Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 216: Start construction of the base building

At the dinner table, Wendy and Aisha didn't speak much, sitting on the chairs and eating the food that Mu Xiaoxiao picked up from time to time. Wendy was born introverted and was not good at communicating with strangers, while Aisha was because of herself. The sentence that was just called out with a hot head, now think about it, it's too shameful!

The lunch on the table is quite hearty, all kinds of seafood, but also huge seafood, this is not because they know that there will be new companions and made them specially, but usually eat these, so that Mu Xiaoxiao can also live. Living like a local tyrant, after all, the resources of this place are very rich. There are no large carnivorous beasts for many years, which leads to countless small beasts on the island. But even so, the black rabbit still refuses to let him eat rabbits. Hey, how sad. ......

The food made by Qishi and the others tastes very good. Qishi antlers and black rabbits are experts in cooking, and there are various seasonings brought out from the copy world. The deliciousness is absolutely comparable to that of the little masters, at least Mu Xiaoxiao. Said that they could not do without their cooking.

"One more bowl!" Little General Mu handed over the empty bowl, and the black rabbit habitually helped Mu Xiaoxiao serve a bowl of rice.

"one more bowl!"


"one more bowl!"


"one more bowl!"

As Wendy and Aisha were dumbfounded, in the blink of an eye, Mu Xiaoxiao swallowed five bowls of rice. Since his strength gradually became stronger, Mu Xiaoxiao's appetite was getting bigger and bigger. I was still in the house. One bowl of instant noodles can be solved with one meal, now? A bowl of instant noodles is not enough to stuff your teeth.

Qishi is not surprised, but they are very happy. Nonsense, your own cooking is welcomed, and it is still welcomed by the boy you like. Are you upset or angry? On the contrary, it was the first time that Wendy and Asia were surprised.

" full," Mu Xiaoxiao put down the bowl, took the tissue that the black rabbit handed over, wiped her mouth, and turned to look at Aisha and Wendy. "Aisha and Wendy, you can visit Qishi and the others after dinner. Well, although there is nothing to visit...There is only one tree of life now, but only life. The trees are enough to make you dumbfounded," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"How about you?" Qishi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Me? I'm going to see the elf... Uh." Before Mu Xiao finished talking, a group of small green dots ran in. He was stunned, the love next to him Sha and Wendy's eyes lit up.

"So cute!" x2.

He said that he rushed over and held the elf in his arms, his eyes lighted, "What is this? How cute!"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao was ashamed, it seemed that Qishi was the same when they first met, right? In other words, this little elf is really cute, although it has no eyes and no connection, it is just a ball of light. But it feels quite comfortable to the touch, and looks a little cute, so I still don't want these girls to be cute.

The only regret is that the elves seem to be unkind to them. Although they wouldn't resist being held by them, if they were with Mu Xiaoxiao, they would rub against him. Well, this caused Mu Xiaoxiao to like them very much.

"Well, you guys are looking around here. I'm leaving now," Mu Xiaoxiao waved. Just got into the control room.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked to the high platform, clicked on the base interface, and he appeared high in the sky. Below is the topographic map of the entire sub-base, which is the topographic map of the island. Although it is a topographic map, it doesn't just look at the topography. You can also see monsters and humans, than Aisha and others who are observing the tree of life at the moment, Mu Xiaoxiao can monitor the entire island here.

There are now 60 little elves, but Mu Xiaoxiao still does not stop, smashing in the magic crystals obtained from hunting sea beasts and making all the little elves. After all, little elves do not need wood to make, only money, no matter it is construction. Building or building soldiers requires a lot of wood.

It just so happens that Mu Xiaoxiao intends to play violent soldiers, but even the weakest archer needs 50 lumber. If there are more magic crystals in the future, money is not a problem, but lumber is a big problem. 100 archers need 5000 lumber. , But can 100 archers be called a violent soldier?

Of course it is possible to play games, but this is a reality! What can 100 archers do? You can only engage in sneak attacks, using passive skills [Shadow Dun].

Therefore, Mu Xiaoxiao can foresee that the most lacking thing in the future must be wood. A little elf entwines a tree and gets 20 wood a day...Do you want so little! Ten little elves can only make 4 archers...too little! It's too slow! How did this make Mu Xiaoxiao who loves violent soldiers live?

Apart from anything else, first make 100 elf trees entangled! Seeing that his financial resources were lost by more than half in an instant, Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. During the five days of collecting, there were already 1,000 wood and 1,100 money left. Mu Xiaoxiao should consider building a base building, which one to build first. Better?

For general games, Mu Xiaoxiao always builds the altar first, but this is not a game. It takes 120 hours to build the elder altar, which is five days, and the cost in the first batch of buildings is the highest, and it is specialized in learning skills. The Hunter’s Hall is the same, it costs 800 money and 600 wood.

What happens after it is built? It's just a hero, is there a need for a hero here? All the girls can play, and the heroes come out are useless. In Mu Xiaoxiao’s opinion, the only useful thing is to take charge of this sub-base instead, because after he leaves, he can’t control it, but now he has no plans to leave. So pass.

Well, it is said that Tyrande Whisperwind and Maiev Shadowsong, the priestess of the Hero Moon, are also a little bit looking forward to. But it's not good, let's talk about it later.

Thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao focused his attention on the ancient war tree, which consumes less energy and is only higher than the moonwell that consumes the least. Money: 600, lumber: 350. After the construction is completed, a moonwell can be built, which is not bad. Then, Mu Xiaoxiao clicked on the ancient war tree.

Then he searched for a location, found a clearing not far from the tree of life, and clicked.

[Whether to build an ancient war tree here? 】

Of course it is. After Mu Xiaoxiao clicked [Yes], she saw her money and wood go wild for a while, and at the same time a hillside tens of meters high was arched in this clearing area, and the hillside was covered with grass. Several lush trees grew on the top.

The sudden movement frightened Qishi and the others. They were visiting the huge and magnificent tree of life, and suddenly they found the waist of the small hill arched from the ground. They curiously pointed at it, guessing it was Mu. A little action, and also explained to Wendy and Aisha, after all, the two of them were the most frightened.

"Next is the moon well," Mu Xiaoxiao drew a gourd and built the moon well near the tree of life. The moon well is not big, so don't worry about occupying a place.

Mu Xiaoxiao clapped his hands and was about to leave. Suddenly he was stunned, because he saw a word "complex mode" written below, and Mu Xiaoxiao clicked curiously.

【Whether to enable complex mode? 】

"Complex mode? What do you mean?" Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "The Tree of Life, can you explain it?"

"Master, you are currently using the simple mode, all functions are gathered on my body," the old voice of the tree of life resounded from all directions, "complex mode is to return all functions to the original place, such as building buildings only in small The elves can complete the control instructions, build troops only in places such as ancient war trees, and learn skills only in the Hunter's Hall, and I only leave my own creation of elves and learn the two passive skills and a few functions of movement. "

"What's the difference?" Mu Xiaoxiao was ashamed.

"Yes, the simple mode is now, the operation instructions are very convenient and simple, and there are monitoring functions, but the danger is that if I am eliminated by the enemy, then all functions will disappear, whether it is building, learning skills or building soldiers, even if Buildings such as the ancient tree of war and the Hunter's Hall still remain, and these functions will still be lost."

"Damn! No way!"

"That's it. If you want to recover, you can only build me again. Unfortunately, without me, the elves will not have the ability to build. They can't build me either. They can only use another seed of life."

"...It's cheating!" Mu Xiaoxiao scolded If it was really like that, I would definitely go crazy! Although I don’t think anyone can kill you...In this case, the complex mode returns the function to their original owner. Even if the tree of life is finished, the construction function has returned to the elf. It can cost you money and wood to make you out of it, right? "

"That's right... but can you stop talking about it..." The Tree of Life was a little embarrassed.

"If it weren't for me to find out, I guess I would still be kept in the dark," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "just change to the complex mode, otherwise you will be killed by some powerful enemy... A sub-base where Nima worked so hard was abandoned like this...At that time I would cry to death..."

"Okay," the tree of life replied, the surrounding scenery disappeared suddenly, and the simple mode was cancelled. Although there is no danger of the tree of life being killed and the base abandoned, the monitoring function is also lost. There are pros and cons. Besides, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn’t need the surveillance function. If there is an enemy, the Tree of Life can be found. It is spread all over the island. All the trees are its branches. Outsiders should not escape its surveillance. Well, that kind. The space capability is an exception.

After doing this, Mu Xiaoxiao walked out of the control room and walked outside. (To be continued) ()

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