After Jiang Hao gave Tong Yi a scarf, Tong Yi gave her a silk scarf in return, which Tong Yi paid for her after Jiang Hao picked it out herself.

When Tong Yi paid for her, he emptied the shopping cart for her. Jiang Hao couldn't help complaining when she saw that her shopping cart was empty, saying that many items in it were repeated because when she was shopping I like to shop around to find the one that suits me best, and now my eldest nephew even served it in one pot.

Tong Yi smiled and said, "Ordinary people need to make choices. Our family, Jiang Xiaobi, is a little fairy, so naturally, she can buy whatever she wants."

Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing, "My second aunt likes to call herself a little fairy the most. If you talk to her, she will be very happy."

Tong Yi shook his head and laughed, "If I dare to call her a little fairy, your twin cousins ​​will definitely chase after me. I don't want to cause trouble."

Regarding the topic of the little fairy, Jiang Hao did not continue to chat with Tong Yi, but in the next few days, she, the little fairy, would have to keep receiving express delivery, which made her seem particularly down-to-earth.

Wen Wan especially likes to unpack the courier, and also said that when unpacking the courier, you can reduce the pressure. After Jiang Hao's courier arrives, she will help to open it together every time.

When she saw that Jiang Li had bought several brands of lipsticks at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder, "Are you going to be a lipstick purchasing agent?"

Jiang Hao said helplessly: "I just added them to the shopping cart and didn't decide which one to buy. This is all a good thing Tong Yi did. He emptied the shopping cart for me directly."

Wen Wan smiled narrowly: "You actually show Tong Yi your shopping cart?"

Jiang Hao said helplessly: "He said before that he would give me a scarf, so I chose a silk scarf. He asked me to put it in the shopping cart, saying that he would pay for me, and then he bought all these things back."

Wen Wan said enviously, "He is really caring. It would be great if someone was so caring to me."

Jiang Li raised her eyebrows: "Isn't Lin Zhao caring enough?"

Wen Wan thought for a while and replied, "I think Lin Zhao will definitely be his father's boyfriend in the future. He can't be called caring, it can only be said that he worries too much."

The relationship with Jiang Hao is getting better and better, and Wen Wan's character has also been significantly affected. Although she still speaks in a small voice, she doesn't like to blush as much as before.

Occasionally, when she talked about Lin Zhao, she could keep her face and heart from beating.

Jiang Hao rolled up his workbook into a cylinder and handed it to Wen Wan, "Then I'll interview Wen Wan's little friend now, do you like Dad's boyfriend?"

Wen Wan smiled and pushed the book away, "Whether you like it or not, you'll know after you fall in love. I'm still single, and I'm not qualified to answer this question for the time being."

Zhang Rongrong looked at the two of them fighting, with envious eyes. After living in the same dormitory for so long, she found that the two of them seemed to be carefree all the time.

Before Jiang Hao suddenly rushed home, she thought something happened to Jiang Hao's family, such as the family went bankrupt or something.

Later, when Jiang Hao returned to school, she heard the conversation between Jiang Hao and Wen Wan, and then she realized that Jiang Hao hurried home at that time, just because her grandfather had a conflict with her little uncle, so she rushed back to comfort her little one. uncle's.

From Zhang Rongrong's point of view, only those who are particularly carefree will feel that they need comfort even if a little thing happens, while those who are troubled too much will only feel that it is trivial.

But the reality is that many people like this kind of carefree person, such as Mr. Tong who donated money to the school before.

After failing to pursue Jiang Hao, he should feel quite hurt, so he blocked and deleted his contact information.

Not only Mr. Tong, but also Mr. Tong's cousin, Tong Yi, who was also full of eyes, only Gracie, not only went to the medical school when everything was okay, but now he started to give Gracie precious gifts.

Empty the shopping cart may sound like a few simple words, but Zhang Rongrong knew that the things in Gracilia's shopping cart were not cheap.

If she used to be very jealous of Jiang Li, now she is only envious. It is because the gap is too big that her jealousy will be particularly ridiculous.

Not only Jiang Hao made her realize the unevenness of the world, but even Wen Wan always made her feel powerless.

This confused and naive girl also has a much superior family background, and a childhood sweetheart who holds her in the palm of her hand, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a winner in life.

Forget it, forget it.

Instead of thinking about these things that can't be changed, it's better to read a few more pages and try to get a few more points in the final exam.

The days passed by, and it was almost Gracilia's birthday.

The day before her birthday, she received a lot of gifts, some from current classmates and some from former classmates. Naturally, it was impossible for the family to forget her birthday, so they sent her gifts one after another, even for research The brothers and sisters in the institute didn't even forget her birthday.

Wen Wan looked at the mountain of gift boxes in front of Jiang Li's table, and couldn't help but sigh, "Jiang Li, I found out that you are really a group pet, so many people give you gifts."

Jiang Hao smiled and said, "I will also give you a gift when you are on your seventeenth birthday."

Wen Wan said glumly, "I celebrate my birthday on the first day of the new year. At that time, everyone will be reunited with their families, so every year, only my family will accompany me on my birthday."

"Isn't Lin Zhao with you on your birthday?" Jiang Li asked.

Wen Wan immediately smiled again, "Of course he wants to celebrate my birthday with me. We live in the same community and in the same unit building. If he dares not to celebrate my birthday, I will definitely ignore him for three days."

Jiang Li joked: "Three days is too little, you should ignore him for three years."

Wen Wan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it for three years. I was almost twenty at that time. If I really ignored him for so long, he would definitely fall in love with someone else."

Gracilaria:  …

Forget it, child Wen Wan only wants to fall in love with puppyhood, principles or something, that doesn't exist at all.

Jiang Hao received many birthday gifts, but her little uncle did not give her any, nor did her eldest nephew.

The eldest nephew will definitely not forget his birthday. Even if he does, Wen Wan will definitely remind him, so he probably wants to wait until his birthday.

As for my uncle... Could it be because I've been too busy doing experiments recently?

If he really forgets his birthday, he can make a phone call after his birthday is over, and his uncle will definitely give him a gift.

After the class ended that day, Jiang Hao planned to go to the cafeteria to eat as usual, but Wen Wan stopped her, "Jiang Hao, why don't we go out to eat, after all, it's your birthday!"

Jiang Hao wondered, "But I don't have my birthday until tomorrow."

Because I received a lot of birthday gifts, Jiang Li planned to invite everyone to a meal, and the time was set for tomorrow night.

Wen Wan immediately said, "Although it's tomorrow, strictly speaking, it's only a few hours later. Let's go out to eat!"

Jiang Hao smiled and said: "I think you are just greedy, but I can still satisfy you. Since you said to go out to eat, let's go out to eat."

Wen Wan breathed a sigh of relief, "I knew Jiang Li was the best."

The two walked out of the school together. Jiang Hao thought that Wen Wan would take her to a snack street or a newly opened restaurant for dinner as usual, but Wen Wan waved a taxi.

Jiang Hao asked curiously, "Where are you going to take me?"

Wen Wan rolled her eyes twice and whispered, "I won't sell you anyway, so don't worry."

Jiang Hao smiled and said, "Well, I would like to see what tricks you want to play."

She could already see that the child Wen Wan was obviously selling a pass, and most of the pass she was selling was related to her birthday.

Could it be that the Wen Wan child has prepared additional gifts for himself?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao stopped asking questions. Anyway, after reaching the destination, the truth will be revealed.

What Jiang Hao didn't expect was that Wen Wan would actually take her to the playground, and the casino seemed to be newly opened, and the equipment inside looked brand new, it didn't look like someone had played it before.

After walking inside for a while, Jiang Hao felt that the layout inside was very familiar, and the more he went inside, the stronger the familiar feeling.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hao understood why he felt that this playground was very familiar.

Some time ago, Wen Wan was chasing an idol drama. At that time, there was a playground in the play. Wen Wan held the tablet and cried, saying that was the childhood she longed for.

Of course Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing and commented: "The playground I fantasized about when I was a child is not like this."

Wen Wan immediately put down the tablet and asked what her favorite playground was like. Jiang Hao took out the scratch paper and drew it for her.

The playground that Jiang Hao described was just an ordinary playground, and some of the facilities even sounded old-fashioned. It was only because she was frail and sick when she was a child that she never had the opportunity to play, so she yearned for it.

But now, the playground that he had fantasized about when he was a child actually appeared in front of his eyes.

Jiang Hao followed Wen Wan slowly, and when she saw a particularly large windmill in the center of the playground, she finally determined that this was the playground she wanted.

Wen Wan pointed to the water swing bridge on the side, "This is the kind of water swing bridge you described earlier, do we want to play together?"

Gracilaria:  …

Not only the water swing bridge, but all the projects here are described by myself.

Shouldn't Wen Wan feel that his memory is bad?

Jiang Li turned her head to look at her, "If we fell into the pool together, it would be very exciting, right?"

Wen Wan: ...

It sounds a bit exciting, but in winter, it seems to be a little too exciting.

When she was in the playground, Jiang Hao became very playful, she couldn't help teasing Wen Wan, "Do you think this playground is strange? The door is obviously open, but only the two of us came in to play, and Don't you think it's strange that the staff at this amusement park don't sell us projects? If a perverted murderer suddenly appears..."

"You... don't scare me, I'm not afraid." Wen Wan grabbed Jiang Hao's arm tightly, not seeming to be afraid at all.

This amusement park looks so strange, of course, not because there are perverted murderers, but because the owner of the amusement park has no intention of opening the door to do business at all.

After trying to understand this day, Wen Wan suddenly felt confident. She looked at Jiang Hao, "I'm not afraid at all, but the water swing bridge is quite dangerous, why don't we go ride the Ferris wheel?"

Jiang Hao shook his head, "No, I think the haunted house is more interesting."

Wen Wan immediately shook his head, "No, the haunted house has no meaning at all... Huh? How did you know there was a haunted house here?"

Jiang Hao looked at her with a half-smile, "Do you think my memory is bad?"

Wen Wan: ...

She thought that Jiang Hao would find the loophole, but she didn't expect that Jiang Hao would find the loophole so quickly. The key point is that she still wants to take herself to the haunted house...

Tong Yi really killed himself.

Wen Wan showed a pleasing smile, "Actually, it was Tong Yi who wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell you in advance."

Jiang Li pretended to sigh, "It turns out that Tong Yi is your best friend."

Wen Wan immediately waved, "Of course not, I just want to surprise you, don't get angry, okay?"

She reached out and grabbed Jiang Hao's sleeve, pitifully acting like a spoiled child.

Jiang Hao couldn't pretend anymore, she smiled and said, "I'll let you go this time, but if you dare to conspire with Tong Yi next time, then I'll tell Lin Zhao that you are happy..."

"Can't tell." Wen Wan interrupted her, and wanted to stand on tiptoe to cover her mouth, "I can't tell Lin Zhao, I'm still waiting for him to come after me in the future."

Jiang Hao raised her eyebrows: "Don't you like him, why did you wait for him to chase you?"

Wen Wan explained solemnly: "Of course he has to wait for him to chase me. A clever hunter like me must disguise himself as an innocent prey, so that Lin Zhao will feel a sense of accomplishment."

Gracilaria:  …

What and what?

Wen Wan must have read some messy guides from nowhere in the past two days, which is why she is so abnormal. Just like she wore a bikini to go to the hot spring before, it was because she read unreliable guides.

Since she came to the playground, Jiang Hao naturally planned to play. She looked at Wen Wan, "Go, accompany me to ride the merry-go-round."

Wen Wan nodded immediately, "Okay, I liked to sit when I was young, but when I grew up, I was embarrassed to sit because I was worried that others would say I was naive."

Jiang Hao smiled and said: "Do whatever you want. This is not childish. A truly childish person will pay special attention to other people's thoughts and suppress their real needs."

Wen Wan's eyes lit up, "I think what you said makes sense."

After riding the merry-go-round, Wen Wan couldn't help but look back at Jiang Hao, she felt that Jiang Hao smiled very happily, like a child.

After playing the merry-go-round, the two went to play on the Ferris wheel, hooped to receive prizes, and took the children's train.

When passing by the House of Horrors, Jiang Hao couldn't help tricking Wen Wan into it. When Wen Wan was so frightened that she screamed, she dragged Wen Wan out and ran out, and then smiled.

After leaving the House of Horrors, Wen Wan gradually came back to her senses. She stomped her feet and complained, "Jiang Li, you are a childish ghost."

Jiang Hao smiled and asked, "But don't you think it's funny?"

Wen Wan was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "It seems to be really fun and exciting!"

And I don't know if it's an illusion. She was frightened by the scenes in the haunted house just now, and now she doesn't seem to be particularly afraid of ghosts.

In the monitoring room, Tong Yi looked at the monitoring screen on the screen, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously. He had never seen Jiang Xiaoli be so childish before.

When Wen Wan was screaming in the haunted house just now, Lin Zhao originally wanted to comfort her, but Tong Yi stopped her. Now that Wen Wan was back to normal, Lin Zhao was slightly relieved.

Looking at the two people laughing happily in the surveillance screen, Lin Zhao wondered, "I don't know what the two of them said, but they laughed so happily. If only I could hear the sound."

Tong Yi turned his head to look at him, "Why do you want to listen to the voice? That is the privacy between their girls, they should not want us to know."

Lin Zhao raised his eyebrows: "You don't want to know what Jiang Li said?"

"Yes, but if she doesn't want to tell me, I won't deliberately dig it." Tong Yi replied.

He has always known that Jiang Xiaoli is a very assertive person. She doesn't like others to snoop on her privacy. Since he likes her, he must respect everything about her.

The purpose of finding someone to build this playground is just to supply Jiang Xiaoli with a happy childhood.

His family, Jiang Xiaoli, is so perfect, she must have the childhood that other children have.

Although this childhood came a little late, it was made up in the end.

Since then, this playground has also had a name, it is called: Jiang Xiaoli's playground.

Lin Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then said somewhat unnaturally: "Wan Wan and I grew up together, there are no secrets between us, she will tell me everything, and I will tell her everything, our situation is different from yours. Same."

He didn't want to inquire about Wan Wan's privacy, but Wan Wan had no privacy at all in front of him.

Tong Yi "tsk", "Are you sure you can tell her everything?"

Lin Zhao nodded, "Yes, she knows how much money I have for the New Year, and she never hides her affairs from me. You probably can't understand our way of getting along."

Tong Yi looked at him with a faint smile and asked, "After you have an indescribable dream, will you tell her the scenes in the dream?"

Lin Zhao: ...

I am a very normal boy, and I naturally had some indescribable dreams when I was a teenager, but I didn't see the face of the person in the dream clearly, and I almost forgot it after waking up.

Although this kind of thing is normal, how could he tell Wan Wan about it?

He's not a pervert!

Seeing Tong Yi looking like a ruffian, Lin Zhao couldn't help frowning: "Could it be that you would tell Jiang Hao this?"

Tong Yi showed a fascinated smile, and replied very ill-fated: "Of course not, Jiang Xiaobei and I have secrets, we are different from you and Wen Wan."

Lin Zhao: ...

Right now, he really wanted to fight Tong Yi.

However, Tong Yi is a little taller than himself, and a little bit stronger than himself.

If you really do it, you probably won't be able to beat him.

So forget it!

After a long silence, Lin Zhao suddenly said, "I think Jiang Hao is probably discussing with Wan Wan what kind of boy she likes."

Tong Yi turned his head to look at him, always feeling that this person would not have anything good to say next.

Sure enough, Lin Zhao said slowly: "What kind of boy would a student like Jiang Hao like? It should be a big guy like her little uncle. This kind of boy who is devoted to academic research must have a relationship with Jiang Hao. There is a lot of common language, and they must be very relaxed when they get along."

Tong Yi:  …

This Lin Zhao, seems to be a little bit of a fight?

Forget it, today is Jiang Xiaobei's birthday, so it's not suitable for fighting.

So just be patient!

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