Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 26: Game 1 live

"Wow, it's so pretty..." Kosaka Honoka's eyes lit up when he saw the pink costume Minami Kotori took out of her bag. Beautiful clothes, I love them so much!"

   "Really? That's good."

Kosaka Honoka and Minami Kotori both looked happy, only Sonoda Kaimi who was next to him looked a little ugly, and tremblingly stretched out his finger to point to the dress, "Little bird...this... what happened?!"

   "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"Of course it's the problem of clothes!" Sonoda Haimi shouted, holding his head, "Didn't I say that the skirt of the costume should at least cover the knees? But... look at such a short skirt for me How to wear it, and it's still in front of a lot of people. "Thinking of that scene, Sonoda Kai couldn't help but shook his body, "It seems that I only have to wear a uniform to participate in the live."

   "Wait... Hai Wei," Honoka quickly grabbed her, "It's just a skirt problem, and the length is just right, why can't you wear it."

   "It's your fault no matter what, I changed the clothes like this without telling me..."

   "Because I want to be absolutely successful."


   "I have worked hard to remember the dance steps, create the lyrics, and prepare the costumes. It is great to think that the three of us work hard together and cheer together..."

   "About this, I think so too," Minami bird looked at Sonoda Umi, "I also want the three of us to make live a success!"

"Little bird..." Sonoda Kai did not look at Honoka and Little Bird, and sighed, "Okay, okay, I see, I promise you will wear this dress... ."

   "Haiwei sauce~"


   "It's really beautiful," Kosaka Honoka looked at her pink dress and said happily in the backstage of the auditorium, "I can't believe it, I also had such a beautiful day."

"Ah ha ha......"

   "Speaking of how Haiwei is still dwindling," Honoka looked at the changing room on the other side, pouting, "It's not good to let the audience wait like this. It's better for us to play as soon as possible."

   "I think it's probably nervous, because Haiwei is not good at facing many people," Nan Xiaoniao smiled.

"makes sense......"


The door was opened, and Sonoda Umi came out of the changing room with a twist. Kosaka Honoka and Minami Kotori just showed a smile, ready to praise Umi’s beauty, but suddenly froze their faces, and saw Sonoda Umi. She was wearing clothes, but she was wearing long trousers on her lap, which looked nondescript.

   "Haiwei, what's the matter with you?" Seeing her dress, Honoka and Xiaoniao became depressed.

   "I can't help it," Sonoda Hai did not close his eyes and cried out crying, "Wearing that kind of clothes and dancing in front of everyone... I really can't stand it..."

   "It's about to start right now, even if you say it is useless!" Kosaka Honoka took Sonoda Umi's hand and walked to the changing room, "Hurry up and change my clothes back!"

   "Ah...Honoka, stop..."

   After a lot of tossing, Sonoda Hai did not take off those trousers, but he stiffened and stood there and dared not move.

"Haimi, you are really shy," Honoka saw her, touched her forehead, took Nan Xiaoniao's hand and walked over, and stood side by side with Sonoda Haimi, "In fact, I really said it, I There is also some tension, but standing together in this way, I can feel that you are by my side, and the tension will be relieved."

   "Yes, so Haiwei, you don't need to worry," Nan Xiaoniao also smiled and comforted.

   For an instant, all the lights dimmed, and Kosaka Honoka stood quietly behind the curtain, holding hands.

   "I feel a little excited suddenly, our first live is about to begin."

   "Ah, that's right. After working hard for so long, I finally got to where I am today."

   "Then get ready, Haiwei, Xiaoniao, we are going to go!"

  At the same time, the curtain was slowly opened, and the figures of Honoka, Umi, and Xiaonia appeared on the auditorium.


"Rin?" After the welcome ceremony for the new students was over, Koizumi Huayang held the leaflet in her hand, thinking about going to watch the live of the Honoka group, when she was suddenly rushed out by a girl with short orange hair and took her hand. He rushed in the opposite direction, "Rin? This...this is..."

"The welcome ceremony is over. Let's go shopping in Huayang, such as the track and field club!" Xingkong Rin said with a look of excitement, "Didn't you say that you want to exercise together in Huayang? Then go to the track and field club together? Look at me~"

"Hey? Wait..." Looking at the energetic starry sky, Koizumi Huayang couldn't help groaning in her heart, "Who will...who will save me." ....."


   "Oh~~" Feeling that he had hit something, Xingkong Rin took a few steps back with his nose, fixed his eyes, and saw that it was a teenager looking at him with surprise.

   "It's not good to be so reckless," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "It's not good if you fall."

   "You are... Teacher Mu," Seeing the boy Xingkong Rin couldn't help blushing, he bent down and bowed, "I'm very sorry..."

   "Well, I have nothing to do." Seeing Koizumi Huayang behind Xingkong Rin, he beckoned in surprise, "Isn't this Huayang classmate? What a coincidence."


   "Hey? Do Huayang and Teacher Mu know each other?" Xingkong Rin said in surprise, "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xingkong Rin, and I am Huayang's childhood sweetheart."

"Well, I've seen it, huh? Are you going to watch the live of Hui Naikao and the others?" Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile when he accidentally saw the leaflet held by Koizumi Huayang in his hand. Although those girls are just newcomers, they are unexpectedly obsessed with idols, so you can also watch the live, but it's a pity that I can't go to some things for the time being."

"Really?" Xingkong Rin noticed the leaflet in Koizumi Huayang's hand. "So, Huayang, you want to watch the live of the seniors? Tell me earlier, forget it, after the track and field club. There is still a chance to go, now I will accompany you to watch the senior sister's live!"


   "Well, come on, I have something else, I guess it's almost done now, I'll see you first, goodbye--" After speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao waved to them and left this place.


   Student Union Room, Ayase Eri looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

   "Do you care?" Tojo Nozomi said with a"

   "No matter what, I have to go back first," said Nozomi Tojo, stepping onto the backpack and leaving the student union room with a smile.



   "Then, it's time to start--!"

   "I'm still a little nervous..." Sonoda Umi trembled.

   "Don't worry, we are here," Kosaka Honoka held Sonoda Umi's hand tightly, "Ah, by the way, let's report the count so that we won't be nervous!"

   "Really? Then let's report the count!"

   "Okay, then..."

   "1!" Kosaka Honoka.

   "2!" Nan Xiaoniao.

   "3!" Sonoda Umi.



   "μ’s first live, let it be the best live!"

The curtain was slowly opened, and the three people took a deep breath and calmed down their excitement. They opened their closed eyes and looked up with a smile, but they suddenly froze on her face, not just her. , Sonoda Umi and Minami Kotori were also stunned.


   The entire auditorium was silent, even a little frighteningly quiet. What caught Honoka's eyes was a large empty seat.

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