Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 423: Ryugu Rena

"Mei Yin, thank you..."

"Hey?" Seeing Hojo Satoru walking by, Sonozaki Meion was taken aback, "What do you mean by suddenly saying this?"

"Thanks to you that made Shatoko cheerful," Seeing Hojo Shatoko, who had been a little gloomy for the past few days, gradually became lively, Hojo Satoru knew that this was all the credit of Enozaki Meiyin.

"Well, I actually didn't do anything, uncle, so I don't have to apologize specially," Mitsuo Sonozaki shook his head and waved his hands awkwardly.

"No, I know this is your help to help Shaduzi. After returning home these days, Shaduzi was abused by my uncle and aunt. I have been worried about her and worried that she would not be able to withstand the pressure... or illness. It's recurring again," Hojo Goshi gritted his teeth, "Now I can breathe a sigh of relief, Meiyin, thank you so much..."

"...Yeah~ I said nothing," Meiyin Sonozaki touched his head and sighed, "I was originally from the Sonozaki family, and the Hojo family Isn’t it clear? Don’t you care about my identity?"

"Of course I don't mind, we all know that Meiyin is actually very good to Sandoko!" Hojo Satoru gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "It's all because of uncle and uncle..."

"That's what it said," Nozaki Meion nodded, "Well, let's go home later after school, so that we won't get scolded or beaten?"

"No... If we go home late, my aunt will find excuses to abuse us..."

"Then we can form a society," Miyoshi Sonozaki flashed a bright light. Shouted. "In that case, even if they go home late, they have nothing to say?"

"Indeed...but..." Hojo Satoru still hesitated. "As for the club, it will mess up the clothes... then..."

"..." Meiyin Sonozaki was speechless, "Then it's okay not to do outdoor activities. We do club activities of indoor games in the classroom, such as playing cards and so on... That's okay. Right?"

"Is it an indoor game?" Hojo Satoru nodded, with a happy expression on his face, "This idea is very good, indeed..."

"Then it is so decided! Uncle and I will establish a club!" Sonozaki Meion stood up. He clenched his fist and said, then looked at Shion Sonozaki, "Shion! How about joining the club together?"

If Shion Sonozaki used to be very happy, but now she is a little pale and looks listless, and smiles bitterly after hearing the words, "Sorry sister, for the club or something, I still... "

"That's it," saw that my sister refused. Meiyin Sonozaki was a little disappointed, and then looked at Mu Xiaoxiao. "Mu Jun, how about you? Do you want to join our club! But it's very interesting!"

"...I have no interest," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and refused directly.

"...Really, all of them are so shameless," Sonozaki Meiyin looked at Gushou Rika, "Then Ewha? Would you like to come?"

"It sounds interesting, I'll join it," Gushou Pear looked at Mu Xiaoxiao who was sitting beside her, and then smiled.

"Oh! It seems that Ewha has a good vision. You must know that my club will definitely be a famous and famous club in the future. If you don't join now, you won't have a chance."

At this time, the classroom door was opened, and teacher Chie Rumiko walked in.

"Hi, everyone, be quiet, there is a transfer student coming to our class..."

"Transfer Students?"

"A transfer student again?"

"When did Hinami Sawamura become so popular?"

Hearing another transfer student coming in, the classroom suddenly became noisy, and Miyoshi Sonozaki raised his head, "I heard that there is indeed a family who also moved into Hinamizawa Village. It is said that they lived in Hinamizawa before..."

Everyone who heard this talked a lot, but Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback. It seemed that this transfer student should be Longgong Rena?

"Hi, Longgong-san, come in."


The classroom door opened, a girl with short orange hair, wearing a sailor suit, a white hat, and a large hatchet in her hand... ahem, a girl with a schoolbag in her hand came in with a faint smile on her face , Bent over and bowed, "Hello everyone, my name is Ryukiya Rena, I like cute things, and I will be one of everyone in the future. Please advise."

Surely it was her, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting below, looked at Longgong Rena, who was surrounded by the stars and asked questions, and thought to herself, but then again, she was really welcome.

"Hello, my name is Longgong Rena." The seat of Longgong Rena was actually next to Mu Xiaoxiao, so after she sat down, she said hello to Mu Xiaoxiao very politely.

"...Mu Xiaoxiao," Mu Xiaoxiao also reported her family name, but suddenly found Long Gong Rena looking curiously on her face, and immediately asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Ah no... it's nothing," Ryukiya Rena quickly laughed when he realized that his behavior seemed a little rude, "It's just a little surprised..."


"Although Mu Jun looks a little strange, but unexpectedly is a good person..."

"..." Can you not issue me a card as soon as you come? Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless.

After school, many students rushed to the Admiral Ryukiya Rena and surrounded her, and Miyozaki seemed to be planning to pull her into the club. Seeing that Gushou Rika was going to participate in club activities, Mu Xiaoxiao had to go home alone, but After seeing Sonozaki Shion on the road.


"I said, what have you been doing with me?" Sonozaki Shion rolled her eyes helplessly and asked when she found Mu Xiaoxiao next to her.

"Some things are going to find a ghost woman," Mu Xiaoxiao groaned. The time is almost right. Before starting, let's find out the information. It is not clear whether the people in the village are still hating the Hojo family, if they are. , It may be troublesome...

"Looking for that dead old woman?" Sonozaki Shion was taken aback. "Why are you looking for her?"


"..." Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's weird gaze swept over, Sonozaki Shion curled her head and snorted coldly, "Don't talk about it."

"...You are, why don't you join your sister's club?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "Know that Hojo Goshi has joined."

"..." Sonozaki Shion was silent for a while before sighing, "There is no way, I'm going to transfer school."

Mu Xiaoxiao stayed and transferred? If you say that... it's a transfer to Xinggong... so that's it...

"The hag said that I can't stay at my home, so it's not just a transfer, but I must live in Xinggong..." Said Sonozaki gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "That **** old woman! Remember it..."


"Hey, what are you talking about?" Sonozaki Shion glared at Mu Xiaoxiao dissatisfiedly. "Would you not say some comforting words?"

"It's my shit," Mu Xiaoxiao curled his lips. He was a little too busy even with Beijo Shaduzi's affairs. Who cares about your boring things.

"You guy... really annoying!"


Soon they arrived at Sonozaki's Sonozaki Shion seemed to be really irritated, and returned to her room full of sullenness, while Mu Xiaoxiao was under the leadership of a servant , Go to Sonozaki Ah's room.


"Why did you come to me when you have time?" The hag who was sitting in the wheelchair drinking tea raised her head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao who walked in.

"I just came to see you, hag," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "After all, there is still time for this."

"Hmph, don't talk about that, I don't believe you came here specially to see me," the ghost said with an unbelieving expression, "Say, what's the matter of coming to me?"

"Well, I do have something I want to find you, it can't be regarded as a thing, I just want to ask..." Mu Xiaoxiao paused, "I want to ask the hag , Do the people in the village still hate the Hojo brothers and sisters?" (To be continued...)



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