Those who were squatting heard, "What? Miss Qingcheng is not here? Oops! It's still late!"

"What a pity!"

"No! I have to find a carriage quickly, maybe I can have a chance encounter with Miss Qingcheng~"

"Haha! My son's house has a monster car, you wait~ I'm leaving first~"

One has two, Anyang Road soon began to "ebb tide".

In this wave of people, there was a man in red, standing in a corner with two men in black.

Isn't this Long Feiye?

Long Feiye stared at the gate of Prince Chen's mansion with a slightly unhappy tone: "Who is this Prince Chen? I can't find much information about him? He even robbed this young master's woman! Humph~"

Ah Da who was at the back couldn't help but said: "Master... that King Chen's information seems to be deliberately prevented from going down, so it can be seen that this King Chen of Weiyang Kingdom is not what he sees on the surface, besides... young master, Qingcheng It seems that Miss... doesn't know you yet..." Since I don't know you, where did it come from you? It's not yours, so why does King Chen say "snatch"?

Long Feiye said in a cool tone, "Da~ You have a deep opinion on this young master? Huh?" He turned to look at him.

Ah Da's scalp is numb, and every time he hears his young master talk like this, he knows it's not good...

"No... no."

Ah Er quickly changed the subject, "Master, since Miss Qingcheng is not in the mansion, are you going to go back and wait? Or?"

Long Feiye's eyes moved slightly, and the corner of his mouth tickled lightly, "My young master thinks that the weather today seems good, suitable for worshiping the gods. Let's go! Let's go to the temple to pray for blessings." He turned around and left quickly.

Ah Da Ah Er looked at the sky, and then the two looked at each other. Ah Da asked, "Is the weather okay?"

Ah Er shook his head: "Dark clouds cover the top..."

Ah Da was helpless: "Forget it, the young master is going to find Miss Qingcheng, we can only follow, let's go~"

The two quickly followed.

At the gate of the city, the guard guarding the city asked the brother next to him: "Have you noticed that there are a lot more people out of the city today? Are they still driving horse-drawn monsters?"

The other party nodded and said, "That's right."

"It's weird..."


Weicheng slave market

The so-called slaves are people who are basically stamped with the slave mark once they are traded, unless the customer himself requests not to be stamped.

They live at the bottom, worse than the beggars on the street, they will never be free. Some of them were sold here at birth, some of them fell into the hands of others, and were sold into the slave market. .

When Qingcheng and his party arrived here, it naturally attracted the attention of many people. After getting out of the car, Qingcheng had put on a veil, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes, and wearing a delicate forehead on his forehead, which was a mysterious beauty.

Walking with Yun Haochen in front, followed by the dark night and shadow with cold faces, the four of them were very eye-catching.

When I came to the Slave Market Exchange Square, I didn't buy slaves immediately, but looked around first.

Qingcheng asked the shadow: "You said that the prince of Luoxia Kingdom is still inside? Do you know what area it is in?"

Shadow stepped forward and replied: "Back to the princess, the person following it reported that it was in the third district."

Yun Haochen smiled and said, "Cheng'er came here specifically to buy them?" This little woman's thoughts always surprise others.

Qingcheng Gou smiled: "Haha~ of course it's more than that, but it's also for them." She has her own ideas, but she also needs to see if those people are worth her energy to cultivate.

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