After the happy time on the weekend ended, Murong Qiao soon returned to the campus to start classes.

However, the difference from before is that the relationship between Murong Qiao and Huo Yichen has become better.

In Yang Xin's words, the two have been close to each other recently, and the only thing they need to do is to announce that they are together.

"I'll go down first." Murong Qiao took the textbooks and said to the roommates, and the footsteps of going out were full of indescribable briskness and joy.

Yang Xin watched Murong Qiao push open the door and leave in a hurry, and sighed twice.

"Beauty is different now." Seeing Murong Qiao's current appearance, Yang Xin had a feeling that it was so.

Leng Yan also nodded in agreement. In the past two days, they felt that the smile on Murong Qiao's face had become more.

It had to be Huo Xiaocao.

Murong Qiao went downstairs quickly, a tall and straight figure like a pine and cypress stood there, just standing still attracted a lot of attention.

"Let's go." Seeing Huo Yichen waiting for her, she walked to him and said softly.

Huo Yichen nodded, took Murong Qiao's schoolbag and straddled his shoulders, and walked towards the teaching building side by side.

Not surprisingly, everyone saw Huo Xiaocao sitting with that Murong Qiao today.

"When did you say they were together..." Many students thought that the two were already in love, otherwise why would they stick together every day?

Compared to everyone's surprise before, in the past two days, everyone has almost gotten used to the conspicuous existence of these two people, even the teacher who taught them knew Huo Yichen.

Huo Yichen, who accompanied her to class, didn't bother her either. Seeing Murong Qiao listening seriously, he sat quietly, looking at the notes in Murong Qiao's hands for a long time, as if those boring knowledge were very interesting.

A class ended soon, and when the bell rang, everyone got up and talked about what to eat at noon.

"There is a delicious restaurant outside the school, do you want to go together?" Huo Yichen asked her, watching Murong Qiao slowly pack his things.

Unlike the students around who were in a hurry to cook, Murong Qiao would only start to pack his things every time the bell rang for the end of class, and then stood up and patiently waited for the crowd to thin out before walking.

Murong Qiao didn't have a choice about lunch, so when he saw Huo Yichen had a recommendation, he nodded and agreed.

The leisure of the two of them was incompatible with the surroundings, as if forming a separate space, with a faint sweetness, lingering in Murong Qiao's heart.

"It's rare that I don't have class this afternoon. My mind is filled with the teacher's voice now." Murong Qiao sighed. The class has been so full in the past few days that she has turned over several pages of notes.

While talking, the two stepped on the tails of the crowd, walked out of the gate of the teaching building slowly, and walked towards the door.

The noon sun was scorching hot, with a kind of charm that people couldn't look at directly, and it felt hot just by shining on the face.

Murong Qiao wanted to cover the sun with his hands to make his eyes feel better, but before he could move, he felt a shadow enveloping him.

She subconsciously looked at Huo Yichen beside her, who took advantage of her height to directly block the sunlight, just enough not to make Murong Qiao feel glare and uncomfortable.

The coolness tinged with numbness made Murong Qiao's heart beat faster uncontrollably.

Perhaps Murong Qiao's gaze was too strong, and he was noticed after staring at someone for a while.

"Huh?" Huo Yichen made a questioning voice, and turned to look at her sideways.

Facing Huo Yichen's gaze, Murong Qiao didn't panic at all when he was caught, and his face was calm and composed.

"I'm hungry." She rubbed her belly deliberately.

Huo Yichen, who was distracted, didn't think too much, and quickened his pace slightly, but he arrived at the store in two minutes.

It's a Japanese grocery store, and Huo Yichen takes the order.

"I came here once, and after tasting it, I think it should match your taste." Huo Yichen gently pushed the roast beef that was just served in front of Murong Qiao.

Saying that he has been here, Huo Yichen actually made a guide about Huida's surroundings, and this store is just one of them.

The grilled beef is just cooked through, with a little juicy juice, exuding an appetizing aroma, it looks delicious just by looking at it.

If he just said he was hungry to change the subject, then Murong Qiao, who saw this roast beef, felt his stomach was really growling.

She put a piece into her mouth, and the moment she chewed the tough beef, she felt the aroma burst between her lips and teeth, filling her entire mouth. The meat was so delicious that it seemed to melt in her mouth, making her want to eat again before swallowing it. next piece.

"Delicious!" Murong Qiao's eyes sparkled, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Huo Yichen also chuckled when he saw her so happy, and seeing Murong Qiao so happy, he also became happy with his mood.

"Eating it wrapped in egg liquid has a special taste." Knowing that Murong Qiao meant that he liked it, Huo Yichen recommended some more while the iron was hot. "You can also try Arctic shellfish."

His recommendation was neither too fast nor too slow, and just after Murong Qiao had finished eating this bite, he just handed over the next delicious meal.

The two eat one and feed the other, and the scene is harmonious and beautiful.

The absence of class in the afternoon became the time for the two of them to play. After walking around with Huo Yichen, Murong Qiao realized that there are so many interesting and delicious things around Huida.

"Huh—" Murong Qiao let out a breath, relaxed his body and let himself sink into the soft bed.

Murong Qiao felt guilty after eating and drinking all day.

Thinking of how many delicacies and snacks he had eaten today, and being stuffed with a cup of milk tea by Huo Yichen, Murong Qiao felt that he had no hope of losing weight.

"If you don't write it, it's zero card." She forced herself to comfort herself, trying to eliminate the guilt in her heart.

Murong Qiao stroked her sensual belly, loving and hating Huo Yichen for a moment.

The phone suddenly vibrated twice, Murong Qiao picked it up and looked, it was the editor's message.

It was about another book of hers, "The Universe of Martial Arts", which was officially signed and released. Now the results are very good, and it has already become the number one on the ranking list.

After Murong Qiao replied that he knew, he went to look at the score of the book.

——Moon God simply doesn't give people a way to live. I was thinking of starting a new book while Wuwei was finished, but Wulin Qiankun dominated the rankings again! ! !

——No matter in terms of subscription results or ranking data, the second place is far behind Wulin Qiankun.

——Actually, as a reader, I like Luna's book very much, but as an author, I just feel sad now.

——It can only be said that if anyone encounters Luna at the time of publication, he will be unlucky for three lifetimes.

After looking at the phone for a while, tiredness slowly came over him. Just as Murong Qiao was going to sleep, a call came in.

"Fifth brother?" She was a little surprised when she connected, she didn't expect Xian Yu to call herself at this time.

"The hero of Wulin Qiankun is so strong, you won't really want to stab me in the later stage!" Xian Yu mentioned Murong Qiao's new book as soon as he came up, his voice sounded a little desperate.

Xian Yu had just finished working on the film crew at this time, and hurriedly went to watch today's update of Wulin Qiankun, but when he saw the male protagonist surrounded by betrayal, he couldn't sit still.

"And the girl next to the hero should be the heroine, right? She has always been by the hero's side and took care of me so heartily. If she is not, I will really thank you..." Xian Yu felt anxious. Some cats were scratching with their paws, and when Murong Qiao connected to his phone, he couldn't hold back anything, and all of them asked questions in one go.

Murong Qiao listened to Xian Yu's question dumbfounded, and waited for him to finish speaking before answering.

"Which question should I answer first?" She asked helplessly, with a sleepy tone in her tone.

It was only then that Xian Yu realized that he had said a lot at once, and after hearing the sleepiness in Murong Qiao's voice, he realized that it was a bit late for him to call at this time.

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