experienced in person.

"Wait, we still don't think there is this program here, what should we do?" Maki Nishino turned on her nerve connection device and said suddenly after watching for a while, raising her head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, "This game program Where can I find it?"

"Hey? No?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, turned on his nerve connection device, and immediately found an icon inside, "Well, I have this here, right? Use the direct connection to pass the program to your program. You can only pass it on to one person, and after passing it, that person will become your back."

"Of course this is what they said. Let's not care about it. You pass it on one by one." After saying that, Mu Xiaoxiao took out an xsb cable and seemed to think of something, "Yes, this kind of direct connection It seems nothing, but it is actually a very intimate behavior, limited to relatives or lovers, so you should never directly connect with others~"

"Oh, are you jealous, Xiaoxiao?" Tojo Nozomi covered her mouth and laughed.

"Idiot, how could we do this kind of thing with others?" Hui Naiguo took the xsb cable in Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and inserted it into the nerve connection device. "I don't know anyone but what I want to say is true? Really jealous?"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, how could I be jealous" Mu Xiaoxiao blushed, a little embarrassed, "Just a reminder, okay, after you install it, try to call (overclocking connection)!" Xiao Xiao and Honoka looked at each other and smiled slightly, "!"

In an instant, the surrounding rooms instantly turned dark blue, and the bodies of the nine people, Mu Xiaoxiao and Honaoguo, turned into sculptural motionless bodies. At the same time, exactly the same bodies appeared around them.

"What's going on?" Looking at the big changes in the surroundings, Honoka's mouth grew big.

"This is our own?" Looking at the motionless self next to him, Sonoda Kaimi couldn't turn his head, turned and stared at Mu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao? What's the matter?"

"It's not just that," the furniture around Koizumi Huayang, "it feels so weird here."

"This is a 3D world like a mirror world," Mu Xiaoxiao said, scanning the women. "Now our bodies are not real bodies. This sculpture is our real body. Now this is a virtual character. , But I can’t think of the reason why the virtual character is exactly the same as the body because it was not created?"

"Virtual character? Mirror world? It's so complicated," Honoka muttered, holding his head, "I don't understand at all."

"To put it simply, we are now in a state of accelerated thinking. This is also a powerful part of this game and the reason why so many people are keen on it," Mu Xiaoxiao explained. "Now we are in a state of accelerated thinking in the brain. A thousand times the situation, which means that only one second has passed in the real world outside, and you can stay here for one thousand seconds, which is more than sixteen minutes."

"So amazing?" Nan Xiaoniao exclaimed, "Can the game do this kind of thing?"

"A thousand times faster" Nicole murmured, "In this case, isn't it the same as controlling time, it's too"

"Of course it's not as buggy as controlling time. This acceleration is just an acceleration of the brain's thinking. Real matter can't be accelerated. Look at it." Mu Xiaoxiao reached out and grabbed a teacup on the table, but couldn't move it. "Have you seen it? You can't interfere with real matter, otherwise the world will be messed up."

"Even so, it's already going against the sky, thinking a thousand times faster, this can already sit on a lot of things," Ayase Eri nodded, "The easiest, you can rely on this."

"You can get a full score in the exam!" Kosaka Honoka was the first to call out, with a look of excitement, "In this case, I finally don't have to spend a lot of time studying, it's not great."

"Ahaha, it's really the style of Honoka," Nan Xiaoniao smiled stiffly, looking at the cheering Honoka, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hinaoka, you can't use it for this kind of thing," Sonoda Kaimi looked serious, "This is cheating."

"Indeed, it's not surprising that Honoka would think of this," Xi also laughed.

"Why is this," Honoko couldn't help but pursed her lips, "Did I think of a good idea?"

"Well, it's natural to think so. In fact, most players play this game in this so stop talking about Honoka, and I believe she is just talking about it, and He wouldn't really do such a thing, would he?" Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head with a smile on his face and said, looking at Hui Naiguo.


"Just shout to quit this," Mu Xiaofiction wrote, returning to reality with everyone, and looking at the wall clock on the wall, "Sure enough, the time has not changed at all."

"so amazing"

"Well, everyone, go to sleep. The virtual character will not be generated until tomorrow, but this year, you may have nightmares when you sleep. Do you have to be prepared?"

"Nightmare? No," Xingkong couldn't help shaking his body, "it always feels terrifying."

"I don't know if it's specific," Mu Xiaoxiao murmured. Suddenly, she was taken aback and remembered what (a good event of pie falling in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Follow it~ click/public account (add on WeChat) Friends can just add the official account and enter it), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat official account immediately!)


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