I brought you out, not to give away heads.

In the event of an emergency.

Remember, don't mess up, don't panic, all actions follow orders! "

After Lin Fan finished speaking, a neat "received" sound came from the headset.

There are men and women.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the white-painted warrior car in front of him.

In the car, in addition to a few special forces, General Jonah and the staff who were to be sent back by the way were also among them.

As for the off-road vehicle that General Jonah brought, he is now following Lin Fan's car.

In the four Prado SUVs, there are only General Jonah's guards.

This is to protect General Jonah.

If the other party is coming for the peacekeepers of the Z country, he will definitely hit the heavy-fired chariot first, and if it is directed at General Jonah, then the first shot will be the off-road vehicles he brought.

In any case, it is safer to stay in two country Z SUVs than to stay in his own SUV.

Of course, he had invited Lin Fan to stay with him in a car, but Lin Fan refused, he didn't want to mess with this old black man.

Really talking too much, what should he do when he goes back and let his son go to Z country.

Lin Fan didn't want this.


Right now, the sun outside is already very strong, so there is an air conditioner in the car. Otherwise, at this time, if you drive the car outside, you may not encounter the enemy, and you and others will faint first.

After all, not to mention General Jonah and his guards, Lin Fan and other peacekeepers from Country Z, but they are all wearing about 40 kilograms of equipment.

The protective plate added to the last set of heavy body armor alone is five kilograms.

Two pieces before and after, ten kilograms.

The whole body is so heavy, and then sitting in the car, the temperature outside is now approaching forty degrees in the morning alone.

At this time, to be honest, it is a very fatal thing to really leave the car and go to fight outside the car.

It really has to be a stalemate for a long time, I am afraid that everyone will be caught and held back.

But, it won't work if you don't. In this chaotic battlefield, Lin Fan himself didn't dare to be careless.

After all, this isn't hunting criminals at hunter school.

This is the battlefield, there are heavy weapons and even shells flying around.

Although Lin Fan's ability is great, the cannonballs can kill in an area. Even if he avoids the middle, if the shrapnel hits, if there is no protection, he can still seriously injure people.

A row of cars, not very fast, were driving on the barren grass.

During the day, the vision is better, and I walked all the way. After half an hour, when I approached two low mountains, the situation on the road made everyone feel creepy.

Bullet casings were everywhere on the ground, gun craters, and patches of blackened mud and stone could be seen.

This is a battlefield.

"Ten days ago, the Z government army and the rebel army fought here for a few days." From the walkie-talkie in his hand, the voice of General Jonah in the car in front of him came!

"Batch commander, do you want to go around?" At about the same time, the driver of the minesweeper in front of the headset also heard a voice.

"Rao, make a circle of ninety degrees, since this place is a war zone, you must be careful about the minefields on both sides of the mountain and below the mountain.

Let's make a bigger circle! "

Lin Fan didn't feel any crisis yet, but he didn't want to go through this kind of mountain road between two mountains.

Although the car in front is an armored minesweeper, it allows everyone to pass safely even if there are mines on the road.

But it will cause some damage to the car, so there is no need to rush in, and it is not impossible to bypass it.


The armored minesweeper, which was leading the way, made a 90-degree turn and drove out to one side.

The car behind, the group followed its crawler to open.

During the process, General Jonah in front did not express any opinion.

He was the escort, not the commander. Unless Lin Fan took the initiative to ask him for his opinion, ordinarily, as long as he didn't feel inappropriate, he would not speak.

At the same time, just as Lin Fan started to circle, in the sky ahead, a small white dot that was almost impossible for ordinary people to detect with the naked eye flew.

At an altitude of about 500 meters in the sky, a small drone was flying in the sky.

This is not for military use, or for general civilian use. It only needs to be painted with white paint to make it small in size. After flying such a high distance, people on the ground are basically invisible to the naked eye.

What's more, no one will look up to the sky now.

·0 for flowers

The sun here, you look up at the sky, wearing goggles can make your eyes dizzy...

"Come on, I'm so timid, I'm still walking around Mount Heimen.

We are not idiots, who has nothing to go to that ghost place to ambush! "

Cary was controlling the drone, and a black man next to him glanced at it and said with a smile.

Kari glanced at him and said lightly: "It's the regular army after all, but looking at these cars, there are not many people, but the other party's firepower is not weak, this car, just looking at it is greedy!"

"What's the use? It's useless after a few shots, it's just a target!" Not far away, a man sitting on the ground with a crooked hat made a disdainful voice.

They are now in military uniform.

Yes, all three of them, including the thousands of people hiding in this nearby jungle, most of them too.

Reactionary uniform.


They came to a total of five gang leaders, each with about 200 people, waiting here silently at this time.

About three kilometers diagonally in front of them is the lifeline of S country, the river that feeds most of S country.

And there, a bridge is the only way to cross the river to the theater command.

Now this bridge has been occupied by the Z government army.

They will attack the bridge later, of course, when Jonah reaches the end of the bridge.

The reactionary army fought with the Z government army, and by the way killed the commander of the peacekeeping western theater, and also killed the Z country peacekeepers as a world power and the peacekeeping police of other countries.

This is something that can pierce the sky.

Once the trouble gets bigger, the Z government army and the reactionary army will be condemned and pressured by the international community, and even held accountable.

Of course, the reactionary army may not acknowledge this incident at that time, but that is not important.

It's okay for people to die here, whether he admits it or not, it doesn't hurt.

Anyway, doing this will put pressure on the reactionary army of the Z government army, and even cease fire for a short time.

That's what these people want now.

S country is more chaotic, and the war situation continues to drag on. As long as there is no unity, the longer the truce between the Z government army and the reactionary army, the happier they will be.

Because as long as the reactionary army is still there, the Z government army has no strength or time to deal with them.

The same is true of the reactionary army. Before the reactionary succeeds, they will only keep drawing them in.

If the S country is not unified, they can continue to be chic.

Those who are ambitious and who consider themselves extraordinary can continue to have time to grow their strength.

There is power, whether it is to dominate one side, or to fight for Z power, it is an opportunity.

So, for their good life, Jonah must die today... BU.

Chapter 581 The crisis is coming, ambushed! (Please order, please support!

Inside the warrior's car, Lin Fan suddenly frowned slightly.

In a trance, he seemed to see a row of black shadows cutting through the sky...

Alarmed in his heart, Lin Fan abruptly ordered, "Xiaoqiang, stop!"

His body slammed forward, but Lin Fan raised his hand to stabilize his body.

This was because not only did the front minesweeper stop through the headset, but beside Lin Fan, the special forces driving the off-road vehicle also stepped on the brakes on a conditioned reflex!

"Batch commander, what's the matter?" On the side, the soldier was from the fifth battalion. At this moment, he turned his head to look over and spoke directly.

"I asked about the situation!" said casually.

Afterwards, Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie, and without waiting for General Jonah in front to ask why he stopped, Lin Fan said first, "General, there, did anything happen last night?"

"What? Lieutenant Colonel Lin has anything to discover?"

Although General Jonah asked this question, he still answered.

"As far as I know, nothing has changed, I was there yesterday.

There are thousands of Z government troops stationed there, as well as main battle tanks and solid fortifications, there will be no problem. "

"Is that so!" Lin Fan continued to frown at the battle map in his hand.

Right now, the picture in his hand showed that there was a river ahead to cross the bridge, and Lin Fan knew it.

Moreover, Lin Fan, the Z family army stationed here, also knew that.

But it's not a big deal.

Z's army is guarding, but the peacekeepers have to pass, so it's not a problem.

Even if it was a reactionary army and peacekeepers passed through, they would not dare to stop it.

However, Lin Fan thought about the warning just now, and he believed that the crisis was definitely caused by the front.

"Go ahead! But adjust the formation, the infantry fighting vehicles are on the left and the right, and the ambulance armored vehicles come behind the minesweepers.

Baozi, you drive and I stay until the end. "

After ordering his soldiers, Lin Fan took the walkie-talkie and said to General Jonah, "General, let your men drive to the middle!"

Lin Fan was going to surround the four off-road vehicles brought by General Jonah with his own car. In this situation, one could immediately feel that the general must be in the off-road vehicle in the middle.

The formation is changing quickly.

While the car was moving, General Jonah smiled and used the walkie-talkie to hear a voice: "Lieutenant Colonel Lin, you are too nervous, this is already the territory of the Z government army, and although their equipment is not very good, it is relative.

Compared with the reactionary army, their weapons and equipment are much better. There are artillery and a dozen tanks here.

The reactionary army, if the movement is big, will be discovered, if the movement is too small, they will not be able to fight, and they will not come here to ask for hardship! "

"No, I'm not worried about the reactionary army, I'm afraid it's the group of people who encouraged the refugees to riot yesterday!"

"Huh? How is it possible, they are dying!" General Jonah said in surprise.

"Those people, as you said, are only the local forces in Gamma Town, they can't have the courage to deal with us.

You must know that although we do not intervene in the war, if the local criminal forces dare to offend us, the United Nations will directly eradicate them! "

Apparently, General Jonah didn't believe they had the guts.

But Lin Fanxin.

These guys dared to run to the front of the camp so arrogantly on their first day to negotiate a deal, they are not cowardly.

In fact, criminals are not timid.

Cowardly, they dare not commit crimes, nor do they dare to occupy territory in such a war-torn country where human life is like a mustard.

"Be careful, it's alright, General, and if things don't go right, don't get out of the car!"

After speaking, Lin Fan stopped chatting with him.

This is not the time to chat. Facts speak louder than words. The system has issued a task, so it is impossible that there is no situation. In addition, he has also sensed a crisis.

"Dragonfly, fly the drone, half a catty two kilometers, cruise!"

"Received!" A female voice came from the headset. This is Captain Tang's subordinate, who is proficient in drone control and electronic information warfare.

Of course, electronic information warfare technology is basically useless in such places.

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