Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 60: Mu Xiaoxiao who was pushed back

   "By the way, what's your name?" Mu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Yuyi Origami, who was sitting silent next to him. Okay, in fact, he just had nothing to say.

   "...Toiichi Origami..." Little Lori lowered her head and said weakly.

"..." Good... so soft, Mu Xiaoxiao's bones are crisp, and I never thought that Yuyi Origami was so soft when he was a child, and she was a little afraid of life, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it. Thinking, took out a lollipop and handed it over, "Origami, this lollipop is delicious for you."

   "Thank you... brother..."

   Although Xiao Lori is relatively weak, she is not so afraid of Mu Xiaoxiao, probably because he saved herself? Taking the lollipop in Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, Lori blushed and thought to herself.

   "Little?! So you are here?" Suddenly a voice made Mu Xiaoxiao's body tighten, and when she turned her head, she saw Wuhe Shidao walking by holding Wuhe Qin's hand.

   "You... why are you here?" Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked.

"Just walk out with Qinli," Wuhe Shidao smiled and looked a little happy after seeing Mu Xiaoxiao. He suddenly caught a glimpse of a little silver-haired girl next to him, and was stunned, "Xiaoxiao, she is. ..... Ah, is that the child you saved last time?"

   Seeing Wuhe Shidao's gaze swept over, Yuanyi origami grabbed Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and shrank her neck, as if she was a little scared.

   "Yes, I also met her accidentally," Mu Xiaoxiao patted her hand, "Don't be afraid, he is mine..."

"I am a little brother," Wuhe Shidao quickly took the words, making Mu Xiaoxiao look depressed, and approached Yuanyi Origami, "My name is Wuhe Shidao, and this is my sister Wuheqin. Hello."


   "Wow~ so cute~" Seeing Yuichi origami, Wuhe Shidao's eyes popped up, and it seemed that she had been cute.

   "Hey," Mu Xiaoxiao quit, blocking him, "You have the Wuhe Qin in it, don't let the flowers and the grass anymore!"

   "Ha? Qinli?" Wuhe Shidao was stunned, as if thinking of something, a helpless expression appeared on his face, "I have told you so many times, Qinli is just my sister."

   "That's right, you **** control..."

   "..." Wuhe Shidao sighed, looked at Qinli twice, and then said, "If you say...I tell you I already have someone I like?"

the person I like? Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, but there was no reaction in the Wuhe Qin next to him. She didn't seem to understand what it meant to like. Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, "Shidao...Who do you like?"

   "Well..." Wuhe Shidao carefully glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao, "If I said it was you..."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide, and was stunned for a while, then laughed stiffly, haha, "You...what nonsense are you talking about, don't make this kind of joke... ...."

   "Do you think I'm joking?" Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's plan to perfuse, Wuhe Shidao looked at him bitterly.

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao's cold sweat flowed down, seeing Wuhe Shidao's serious eyes, he was a little bit convinced, but...believe it, he definitely doesn't dare Accept it! So it’s better to run away at this time. Thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao picked up Yuanyi origami, "Speaking of which, I almost forgot to bring the origami back. That’s it, bye, I’ll take the origami first... ..."

   "No!" Before I could finish speaking, Wuhe Shidao grabbed Mu Xiaoxiao's clothes with a firm look in his eyes, "You are not allowed to go, so speak clearly!"

   " let go first!"

   "I won't let go!"

"Shidao...what kind of style is it to pull and pull on the street like this, let's let go first... it's not good to be seen by others..." Mu Xiaoxiaozhizhi Reason, move with affection.

"No! Let go and you will run away!" Wuhe Shidao refused to give a step, "Quickly make it clear, do you like me or not? Could it be said..." Suddenly Wuhe Shidao looked at the side in a daze. Yuanyi origami, "Is her the one you like?!"

   "..." I like your sister, Mu Xiaoxiao is speechless, and two hairy boys are pulling and pulling on the street, talking about who they like, should they be so disagreeable? Didn't you see that everyone around you is coming over? Mu Xiaoxiao's face was sour that she couldn't look directly at him anymore, and she couldn't wait to turn around and leave immediately, but his clothes were tightly caught, making him helpless.

"Actually... it doesn't matter who you like," Wuhe Shidao sighed and glanced at him leisurely. "Even if I am interested in Qinli and this little girl, I don't care, as long as you don't... ...."

   "That Shidao...Stop asking questions like this, I know you are joking..."

   "I'm not kidding!" Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao was still perfunctory, Wuhe Shidao became angry and exclaimed, "I just like you!"



With a thunderbolt in the blue sky, Mu Xiaoxiao's body shook. Hearing the unexplained'Yeah' voice from the little girls around him, he said that he couldn't bear it anymore, and patted his forehead, intending to explain, "Shidao... ...Actually...Um...Um?!"

  Mu hadn't finished speaking, suddenly Wuhe Shidao rushed forward, and under his astonishment and the dumbfoundedness of a few people around him, he kissed Mu Xiaoxiao's lips all at once.

   "Um... Um..." Mu Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank suddenly, my God, unexpectedly... actually kissed me forcibly? Mu Xiaoxiao exploded in an instant, trying to break away from his strong kiss, but found that he couldn't break free from the embrace of Wuhe Shidao no matter how hard he was! This... how is this possible? ! Even though his body has become a child, but his strength has not regressed, his strength and everything are exactly the same as before, why can't even a twelve-year-old kid not escape? This unscientific!

"Um... let go... don't... hmm~" Mu Xiaoxiao was severely pressed on a chair by Wuhe Shidao, and the Wuhe Qin behind him Yuanyi Origami has been petrified in place, and the little girls in the distance were covered by their parents. At this time, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly found a weak tongue sticking in...

"Hmm..." He was really going crazy, biting his teeth, and kissing a big man was disgusting enough, and now he actually stuck his tongue in... in this way Under the extreme stimulus, he couldn't take care of a lot. Just as thunder and lightning broke out all over his body, he found that Wuhe Shidao had loosened himself, and blushed and backed away a few steps.

   "..." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and stayed there for a while, already roaring inside.

   First kiss...This is my first kiss!

   My first kiss... was actually pushed back...

  My first was actually taken away by a twelve-year-old kid...

   My first kiss was actually taken away by a twelve-year-old boy...

   Cheating! There are too many slots and I can't vomit for a while! Is this bear kid going to guard against the sky? At that moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes went dark, and she felt that the sky was falling, her first kiss was not given to Qishi without the antlers, but was snatched by a cute boy~child~zi~...Mom ! I want to go home! Mu Xiaoxiao burst into tears immediately, even if he is cute, he is still a boy!

   More importantly, I don't actually feel nauseous. Could it be that... I am not disgusted with this kiss? Are you also not disgusted with the intimacy of Wuhe Shidao? Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was a little pale, it's impossible, impossible! He is the master of the elder sister, the lo*ic*n, the queen, and all kinds of controls, but he doesn't control the man!

  I like men or something...hehe...


   Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's pale face, Wuhe Shidao couldn't bear it. Under the impulse, he planned to speak out his identity, but was interrupted by Mu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Tao..." Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and looked at him with complicated eyes. Now he must be clear, otherwise...

(PS: Originally I planned to leave the first kiss when everyone didn’t know the gender of Shidao... and I also wanted to write the details of the tongue kiss in detail, but after thinking about it, I’m afraid it will be too shocking, so let’s do it. ......

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